Chapter [-] The Three Great Disasters, the Thirteenth Division

In the early morning, the rising sun illuminates the entire sea surface, and under the sun, the calm sea surface glows with golden light.


A large-scale pirate ship is moving fast on the sea, riding the wind and waves, dividing the sea into a channel.

"Boss Kaido, where are we going next?"

On the deck, Jack, Holden, Fan, and many other pirates were standing, looking at Kaido with some doubts.

"Next, go to the Beast Island where I practiced before. Your strength is still not strong enough. If you enter the new world at this time, it will not be of great use. You can only hone it for a few years!"

Sitting on the large sun lounger, zero and Jessica, who had just become a slave girl, were massaging his shoulders behind him, while the hot and attractive 2b was sitting in Kaido's arms. As for Olvia and Luo Bin was sitting in a chair beside him.

"In five years, Jack and the three of you will at least reach the level of Polsalino. If you can't do it, don't blame me for being rude!"

Looking at them, Kaido said flatly, then clapped his hands, and immediately two pirates carried a large box up.


He opened the box and revealed the full thirty-two Devil Fruits, which immediately made many pirates breathe quickly. Looking at the Devil Fruits, they showed a strong desire. Extremely, they are estimated to be swarmed.

"This is the natural-type gust fruit, and this is the fruit of the phantom beast species blue wolf!"

He stretched out his hand, and two devil fruits with different colors and exquisite patterns flew into Kaido's hands. Looking at Fan and Horton, who had no expressions on their faces, Kaido explained lightly, and suddenly made their breathing quicken, and their eyes There was a flash of intense longing.

Obviously, the temptation of nature and Eudemons made them unable to keep calm any longer!

"In the future, I will overthrow the world government and establish a new empire, the supreme empire that belongs to me Kaido!"

In the shocked eyes of Holden, Fan, Olvia and others, Kaido said lightly.

"And to achieve this, naturally an extremely large force is needed, a force larger than the world government ¨~!"

"And the prototype of the power, I have already thought about it!"

"The first is the three disasters. These are the strongest three after me. Their status is equivalent to the three major admirals of the navy. They are one of the main forces of my future forces!"

In the fiery eyes of Jack and the others, Kaido said lightly.

"Then there is the Thirteenth Division. The First Division is the main team. The strongest is also the commander of the entire Thirteenth Division. It specializes in protecting the safety of the empire, and its status is no worse than the three disasters!"

"The second division is the escort and assassination unit, similar to the CP organization of the World Government!"

"The third division is an elite unit, which specializes in cultivating elite powerhouses with various powerful strengths, just like cp0!"

"The fourth division is the medical unit, which is specially responsible for medical care!"


"The [-]th Division is a battle troop, also known as the Beast Division. It is composed of pure animal Devil Fruit abilities. It is the main force of the [-]th Division!"

"The twelfth division is a scientific research division, which specializes in researching various weapons and so on!"

"The thirteenth division is also known as the King's Guard. Only the real monster-level powerhouses are qualified to join this team. It is the strongest team to maintain the authority of the empire!"

"After the three major disasters and the thirteenth division, I will set up various senior cadres to serve as high-level personnel. Do you understand?"

As the embryonic form of the empire, the members of the thirteenth division contain talents from all aspects to ensure the operation of the future empire. Of course, strength is also essential. In Kaido's vision, the captain of the thirteenth division has no Doubt must have monster-level strength, so as to shock the entire sea.

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"

All the pirates responded with great excitement, and they were very excited. Kaido's words aroused infinite desire, especially Kaido's own strength was terrifying to the extreme. It is known as the strongest in the world, and there is no chance of overthrowing the world government. Small.

Therefore, all of them are very excited, and they can't wait to overthrow the world government immediately and become a high-level person who controls countless lives and deaths.

"And I have already chosen the candidates for the three disasters!"

Looking at the excited pirates, Kaido said calmly with a calm expression.

"The first of the three disasters - the ice disaster, is held by zero, who has any opinion?"

Said, Kaido looked at them indifferently, and suddenly made them shake their heads wildly, joking, that is the woman of Lord Kaido, and she personally designated it, if you dare to object at this time, I'm afraid it will not be over!

"The second disaster, the drought, is handled by Jack. Who has an opinion?"

Everyone shook their heads wildly, how dare they refuse.

Of course, Jack is the first to follow Kaido, and his strength is extremely powerful, second only to Kaido and Fan, and also the captain of these pirates. Therefore, Jack will naturally have no objection as a drought!

"The third disaster is the wind disaster. I plan to let -- Horton take over!"

Picking up the natural-type gust of wind fruit on the side, Kaido pondered lightly, in the somewhat nervous expressions of Fan and Horton, he chose Horton, which immediately shocked him, and he couldn't believe it.

"Eat it!"

He casually threw the gust of wind fruit to Horton, Kaido said lightly.

".'Thank you, Lord Kaido!"

Horton responded excitedly, peeled off the peel quickly, and ate the gust of wind fruit in three or two bites. That disgusting question made Horton a little uncomfortable but he endured it.

"Don't get too excited, if you don't achieve my expected goals in five years, I will remove your position!"

Looking at the excited Holden, Kaido warned lightly.

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"

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