The terrifying vibrations continued, as if two terrifying beasts were colliding, terrifying air waves swept out continuously, smashed into large trees, and the earth kept cracking like a spider web.


It was another terrifying collision. The unknown human-shaped beast was blasted away by a terrifying force, with injuries all over his body, and the blood flowed non-stop.


Jack let out a huge elephant cry, like a real mammoth, rushing out, his hands were humanoid, grabbed the body of the beast, and then ripped violently, tearing the beast in half, blood like a spring. It poured down and dyed Jack's body red. With Jack's current image, it was like a terrifying beast, which made people daunting.

"Wow, Captain Jack is awesome!"

"Hahaha, how could a mere beast be Captain Jack's opponent!"

"That's right, as soon as Captain Jack showed his power, he immediately killed that beast!"

A group of pirates cheered, looking at Jack, who was so powerful, with extremely excited expressions, as if he had done it himself.

"Boss Kaido!"

Jack came over with a big laugh, and the strong smell of blood rushed to his face, wrinkling his nose in Kaido's arms, and his delicate little face was a little disgusted, and shouted randomly.

"Don't come here, big man, you stink!"

The crisp and sweet voice was full of disgust, which made Jack stunned and stood there a little embarrassed.

"Jack, do you think you won?"

Looking at the excited Jack calmly, Kaido said indifferently.

"Look behind you!"

Jack was stunned for a moment, then was startled, as if he was being targeted by many terrifying beings, and then turned around, when he saw that scene, his heart was cold!

In the forest in front of Jack, a large number of beasts appeared there. The scarlet beast pupils stared at Jack coldly, and the sharp fangs rubbed, making people shudder.

"how is this possible!!"

Jack's scalp was numb, and there was a faint cold sweat on his head, and he was deeply shocked. In Jack's perception, among the piles of beasts, there were no less than ten beasts that were no worse than the previous beasts, and even two or three were imposing. Even more than, not worse than Jack!

What if they swarmed?

Jack thought a little in shock, and then the result was that he fought for several hours, and then escaped with serious injuries. After all, there are too many beasts. Even with the ability of mammoths, Jack can't fight against a group of terror at the same time. On this beast island, Jack knows what will happen if he is seriously injured!


Groups of beasts stared at Kaido and the others with fierce eyes, and low roars came one after another, ready to pounce at any time, making Jack and the others look alert.

"Master Kaido!"

Holding Kaido's clothes with slender hands, Hancock looked a little frightened. In the end, he was still a little girl. Even if he was a famous empress in the future, he was only ten years old at this time. In the face of many beasts, he naturally couldn't be as calm as 2b and others. right.

"It's okay, just a bunch of beasts!"

With a chuckle, he scratched Hancock's little nose, Kaido chuckled, and said in a happy mood, it is extremely difficult to see the appearance of a young daughter like the future empress.

"Understood? Jack, on this beast island, it's not enough to defeat one beast, you have to deal with groups of powerful beasts, and even more powerful than you, once you are a little slack, waiting for your It is death!"

Turning to look at Jack, Kaido said sternly.

"Got it, Boss Kaido!"

Jack replied in a cold sweat. Now Jack really understands Kaido's words. The beasts of this beast island are not easy to provoke. If they still hold the previous thoughts, I'm afraid they will be swallowed up to the bone. left.


A terrifying roar sounded, and many beasts seemed to be unable to hold back, roaring, and rushing up, terrifying aura emanated.

"Go away, a bunch of beasts!"

With a cold stare, Kaido drank it directly, and an extremely terrifying coercion swept out, causing many beasts to wailing, scarlet eyes turning white, except for a few heads, all of them fell directly to the ground, fainted.


The remaining few roared in fear, turned and fled.

"Okay, then I will open up a special place for you to practice. As for Jack, you will give me three years to live alone on the island!"

After killing the group of beasts, Kaido said to the fearful pirates.



Chapter [-] The Complement of the Three Generals (Second Update)

April 1500th, 2, Haiyuan calendar.

After a month or so, the sea, which had almost subsided, shook once again. Unlike Kaido's several shocking events, this time it was triggered by the navy.

Naval hero - Iron Fist Karp, became an Admiral!

Zefa, the former general of the navy, took over the position of the general again. The three vacant positions of the three generals were filled once again. Once the news came out, it caused a huge sensation in the whole sea. The big event is not bad, after all, the fame of the naval hero - Tekken Karp is too great.

And because of Karp's promotion, it also caused a violent shock in the navy, which made countless navies cheer for it.

Naval hero Karp, whose status in the navy is comparable to Gore D. Roger's status in the pirates, is a living legend. His promotion has gradually calmed down the turbulent navy. .

Moreover, with the completion of the three major generals, it seems that in order to show the strength of the navy, Iron Fist Karp and "Black Wrist" Zefa have led warships to attack the new world. Six powerful pirates with a bounty of more than [-] million, and even Iron Fist Karp personally took Lieutenant General Kuzan and led a warship to challenge Whitebeard. Order to retreat.

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