
The orangutan, whose size was comparable to Jack, who was more than ten meters tall, was taken aback for a moment. He was a little stunned by Jack's actions. Then, as if he had recovered, he roared furiously. His huge body was like a tank. out.


The gust of wind whistled, and the cyan wind blade ravaged everything around it, cutting everything around it. Horton's face was extremely solemn, the gust of wind fruit was fully used, and the terrifying cyan wind blade swept through everything around him.

"Second pull!!"

The big tree collapsed suddenly, and it was cut by the wind blade from between the trees. The cut was extremely sharp without a trace of roughness, which made people a little shocked.

"Brush brush..."

The cyan wind blade spun, turned into a sky-piercing tornado blade wind, and swept out.


The huge snake body coiled up, the icy snake core spit out, and the icy eyes stared at the tornado blade wind that swept in, the thick snake tail swept out like a whip, and instantly slashed towards Horton. .

"Clang clang..."

The wind blade was rolling, the terrifying wind blade that was enough to cut gold and iron, cut into the scaly snake tail, and made a sound of Jin Ge clashing. After a spark was cut, nothing happened, which made Horton's face pale. change for one.


The body was blasted out directly, blood spurted out, and Horton was smashed into the distance a little embarrassed.


The icy snake core spit out, and the huge python rushed out like lightning, fast and fierce, like a sharp arrow from the string, making people shudder.


His body crawled up in embarrassment, Horton looked at the python coldly, snorted coldly, his body instantly turned into a gust of wind, and disappeared in place in the blink of an eye.

The reason why he was hit before was just because he didn't want to rely too much on the ability of the natural system, and wanted to improve his physique, so he tried not to use it. Now that he was defeated by the python in the blink of an eye, he naturally wouldn't be stupid enough to rely on his body. Hard resistance, but an instant use of ability to escape.

After all, the ability of the natural-type gust fruit, whether it is escaping or fighting, is first-class. Although it is not comparable to the top natural types such as rockberry fruit and glittering fruit, it is also comparable to burning fruit. It is located in the upper reaches of the natural system.


Looking at Horton who disappeared, the python roared up to the sky, staring into the distance with icy eyes, exuding terrifying power all over his body.



The wolf roared, the silver-white wolf body, slender and beautiful, ran with vigorous limbs, and the terrifying speed was a bit unbelievable, like silver lightning.


Tigers roared in the mountains and forests, the terrifying howls shook the mountains and rivers, with the monstrous ferocity of the king of beasts, the huge saber-toothed tiger slammed out, collided with the blue wolf, and the terrifying vibration continued to erupt.


Pieces of trees burst open and were torn apart by the terrifying aftermath. Pieces of pieces kept shooting out, and the ground was cracking rapidly. In the blink of an eye, the entire mountain forest was bombarded by two terrifying beasts. Collapsed quickly.


The huge tiger claws slapped on Canglang's body, causing him to let out a scream, the silver fur cracked directly, blood kept flowing, and the flesh was blurred.


Not to be outdone, the sharp fangs gnawed on the tiger's body, but what was shocking was that the fangs, which were enough to easily bite steel into pieces, were unable to break through the seemingly thin tiger skin.


The sturdy tiger's tail shot out like lightning, hitting the blue wolf directly, causing him to mourn and fly upside down.


The saber-toothed tiger roared, looking down at the wolf with cold eyes, roaring, and slaughtered directly without showing any mercy.

It is the supreme overlord in this area. It is the strongest in the entire Ruscaina Island. Its strength is stronger than that of Polsalino, which is comparable to the three disasters. Terror exists, and there is nothing to fear at all.

Of course, although it is extremely powerful, the saber-toothed tiger is only a beast after all, and it is impossible to do such a move as domineering.


The silver blue wolf stood up with some difficulty, Fan Nabing 063 stared at the saber-toothed tiger with cold eyes, howled, turned around and left, as a cp0, Fan has long passed the time to act in his spirit, and when it is time to run away, he will never run away. procrastination.


The huge saber-toothed tiger roared, but did not chase it out. Instead, it looked at the terrifying thunder field in the air with some awe, roared in awe, and turned back to its previous lair.


The ice dragon roared, and the cold air couldn't stop exuding, freezing the surrounding ground, freezing the surrounding space of hundreds of meters with thick ice, and the terrifying dragon's might swept across thousands of meters, causing many beasts to shudder. Trembling, trembling for that terrifying majesty that surpasses all beasts.


However, the Tyrannosaurus rex confronting the ice dragon was not at all, and with a roar, its huge body rushed up, and its wide mouth opened, biting towards the sound of the ice dragon.


The azure-blue dragon pupil flashed a trace of anger, and the huge dragon tail swept out in an instant, slamming heavily on the Tyrannosaurus Rex, knocking it back again and again, and the terrifying vibration resounded around.


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