Zero and 2b and Jessica stood behind Kaido and served him, as for Olivia and her daughter, they went to another room and did not participate.

"Lord Kaido, are you really going to Ruskaina Island? It's very dangerous there!"

Verna's face was ruddy, her slender and perfect body (da) lay on Kaido's broad chest (reclining), her slender fingers circled, and she said in a timid tone.

Now that her injuries have fully recovered from the power of the system, she has regained the powerful strength that is comparable to the general Qiwuhai. Rao is so, but she is extremely jealous of Ruiska Island.

Ruskaina Island, this is the beast island where Luffy practiced for two years in the original book. It is located in the waters near Nine Snake Island. The island is full of all kinds of terrifying beasts. There is even a terrifying beast, only Luffy can compete with the fourth gear.

And using the fourth gear Luffy, even Doran Flamenco can directly crush him, and he can fight against Katakuri, the leader of the three generals. It is conceivable that the terrifying island of this beast is more terrifying than Kaido's before. Moscow Island is not bad either.

".'Of course, although the beasts on that island are useless to me, they are still very useful to my subordinates, after all, they are still too weak."

Walking with his hands, Kaido closed his eyes, enjoying the service of several women, and said in a lazy tone.

"Lord Kaido, can Hancock go with him too?"

With the petite body lying (um) on Kaido, Hancock said coquettishly, the unintentional charm (Lu) and confusion (of money) made Kaido look at him.

"Of course, I have high expectations for you!"

With a smile, Kaido looked at Hancock's delicate little face and said seriously.

"I'm looking forward to the appearance of the 'Empress'!"

Saying that, Kaido moved his hands (selling) under Hancock's body (mother), making the beautiful and lovely girl blush a little.

"Well, Lord Kaido, I will definitely work hard!"

His beautiful eyes were shining brightly, Hancock said earnestly with a small face and waving his small hands.

"Okay, don't call me hard at that time!"

Said, Kaido motioned Kikyo to leave, then turned over and pressed the mother and daughter directly (emmm) under him, saying evilly.

"Now let's have a deep (batch) exchange!"


ps: The brackets are forced!Sorry! ! .

Chapter [-]: The Terrible Beast, Ruscaina Island

Ruskaina Island is a beast island not far from Nine Snake Island. There are groups of beasts with terrifying combat power. Once ordinary powerhouses set foot on it, they will be swallowed by the ubiquitous terrifying beasts.

However, right here, a pirate ship quietly docked on the edge of Ruscaina Island, and it was Kaido and his party.

"This is Ruscaina Island?"

Jack stood not far from Kaido, looking at the deep forest with some curiosity, the sounds of beasts coming and going, with a ferocious aura, made people fear.

"Yes, this is Ruskayna, be careful, the beasts here are very powerful!"

The body was held tightly in Kaido's arms, wearing a battle suit that fitted the entire body, Hancock's delicate and beautiful little face was full of seriousness, but the blush on her face exposed her condition.

"Well, Jack, you have to be careful. With your current strength, there are still quite a few beasts on this beast island that can crush you!"

Holding the girl's delicate body tightly, Kaido looked at Jack and the others, as well as many pirates, and said calmly.

"I don't want you to die on this island."

If it is those ordinary pirates, it doesn't matter even if all Kaido die, but if one of the three Jacks dies because of this, then Kaido will be distressed. After all, it is the top battle force in the future, and it also costs money. Cultivate, Kaido doesn't want them to be killed because of carelessness.

"Boss Kaido, don't worry, I, Jack, won't be so stupid to be killed by a group of beasts!"

Jack laughed, his chin wrapped around the metal jaw raised high, his expression was indifferent, and he obviously didn't listen to Kaido's words.

"is it?"

With an indifferent smile, Kaido pointed his finger behind Jack and said playfully.

"Jack, then try it with that beast!"

Jack was stunned by Kaido's words, and he didn't know why. Then, his whole body was shocked, and a chill rushed into his heart, and he subconsciously turned around and punched it.


A terrifying roar sounded, and a beast whose specific type could not be seen suddenly slaughtered and came, tearing through the atmosphere with terrifying power, instantly making Fan and the others pale.


The fists and claws collided, and a terrifying air wave swept out. Unable to prevent it, Jack was directly shocked by the terrifying power, and he stepped back again and again, and his footsteps kept breaking the ground.

"Jack actually fell behind?"

"It's too strong!"

Everyone's color changed, and they couldn't help looking at the beast in astonishment. They were horrified. You must know that Jack today has eaten the ancient species of mammoth fruit. In terms of strength, Jack is the only one besides Kaido. The strongest person outside is now being smashed back by the sudden appearance of the beast, which is really unbelievable.

"Grass mud horse!"

With a foul language, Jack's body suddenly swelled up, transformed into a giant elephant man about ten meters tall, and rushed out roaringly, the giant elephant smashed the ground with its feet, causing a terrifying vibration.


The unknown beast roared, without any fear at all, slaughtered and collided with Jack.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

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