"It's okay, the people from Nine Snake Island will come to rescue us! We are the emperor's daughter, and Nine Snake Island will definitely take it seriously!"

Shaking his head, Hancock comforted softly that the three Boya Hancock sisters are the daughters of this generation of emperors, and they have an extraordinary position on Nine Snake Island. If they disappear, they will definitely be searched.

But can it really be found?

Hancock thought blankly, the delicate little face was full of despair, in this vast sea, trying to find a ship that has been sailing for several days is undoubtedly a needle in a haystack, the possibility is too low.


At this moment, a huge collision sounded, and the whole ship shook violently.


Sister Boya Sandasonia screamed in panic, and hid behind Hancock with some flinch, panicking.

"What's the matter? Someone attacked the slave boat? Could it be someone from Nine Snake Island?"

Compared with the panicked two younger sisters, Hancock was much calmer, and the sudden violent vibration instantly reminded her of someone attacking the slave ship.

Although it may not be Nine Snake Island, it is more likely to be some pirates, but it is so, so she can see some possibility of escape.

"Be calm!"

Thinking of this, Hancock felt a little secretly happy in his heart. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down. At the same time, he comforted the panicked two sisters and calmed them down.

"Da da da……"

The sound of heavy footsteps, with an unhurried rhythm, walked towards the prison of Hancock and the others, which suddenly made Hancock's heart tense, and suddenly looked over nervously.

Not long after, a tall man came over, Kong Wu's powerful body, full of fluid muscles, long black hair shawls down, his knife-cut face with an invisible sense of oppression, like a terrifying murderous Like a beast, it's Kaido.

"Boya Hancock?!"

Looking at the three sisters who were nervous, Kaido said lightly, although his tone was questioning, but with a certain meaning.

"who are you?"

Taking a deep breath, Hancock gathered his courage, looked directly at Kaido, and asked rhetorically.

"Your master, from now on you are mine!"



"Master Kaido, this is the most beautiful treasure in the world you said? It doesn't seem to be very good!"

With a puffed mouth, 2b looked at the delicate and lovely Hancock in front of him with stinging eyes, and his tone was not very friendly. Obviously, Kaido's previous words made her a little dissatisfied.

"I can't see it now, but you will understand when you grow up!"

Holding 2b gently, Kaido laughed softly, to be honest, although Hancock is very cute now, it is a bit exaggerated to be called the most beautiful in the world.

Of course, Kaido knows that once Hancock eats the sweet fruit of the Superman type, he will definitely become the magnificent empress in twenty years, the world's most beautiful woman, and what Kaido desires most in the One Piece world.

· Ask for flowers...

Originally, Kaido planned to take time out to visit Nine Snake Island, but he didn't expect to meet directly on the way. It can only be said to be a coincidence of fate.

"Thank you for saving me, I will definitely repay you!"

Bowing respectfully towards Kaido, Hancock looked deeply grateful. Although Kaido's previous words shocked her, Hancock was extremely grateful when he knew Kaido rescued them. The current Hancook is not the arrogant and arrogant queen later on. Today's Hancook is still a good baby and still knows how to repay his gratitude.

"No need, your best reward is to be mine!"


With a wave of his hand, Kaido looked at Hancock and said playfully, but his tone was not joking. He really would bring Hancock into the harem, and he would not allow anyone to refuse.

"But! I... Nine Snake Island's rules do not allow men!"

Hancock blushed instantly, and his head was faintly steaming. Facing Kaido's straightforward words, he was a little overwhelmed.

Frankly speaking, Hancock still has a good impression of Kaido. After all, he brought her out when she was most desperate, and Kaido himself is not bad, which made Hancock faintly moved, but it was only heartbeat. But, it's still far from what I like.

"Nine Snake Island? Rules?"

Kaido repeated it gently, then stared at Hancock and said indifferently.

"My words are the rules, Nine Snake Island? If you dare to be dissatisfied, it will be destroyed!"

The domineering tone is taken for granted, treating the so-called Nine Snake Island as nothing, such a domineering appearance makes Hancock a little dumb, she can naturally hear that Kaido is serious, and his tone is not half conceited, as if the so-called nine Snake Island is really nothing, that arrogant and domineering appearance makes Hancock a little intoxicated.

This world is a world where the weak eat the strong, and the strong are naturally more popular.

"By the way, you will sleep with Robin and me tonight!"

With a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido raised Hancock's delicate chin with his right hand, looked at that delicate and lovely face, and said playfully.


Chapter [-]: The Nine Snake Emperor - Boya Verna (First)

ps: Speaking of stallions, I wrote this book to push girls from the very beginning (ω). If it weren’t for this book’s good grades, I would have released myself and started the ghost mode. Since there are so many book review areas People object, how about I take back my previous words and pretend that nothing happened?

The weather was clear and cloudless.

On the azure sea, the silence is a little depressing, which makes people a little frightened.

There is no wind or wave here, and the silence is a bit scary.

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