Thinking like this, Verna quickly walked towards the port, followed by her mother-in-law. .

Chapter [-]: The Domineering Kaido (Second)

At this time, at the port of Nine Snake Island.

"Lord Hancock, you are finally back!!"

A large group of female warriors dressed in violent (meow) dew, only wearing clothes in key parts, wearing armor, holding spears and bows and arrows looked at the three Hancocks who got off the boat in surprise, and said anxiously.

"Your Majesty is very worried about you, and your health is very bad now!"

An extremely tall, glamorous girl with a tall ponytail and slender phoenix eyes stood up and said to the three of them.

"Sister Kikyo, how is Mommy's body?"

Hancock's heart tightened, and she asked anxiously. She knew her mother's physical condition, so she was naturally extremely worried.

"Okay, Hancock, if you're worried, go take a look!"

At this time, Kaido stepped forward, touched Hancock's beautiful long black hair, and said softly, Jack and the others behind him were looking at Nine Snake Island, which was all women, in surprise, with a veiled expression. They couldn't help but be amazed. As for the remaining pirates, their eyes were shining. They had been running rampant on the sea for a long time. They had not experienced women for a long time. They suddenly saw a large number of women, and their hearts were inevitably moved.

Even if only a few of them are eye-catching, the rest are crooked melons and cracked dates10.

"Huh? Man!!"

Kikyo frowned and glanced at Kaido, then his face changed dramatically, he quickly raised the spear in his hand, and shouted sharply.

"Lord Hancock, don't you understand the rules of Nine Snake Island? That's the iron rule that no men are allowed!"

Kikyo stared at Kaido with incomparably sharp eyes, and questioned Hancock. As a protector of the Nine Snake Island, even as Hancock, as long as she made a mistake, she could question directly.

"Sister Kikyo, don't get me wrong, they are the benefactors who saved us!!"

Hancock suddenly wanted to explain anxiously, waving his hands, his more delicate and beautiful face, full of flustered blush, with an intoxicating style.

"God, why do I think Hancock-sama has become so beautiful!"

"Yeah, I'm falling in love with Lord Hancock!"

"God, it's so beautiful!"

Facing the unintentional charm of the young Hancock, a group of female warriors radiated love in their eyes, and said one by one indulgingly, it was the glamorous girl Kikyo, who was a little intoxicated at this time!

"Hancock, back off, I'll take care of it next!"

Gently holding down the flustered Hancock, Kaido stepped forward and looked at the extremely tall girl in front of him, only a little shorter than himself, who was the tallest girl Kaido had ever seen, with a playful look in his eyes.

"Then, Miss Kikyo, how are you going to treat us?"

Kaido said with a reckless glance at the girl's graceful body.


Kikyo was at a loss for words for a while. Although according to the rules of Nine Snake Island, any man who landed on the island must be killed directly, but the other party saved Hancock and the three of them. If he shot them directly, Isn't it too ruthless!

"If you leave Nine Snake Island now, we can pretend that we haven't seen it before!"

After hesitating for a while, Kikyo said, but her face was a little red, and she was obviously a little ashamed of her decision. After all, the act of driving her benefactor away made her a little embarrassed!

"Miss Kikyo, why don't we get the best of both worlds!"

Kaido said softly, and Kikyo asked with some joy.

"what way?"

If there was a way to get the best of both worlds, she wouldn't mind doing it.

"Nine Snake Island surrenders to me, no more!"

Looking at Kikyo, Kaido laughed softly.

"In this way, the so-called rules can be abolished directly!"


Hearing Kaido's words, Kikyo couldn't help but get angry and shouted sharply.

"Wrap them up!"

With that said, a large group of female warriors directly surrounded Kaido and the others, the bows and arrows in their hands were already ready to shoot, ready to shoot at any time.

"I'm serious!"

Looking at the female warriors of Nine Snake Island, Kaido said plainly, with an indifferent light in his eyes. If Nine Snake Island was Hancock's hometown, Kaido would not have gone too far. At this time, he had already shot.


At this moment, a majestic voice came, causing Kaido to look over, and his eyes suddenly lit up. In the direction of Kaido's line of sight, two figures came quickly, and the short old woman behind was directly ignored by Kaido. , At this time, Kaido's attention was all focused on the woman who was seven or eight similar to Hancock, almost exactly what Hancock looked like when he grew up, with a fiery light in her eyes!

'This is what Hancock was talking about as a mother?Really like it! '

Kaido exclaimed in his heart, the beauty of the woman in front of him is the most beautiful woman Kaido has ever seen.

Even zero and 2b are just keeping pace with her.

And as far as Kaido knows, there are no males on Nine Snake Island, so Hancock's mother obviously did not have a husband, but got pregnant in some way. The excitement brought by this virgin mother and daughter made Kaido even more Much interest.

'I wonder what it would be like to put their mother and daughter on the bed together? '

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