The spread of this incident caused a strong shock, which greatly deterred countless ambitious careerists, and made countless people understand the strength of the navy once again, which attracted most of the attention and made Kaido before. The heated discussion it caused gradually subsided.



On the majestic sea, the wind whistled, the waves rolled, and the layers of waves rolled, setting off bursts of waves.

"Quack quack..."

Occasionally there are sporadic seagulls flying through the air, leaving unpleasant calls.


The sharp eagle cries sounded, like the clash of golden arms, which was shocking, and then an incomparably huge goshawk passed through the air at high speed, like a black lightning bolt, and disappeared into the distance in a blink of an eye.

"Portgas D. Lujue!"

Sitting cross-legged on the back of the eagle, he did not use the territory of the tyrant, but let the wind blow himself. Kaido was like a thousand-year-old pine, sitting quietly on the back of the eagle, motionless, his long black hair fluttering.

After Anton Jack and others stayed on Ruscaina Island, they left the Nine Snake Island alone with the goshawk and headed to Batterari Island in the South China Sea.

Compared with O'Hara, Batarari Island is not famous at all, not to mention in the whole world, even in the South China Sea, this island is not famous either. The reason why Kaido is eyeing this island is because Gol D. Roger's woman, Portgas D. Lujue, will die after giving birth to Ace on this island.

Portgas D. Lujue, this is a very great mother. In order to save the life of her child, she exhausted all means, and gave birth to Ace after a full 20 months. Dying from exhaustion.

And the reason why Kaido will stare at Lu Jiu is not only because she is Roger's woman, but also because of her greatness. This maternal love that can sacrifice everything for her own children is what Kaido really stares at. The reason for her.

At night, when the brilliance of the full moon falls, the entire Batalari Island has fallen into darkness, and the small town is already invisible except for the scattered lights.

"Ace, wait a while, you will be born soon!"

In an ordinary room, a pretty young woman in a dress was sitting beside the bed, gently stroking her belly without any bulge, and said softly.

Anyone who sees this young woman will not think that the other party is a pregnant woman who is nearly twenty months pregnant, but an ordinary young woman.

This is also the greatness of Portgas D. Lujue. In order to avoid the navy's investigation, she used her life to restrain her stomach, and then delayed the birth of Ace by a full double the time. Let it escape the pursuit of the Navy perfectly, and finally survived successfully.

"No one thought that the child the Navy was fortunately looking for, the child with the blood of sin slipped away under their noses!"

At this moment, in the dimly lit room, a playful voice suddenly sounded, causing Portgas D. Lujue, who was sitting beside the bed, to change his face involuntarily, his body suddenly tense up, and there was a faint cold sweat on his forehead emerge.

"who is it?!!"

She shouted in surprise, and glanced around with sharp eyes.

"Here it is!"

The playful voice came from the window, which made Lu Jiu's eyes focus instantly, and suddenly saw a tall and slender man sitting next to the window that had been pushed open at some point.

"Who are you? I have no idea what you're talking about!"

There was a little trembling in her voice. She had glanced in this direction before, there was no one at all, and the words of the previous man made Lu Jiu's heart surge. Roger only told about her and Ace. Garp alone, and even the former old subordinates - Pluto Rayleigh and others, have never told them, how did the other party know?

· Ask for flowers

Is that what Karp said?

Guessing in her heart, Lu Jiu quickly overturned her guess, because it was impossible for Garp to do this, otherwise Roger would not have handed over his son to the other party, not to mention the other party's strength and identity, if he really wanted to If you catch yourself, you will be sent to the guillotine as early as the first day, how can you still live to this day.

"Portgas D. Lujue, you don't need to delay any longer, I know all about your situation, including the child in your womb and the deal between Roger and Karp, I know all about it!"

Kaido shook his head and stared at Lu Jiu who was gradually panicking with some playfulness.

"In order not to let the navy see the difference, you are working very hard. In order to protect your children, you even plan to sacrifice your own life. This kind of amazing maternal love is the reason why I am eyeing you!"


With Kaido's eyesight, it is natural to see that Lu Jiu's state at this time is much more serious than Verna. It is really like a candle in the wind. I am afraid that once Ace is born, she will suffer. Die without ceasing.


Lu Jiu's face finally couldn't help but change greatly, and then her body suddenly rushed up, her body was extremely strong, and her slender fists slammed towards Kaido, with a strong force.

As a woman of One Piece, Lu Jiu is naturally impossible to be powerless, although it is impossible to be a top powerhouse, but it is still enough to be comparable to a general lieutenant general.


The fist that was enough to easily blast an ordinary person was taken by the wide palm, Kaido looked at Lu Jiu jokingly, raised her chin with his right hand, and said playfully.

"Since Miss Lujiu can sacrifice her life for her child, I wonder if she can sacrifice something else?"

As she spoke softly, the lights in the room suddenly went out, and the windows were also closed. With Lu Jiu's terrified cry, the beautiful spring light filled the hut with beautiful sounds.

ps: I know that when this chapter comes out, I will definitely be sprayed to death and my grades may drop, but because the number of people who agree with it is a bit large, and there is a reward of [-] points, it is a bit unreasonable not to accept it. I can't bear those who oppose it, and treat it as the author's petty willfulness. You can scold you as you like, as long as you don't scold it too much _(:з"∠)_

Chapter [-] has passed the review and can already be read, although it is estimated that it will be rectified soon. After all, I swiped to apply for review before I changed it. .

Chapter [-] Devouring Thunder (Third)

ps: If you reply to someone, the bottom line is completely different from person to person. It is very likely that what seems normal to me, you can't accept it, and what looks normal to you, I can't accept it. I don't think accepting a wife. What a beast, according to what you say, those ghosts, fathers, orthopedics, and even grass, aren't they even worse than animals?Besides, if you catch a lot of this kind of thing in the real world, and I'm just joking around in a novel, I'll become a heinous beast?

Besides, on the issue that the protagonist is a beast, if taking a wife is a beast, then there is basically no normal person in the main character of Feilu. When a person can kill tens of thousands of people without the slightest mercy, in the eyes of normal people , is he still human?In the same way, in terms of human morality, Kaido can no longer be considered a human being.

Not to mention the gods in Greek mythology, the relationship between them is a hundred times more chaotic than the protagonist, but are they beasts?No, they are gods because they transcend the "nine and three" morality of human beings. When a person has the power to surpass human beings, he still needs to abide by the morality of human beings?

The sky was covered with thick dark clouds, the layers of dark clouds were extremely dense, and they kept spreading to the distance, with no end in sight.


Silver-white lightning flashes like silver snakes from time to time, intertwined in the air, forming a wide thunder field with a width of hundreds of meters. , the dazzling lightning flashes, illuminating the sky from time to time.

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