"It's too late to send someone over now, it's too far away!"

Gang Gukong frowned tightly, thinking helplessly, at the speed of a large warship, even at full speed, it would take a month to reach the G8 branch, and for Kaido, the monster, destruction The mere g8 division doesn't even take a few hours.

What's more, if you want to stop Kaido's monster, at least Garp and Sengoku must be dispatched at the same time to block it. If the rest of the people encounter Kaido alone, even Garp or Cyborg Sora will only be defeated. .

"The g8 branch is over! Damn five old stars!"

Sitting back in the chair feebly, Gang Gukong said helplessly, his dissatisfaction with the Five Old Stars deepened in his heart.

"No, you must immediately enlighten the five old stars and let them make a decision immediately, otherwise there will definitely be branches destroyed!"

Thinking of this, Gang Gu Kong quickly dialed the phone bug and wanted to notify the Five Old Stars.


"You devil!' 々!"

When three hours passed, the seriously injured and powerless Jonathan stared at the scene in front of him, bloodshot eyes extremely ferocious, blood kept pouring out of his mouth, and the whole person roared hysterically.

"Oh! It's really comfortable!"

Some people stood up refreshed, Kaido looked at the beautiful wife under him, and said happily.

"Devil? No, I am the Demon King!!"

Looking at Jonathan, Kaido smiled maliciously, looking down at Jonathan's calm road, then flicked his fingers, and a burst of energy shot out, instantly penetrating the opponent's body and killing him.

"Kill me!"

Hearing her husband's screams, the chef's uniform was shattered and her whole body was in a state of embarrassment. Jessica, who was lying weakly on the ground, trembled slightly, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Kill you?"

The fingers tugged at Jessica's chin, and after experiencing the ultimate spring tide, Kaido said with a playful smile on her beautiful face with tears.

"I won't do anything to my own woman, don't worry, you'll just be my slave girl in the future."

After he finished speaking, Kaido leaned over domineeringly, without pausing at all, and it took ten minutes before he let go of Jessica, who was about to suffocate.

"If you don't kill me, I will kill you one day!"

Her eyes were filled with extreme hatred, Jessica said coldly.

For Kaido, the man who killed her husband and tormented her for several hours, he was full of monstrous hatred and wanted to slash Kaido in a thousand pieces, even if Kaido had experienced an unprecedented feeling just now.

"Kill me? You won't have this chance!"

Shaking his head, Kaido said calmly, he would not give Jessica any chance, not because Kaido was afraid, but too lazy to play this kind of game with her.

"System, give her a mandatory contract!!"

A compulsory contract is a contract one level lower than a slavery contract. It can only force the other party's body, but cannot change the other party's mind.

To put it in one sentence, it is clear that I don't want it in my heart, but my body is very honest, like this! (funny)

Although Kaido feels that this contract is, in a sense, more useful than the bondage contract.

"Ding, consume 500 extraordinary points, the enslavement is successful!"

"Jessica, get up!"

Kaido commanded lightly, which made Jessica angry and wanted to refuse, but what shocked her was that her body was not under command, and she stood up by herself, and what frightened her even more was that as long as she was born in her heart If you want to hurt Kaido, or even the people around Kaido, her body will automatically stop her and she will not be able to act, which makes Jessica feel both fear and despair in her heart.

"Did you notice it?"

Looking at the horrified Jessica, Kaido explained lightly.

"From now on, you can't have any thoughts of hurting me at all, no matter how much you hate me in your heart, you can't refuse my order!"

".'Do you understand? My little slave girl!"

Laughing loudly, Kaido made a random move, and then a female clothing suddenly flew out of a still intact building in the distance and flew towards Kaido's hand.

"Put it on!"

Throwing the clothes to Jessica for her to put on, Kaido turned around and looked at the nearly collapsed g8 fortress, and said lightly.

"Leave a mark!"


The next day, when a lot of news about the G8 branch that was in ruins and the words "hundred beasts" were engraved on the ruins spread all over the world, the whole sea shook again. Everyone knew that, This is Kaido's response to the provocation of the naval headquarters, with a naval branch in return.

"Tsk tsk tsk, worthy of being the strongest monster in the world, it actually destroyed the g8 branch in one night!"

"This time, the navy has been slapped heavily on the face, and I don't know how to respond!"

"Respond? The three strongest players of Gangku Kong, Garp, and Sengoku Navy shot at the same time, but they couldn't help each other, how could they fight? What's more, Kaido doesn't have any huge potential (good Zhao Hao), so he doesn't need to be afraid at all. The huge navy, as long as it attacks a naval branch every three to five, it will not take a year or two to defeat the naval headquarters!"

Countless people were discussing, wanting to see the reaction of the navy. Of course, they knew that it was impossible for the navy to fight Kaido. Let’s not talk about whether they could suppress Kaido. What about the navy?Is it possible to have the highest combat power and spend a lot of time searching around?

However, that is impossible. After all, Kaido is not the only enemy of the navy. The king of the new world, "Whitebeard", and the ever-increasing number of pirates are all the opponents that the navy is troubled by. body.

Sure enough, the next day, a new reward order was released!

"Beast Kaido, the strongest monster in the world, offers a reward of [-] billion, the strongest and most vicious criminal!"

In the shocking eyes of countless people, the arrogant naval headquarters, this maritime overlord, bowed his head for the first time! .

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