With a chuckle, Kaido exerted a little force on his right foot, and then his body rushed out, rushing towards the offset bow, which seemed to be the slave ship that he wanted to avoid.


"Boss, we seem to have encountered a pirate ship!"

On the slave ship, a lookout saw the flag of the Jack pirate ship, his face changed suddenly, and he shouted to the man on the deck.

"Pirate ship?"

The face of the man lying lazily in the chair changed slightly, he stood up without hesitation, looked into the distance, and saw a pirate ship approaching at high speed.

"Avoid them, we don't need to fight these pirates recklessly."

As slave hunters, their purpose is to seek money, and naturally they will not easily fight against pirates. Every time they encounter it, they either avoid it or hand over some property to let the other party stop.

"Of course, if the opponent is unrelenting, then sink it directly!"

As he said that, a ferocious light flashed in the man's eyes. As slave hunters, they naturally have some power. It can't be garbage, or it's impossible to catch slaves.

In the past, pirates also stared at them and wanted to plunder them, but without exception, they were all sunk by them.

"Boss, it seems that someone is flying over, the speed is so fast!!!"

The man suddenly opened his eyes wide, as if he saw something incredible, and shouted in horror.


With the violent crash, the entire slave ship was shaking violently, almost overturning.

"Wow ah ah!"

"what's up!!"

The sudden shock made many crew members scream in panic.


The man's expression changed, and he immediately pulled out the long knife around his waist, looking at the smoking deck solemnly, and asked in a deep voice.

"who are you?"

The smoke dissipated, and Kaido's figure was gradually revealed. He was more than two meters tall, and he looked down at the man who was less than two meters tall.

"Are you the leader of the slave hunters?"

Kaido asked.

"That's right, I don't know what's wrong with your Excellency? If you want money, I can give you all the treasures. If it's a woman, I also have high-quality goods here. As long as you want, I can give it to you!"

The man said with a little cold sweat, from the man in front of him, he felt a sense of terror to the extreme, like a soft little white rabbit being stared at by a prehistoric beast, the trembling feeling made the man shudder.

"Boss, was someone attacked?"

"who is it?!"

"Wrap him up!"

At this moment, a large number of slave hunters poured out of the boat, all armed, and surrounded Kaido.

"don't want!!"

The man's face suddenly turned pale, and he shouted in horror.

"What I want, I will take it myself, I don't need you to give it!"

Kaido said plainly, a terrifying tyrannical color that was visible to the naked eye swept across in an instant, shocking the whole body for dozens of meters.

"Crack... bang, bang..."

The deck collapsed instantly, and the terrifying coercion swept out, directly shattering the consciousness of the slave hunters and shaking them to death.

With Kaido's current overlord appearance, he doesn't need to do anything, just relying on that terrifying overlord appearance, he can suppress ordinary lieutenant generals.

ps: Let me ask you if you want to accept Portgas D Lujiu. If you want it, tell me in the book review area. If you want it, you can still accept it now. .

Chapter [-] Boya Hancock

ps: It’s so sad, the weather is so cold and it’s raining again, why do I have to work outside in the rain, it’s so annoying! ! !

In other words, opinions are not unified. Comments are due tomorrow. If there are more parties, they will accept it. If they don't accept it, they will not accept it. Let's see tomorrow!

Hancock should not be captured until two or three years later, ~ I am here ahead of schedule!

Fear, unease, despair, all kinds of negative emotions flooded into his heart, looking at the dark prison, the nine-year-old Boyahan Cook folded his hands and grabbed his legs, with confusion and fear in his eyes.

It has been several days since he was caught on this ship, although because of his natural beauty, Boya Hancock did not arrest the slaves for anything, even in order to ensure a good price, for all kinds of food and lodging. Use, the slave catchers are all very generous, and they are not treated badly in the slightest, and they are no worse than in Nine Snake Island.

Of course, this does not make Boya Hancock feel at ease. Although young but extremely intelligent, Hancock has already understood his destiny. If there is no accident, she will be sold to some rich nobleman. When the female slave of the other party, if the situation is better, maybe she can become a concubine or something.

Thinking of this, Hancock was extremely terrified. He couldn't help burying his delicate face between his legs, trying not to cry. After all, she was an older sister, so she naturally had to keep calm and not let her sister see it. Appearance of collapse.

"Sister, I'm so scared!"

On the side, because of Hancock, one of the two sisters who also received preferential treatment, Boya Sandasonia said with a trembling, not beautiful, but far better than the future with a face full of fear!

"Me too, I miss my mom so much!"

Boya Marigold, whose face was not ugly, also said fearfully, tears kept flowing out, sobbing softly.

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