"Clang, Clang, Clang..."

The sword qi fell on the huge body, as if it was slashed on a material that is many times harder than steel, and it made a sound of Jin Ge clashing, which made people stunned.

"how is this possible?!"

Staring at Kaido in a stunned manner, Jonathan's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but feel a chill, and he couldn't believe it.


As if his body was being tickled, Kaido's tyrannical eyes looked over and stared at Jonathan, with a hint of play in his eyes.


Kaido threw the shattered warship in his hand into the air, projecting it like a cannonball, smashing a large building, and instantly crushed an unknown number of navies.


In the next second, Kaido's huge body smashed the ground and rushed out. In an instant, it surpassed the speed of sound, and the terrifying hurricane lifted off pieces of navy and buildings, but it came to Jonah in a tenth of a second. In front of Sen, he stretched out a finger and pressed it gently.


Although it was only light, for Jonathan, who had just reached Lieutenant General, it was like a mountain pressing on the top. The terrifying force descended from his shoulders, shattering all his obstacles, and was hit hard in an instant.


When the terrifying sonic boom passed, Jonathan came back to his senses, and suddenly screamed, lying on the ground and wailing.

"Lieutenant General Jonathan? Was defeated at once?"

"How is that possible, that's Lieutenant General!"

The remaining few navy looked at all this in despair, trembling all over, already desperate.


At this moment, an exclamation sounded, and a blond and beautiful woman wearing a chef's uniform rushed over. She was worried, and Jonathan's wife, Jessica, came over.

"Jay, Jessica?"

Trembling all over, Jonathan looked at his wife with difficulty and shouted with trembling.

"Run away! Jessica!!"

His wife was Jonathan's only concern, and naturally he didn't want her to have an accident, but Jessica didn't care at all, rushed over, ran to Jonathan's side in a panic, and squatted down to check on Jonathan's condition, plump. The beautiful body is squatted, and the beautiful curves are outlined by the chef's clothes.

"How could 507? Why would you do this?"

Covering her mouth with trembling, Jessica looked at Jonathan in disbelief and questioned Kaido. The anger in her heart suppressed her fear. She looked at Kaido angrily, her beautiful face was full of different looks. style.

"Why? Because the navy angered me! So I'm going to destroy the g8 branch to warn the navy headquarters."

With a playful smile, Kaido glanced recklessly at the glamorous wife in front of him, with a strange light flashing in his eyes.

"Because of this, you did such an outrageous thing to destroy the entire g8 branch? Kill tens of thousands of people?"

Jessica looked at Kaido in disbelief, feeling chilled by Kaido's callousness.

"Yes, in my opinion, the entire branch is just a warning to the Navy. If it's useless, I don't mind destroying the second, third, until the Navy compromises!"

Saying that, the terrifying overlord color swept out in an instant, far surpassing Shanks' overlord color, and the remaining navy in the branch fortress was shocked to death, including the sailors who were talking to the Navy headquarters, and only Jonathan and Jonathan were left in front of him. Jessica is fine.

Afterwards, Kaido's body shrank crazily, recovered to a body of more than two meters, and stared at Jessica playfully.

"Next, I have to do even more extreme things!"

Those unbridled eyes made Jessica feel a chill in her heart and subconsciously grabbed her clothes.


Chapter 8: The destroyed g[-] fortress, the compromised navy (third more)

Marin Fando, the Marshal's office building.


In the empty office building, bright lights illuminate the entire office. On the desk, Steel Skeleton is quickly writing and signing various documents, preparing to send them to other naval branches.

"Bolu Bolu..."

At this moment, the phone bug placed on the desk made a sound, making Gang Gukong frowned, put down the pen in his hand, and connected the phone!

"Hey! I'm Cyborg Kong!"

"Marshal Kong!! The g8 branch has been attacked!!"

The panic-stricken voice came from the phone bug, which instantly made Gang Gukong's face change drastically.

"What did you say? What's going on?"

Gang Gukong said anxiously, with a strong unease in his tone, and a shadow like a demon appeared in his heart.

"It's Kaido! That monster attacked the g8 branch, and now Lieutenant General Jonathan has gone to fight the opponent, please hurry up from the headquarters... ah!!"

The sailor spoke in panic, but before he could finish speaking, a terrifying coercion struck him and instantly shocked him to death.

"Hello? Hey! Damn it!!!"

Putting the phone bug back in its place, Gang Gukong roared angrily.

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