Horton's expression froze, and he responded quickly.

"The captain of the second division in the thirteenth division is 2b!"

"Thank you, Mr. Kaido!"

As if he didn't expect Kaido to give such an important position to him, 2b cheered in surprise, hurriedly put his arms around Kaido's neck, and kissed Kaido's face several times.

"All right!"

Some dotingly pinched 2b's little nose, Kaido shook his head helplessly.

"As for Fan you, come and serve as the elite unit of the third division!"

Looking at Fan Yin Yin (Nuo Nuo Hao) who was a little depressed, Kaido picked up the phantom beast-species blue wolf fruit on the side, threw it to Fan, and said lightly.

"As for this phantom beast, I will give it to you. You are a strong body type. This phantom species is more suitable for you than the natural type!"

After explaining lightly, Kaido said something meaningful.

"In terms of status, the captain of the thirteenth team is not much worse than the three disasters, and if they are strong, they can be on an equal footing with the three disasters!"

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"

"The other squads have not yet been selected, and there is no suitable person for the senior cadres!"

Looking at the pirates indifferently, Kaido said flatly.

"As for you, if you can reach a certain level of strength, I will give you Devil Fruit, and if you can reach a certain level within five years, I will give you the status of a senior cadre!"

"Yes, Lord Kaido!!!"

With excited cheers, the pirate ship moved fast in a certain direction. .

Chapter [-] The Slave Ship

At noon, the scorching sun was shining, and the hot sun was pouring down, as if being in a furnace, and the atmosphere was faintly hot.


On the sea, a pirate ship is advancing at an extremely high speed.

"Nine hundred and ninety-one, nine hundred and ninety-two, nine hundred and ninety-three..."

On the deck, Jack and Fan are training, or doing push-ups, or adapting to the ability of the Devil Fruit. All in all, everyone is trying to become stronger and not let themselves be eliminated.

"Come on, Lord Kaido, please eat fruit!"

On the rear deck, Kaido lay lazily on the sun lounger, ze2b lay in his arms like a kitten, and from time to time he picked up the fruit on the side and handed it to Kaido, while zero respectfully knelt down Kaido is serving under him, and behind him is a female slave, Jessica, massaging Kaido with both hands, just like a rich second-generation enjoyment.

As for Olvia's mother and daughter, they are worthy of the name of scholars. They sat aside and focused on the book in their hands, but Olvia was obviously not focused enough. The 2b inside and the zer313o under him have shy eyes.


His hands are wandering wantonly, Kaido enjoys the service of several women with peace of mind. After all, this is also Kaido's pursuit. If you don't enjoy it after you have powerful power and power, then you have power and power. What's the use?

Of course, enjoyment is enjoyment, and Kaido will not completely indulge in it and become like those monarchs in history.


Suddenly, Kaido's eyes narrowed, and he looked a few kilometers away in surprise, muttering to himself in surprise.

"What is this? A meeting of fate?"

There was incredible in his tone, Kaido's expression was extremely surprised. In his domineering perception, he seemed to see an acquaintance. Of course, his hands still didn't stop moving. Head, after a long time...

"Cough cough cough, what's wrong with Lord Kaido!"

Coughing violently, zero asked with some doubts, with a slightly flushed delicate face, full of charming amorous feelings, and his crimson eyes a little puzzled.

"If nothing else, you may have one more sister!"

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido hugged Zero into his arms, and said in a vague way, making the girls a little confused.

"Captain Jack, we found a ship ahead, it seems to be a slave ship!"

Soon, the ship's lookout shouted to Jack on the front deck, as experienced pirates who have sailed for several years, they naturally have enough eyesight to distinguish the type of ship, whether it is a merchant ship, whether it has oil or water, and they can easily figure it out.

"Damn, are you going to trouble me with this trivial matter? Just kill them if you're not happy!"

While practising on the side, Jack replied irritably, and then ignored it.

"Yes, Captain Jack!"

The pirate replied respectfully, and then a few pirates moved several muzzles on the boat, trying to attack each other.

"Wait a moment!"

At this moment, Kaido's voice came over, and came over from the rear deck with a few women.

"Ah! Yes, Lord Kaido!"

Several pirates stopped the muzzle in a panic, and looked at Kaido with some doubts.

"Boss Kaido, is there anything in that ship?"

Jack stopped practicing, stood up, looked at Kaido and asked with some doubts.

"Well, on that ship, there is one of the most beautiful treasures in the world!"

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