Here is some windless belt that separates the Great Channel from the four seas.


On the calm sea, a sea king with a tiger's head appeared, and its ten-meter-long head was full of fierce light and looked around, as if it was on guard for something.


Before it could react, a sea king with a body size far larger than it, with a size of dozens of meters, suddenly rushed up from the sea not far away, and the tiger-headed "two eight zero" sea king directly swallowed with its huge mouth. , the sharp teeth shredded its flesh and blood instantly, and the blood instantly dyed the sea red.

This kind of scene is very common in this windless belt. From time to time, there are sea kings being swallowed by larger sea kings, dyeing the sea red. Except for sea kings, no creatures can survive here, because it seems to be close to this area. Those in the sea were swallowed up by the huge sea kings.

The forest law of the jungle of the weak is vividly interpreted here. The strong survive and the weak are eliminated, which is extremely cruel here.

Even warships equipped with sea towers must be careful in this windless belt, and if ordinary pirate ships and merchant ships accidentally enter the windless belt, then they will be completely destroyed, because the sea kings here The strength and size are far from comparable to other sea areas.

However, even in the absence of any wind and waves and a large number of giant sea kings, a pirate ship was advancing at an astonishing speed, and many sea kings around seemed to have encountered something terrifying. Away from it, it was Kaido's pirate ship.

"The windless belt! What a terrifying place!"

Looking at a sea king that was directly swallowed in the distance, Olvia was a little disgusted on the bloody screen and couldn't help sighing.

"Well, of course, except for monsters with super strength, or warships equipped with sea towers, otherwise they can't cross the windless belt!"

Lying lazily on the chair, the delicate and lovely two little loli, Hancock and Robin, are lying in Kaido's arms, while Kaido's hands are playing (playing) walking on the two of them. One of them even went deep (asshole) into Hancock's next (eating noodles) noodles...

"Well!! Of course, only our pirate ship from Nine Snake Island can pass through this windless belt. Other ships, even the navy, can't do it!"

Resisting to cry out, Hancock said with a blushing face, that after eating the sweet fruit, the pretty face that became more and more beautiful and charming had a charming aura, which made Olvia and the girls slightly moved.

After saving Hancock a few days ago, Kaido "eaten" her that night. Although she is young, as a member of the Nine Snakes who are all soldiers, her body is far superior to that of ordinary adults. Liyuan is not comparable to Robin, so Kaido easily tasted the taste of green apples, so Hancock, who had a good impression of Kaido in his heart, directly accepted his fate and led Kaido and the others to Nine Snake Island.

During the period, Kaido also gave her the superhuman-sweet fruit obtained from the world government, and as Kaido expected, in just a few days, the originally delicate and lovely Hancock became more and more beautiful. When he got up, there was a faint glimpse of the peerless elegance of the future, which made Robin, who was also a little loli, a little jealous.

"You bastard!"

Olvia looked at Kaido with some helplessness. Although she had known Kaido's evil long ago, she underestimated it, and she was still here!


Without waiting for Olvia to continue to say anything, a huge sea king suddenly rushed up on the sea in front. Compared with the huge head of hundreds of meters, the ship with only more than [-] meters seemed so insignificant. With just a light bump, the ship can be smashed into pieces.

"Huh? Looking for death!"

Kaido, who was enjoying it, looked cold and snorted, and the extremely terrifying Overlord Color swept out in an instant, directly shaking the sea king to death.

"Quick cut!"

2b, who was standing on the side, moved in an instant, and the graceful body instantly left the place and came to the sky above the sea kings. With the right hand, he directly pulled out the long knife on his back, and then dozens of bright knife lights swept out.

"Brush brush..."

The huge sea kings of hundreds of meters split apart in an instant, turned into hundreds of fragments, and fell on the sea. The scarlet blood dyed the sea red, attracting a large number of sea kings.

"Wow, sister 2b is amazing!"

With flashing eyes, Hancock said in amazement, looking at 2b full of admiration and desire.

"Okay, Nine Snake Island is coming soon!"

Taking out his right hand, with a little sparkle (pure eyes), Kaido looked at the looming island in the distance and said lightly.


Nine Snake Island, where the palace hall is located 0

"Damn, is there still no news from Hancock and the others, uhhhhh..."

On the throne, a glamorous woman who resembled Hancock who grew up sat on the throne and said angrily, even if she was extremely angry, she was so gentle, perhaps too angry, but violent. Coughing up, the originally pale face became even paler.

This person is the empress of this generation of Nine Snake Island, and also the mother of Boya Hancook and the others, Boya Verna!

"Okay, don't get too excited, your body won't be able to support it for long!"

Sitting on a chair beside her, the extremely short mother-in-law quickly comforted her with a worried expression on her face.

"Why, mother-in-law, I know my body and I won't live for too long. The only thing that worries me is Hancock and the others!"

Boya Verna said with a sigh, her pale pretty face was full of sadness, she is the contemporary queen of Nine Snake Island and the captain of the Nine Snake Pirate Ship. It is not weaker than the average Qiwuhai. It was only when he was hunting at sea a few years ago that he was severely wounded by a strong enemy, and left an incurable dark wound, and it continued to deepen severely, which led to what it looks like today. .

The only thing that worries her now is the three of Hancock. If something happens to them, Verna really doesn't know if she can hold on.

"His Majesty!!"

At this moment, a nine-snake female warrior dressed in extremely revealing clothes rushed into the hall and said respectfully to Verna.

"what happened?"

0.7 "Lord Hancock and the others have returned, and they have also brought a group of male pirates!"

The female warrior's words made Verna happy, and then she frowned and said suspiciously.


Nine Snake Island has been under strict orders for hundreds of years. If a male landed on the island, he would be killed without mercy. After hundreds of years of evolution, this strict order has already become a rule, even her emperor cannot Violate!

"Let's go and have a look!"

Sighing, Verna said softly, she knew that it was impossible for the three of Hancock to return to Nine Snake Island alone. The group of male pirates were undoubtedly the benefactors who rescued Hancock and their benefactors. If the rules of Snake Island kill them, with Verna's character, they can't do it at all.

'Let's take a step by step, the most is to use the emperor's right to let them leave! '

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