The ice dragon that froze all things breathed out, freezing all things, directly freezing the retreating Tyrannosaurus Rex, forming a huge ice block of more than ten meters, and terrifying cold air swept out, causing the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly. .

Chapter [-] Five years, the situation changes (second more)


The huge ice cube cracked quickly, and collapsed in the blink of an eye.


The ice dragon roared, without showing any signs of weakness, the body rushed out and collided with the Tyrannosaurus Rex.


The terrifying air wave swept out in an instant, and in the blink of an eye, large tracts of trees were lifted, and the land was cracked and split.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The terrifying collision continued, and a huge roar resounded around, like a dull thunder.

At the same time, 2b, Olvia and others in other places also encountered terrifying beasts, and they were fighting against them with difficulty. In order to prevent their women from becoming vases, they must at least have the power to protect themselves. Kaido spent a lot of extraordinary points to improve Olvia's physique at least general, and also improved Olvia's six-style and domineering, so that they could barely survive on Ruscaina Island. qualifications.

Of course, all of this is under the supervision of Kaido. Although they are training them, once they encounter fatal danger, Kaido will still come to the rescue. After all, it is his own woman, Kaido will not be ruthless. Abandoning each other, ignoring their lives.


The thunder continued to roar, and the blazing lightning was intertwined, forming thick thunders, wandering in the air, and gathered together crazily.

"Boom boom boom..."

The blazing rays of light shone and gathered for a whole month, forming a terrifying thunder field that was several thousand meters thick. The thunders that were several meters thick roamed like silver dragons, and the power contained in each one was enough to kill the top. The lieutenant general, the terrifying power of the general, and in the entire thunder field, there are thousands of thunders like this, and some of them exude a faint purple light, which makes Kaido's skin slightly numb and terrifying. Thunder.

The thunder with purple light, each of which has the terrifying power to seriously injure the Four Emperors and kill the general, even with Kaido's defensive power, one hit will be injured.

Of course, this kind of terrifying thunder, it takes Kaido to gather for a whole month to do it.

"Boom! ¨!"

Thousands of thousands of huge minefields hung in the air, and the terrifying roar shook the sea area of ​​tens of thousands of meters, shaking many islands, and even alarming many terrifying sea kings. Emerging from the deep sea, staring at the terrifying minefield in the air.

"That's like talking!"

With a body as terrifying as a demon, Kaido stood in the center of the Thunder Territory, and the terrifying thunder smashed through him, but it only splashed a burst of sparks, which was useless, leaving only faint traces.

"Only in this way can I quickly become stronger!"

Staring at the terrifying thunder, Kaido laughed happily and opened his mouth. Under the guidance of the tyrant's territory, the flaming thunder quickly gathered, and there were several meters of thunder, which slammed into Kaido's mouth. , was swallowed by Kaido in one mouthful.


The muffled sound of thunder kept ringing in Kaido's belly, and the terrifying pain came, which made Kaido roar in a low voice, with bright red blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.


Roared, the terrifying resilience was once again manifested, but a moment of effort was enough to make the generals seriously injured and fall from the terrifying injuries, and they recovered in the blink of an eye, fully embodying what is the strongest monster in the world!

"Hahaha, come more violently!"

Laughing wildly, Kaido opened his lips, and the thunder was twice as large as before, and it crashed down. The shocking thunder continued to sound, drowning Kaido, and the whole world was illuminated by dazzling white light. A piece, even the sun's rays are suppressed.


Time flies by without knowing it, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

The boundless sea has never been attracted by a certain person or a certain thing for a long time. Almost every day, various bounty orders are issued, and powerful pirates are offered rewards, or powerful pirates are arrested. .

In these short five years, there have also been many powerful pirates rising, stirring up the boundless situation in the entire sea. The most famous of them is the top pirates that are well-known in the new world - the "Red Hair" pirates.

"Red-haired" Pirates, its leader "Red-haired" Shanks was already a famous supernova in the first half of the great waterway. As soon as he set foot in the new world three years ago, he became famous in the new world. The "Black Yao" pirate group clashed and beheaded it powerfully, causing quite a stir in the new world.

It's not how powerful the "Black Yao" pirate group is. Although its captain has some fame, it's only a little bit, and it's not enough to cause a sensation. What really caught the attention of the powerful pirates in the new world was because of the "Black Yao" sea. The pirate group is one of the pirate groups under the BIG-MOM pirate group. The "red-haired" pirate group killed it, which undoubtedly angered BIG-MOM, which led to BIG-MOM's pursuit.

On the way to the chase, the "red-haired" pirates also showed the terrifying potential of a worthy supernova. In just five years, they grew rapidly. From being chased unilaterally at the beginning, they grew to be able to compete with BIG- The horror of the MOM Pirates' arm wrestling, and the killing of several senior officials of the BIG-MOM Pirates, caused a great sensation.

However, what really made the reputation of "Red Hair" shake the new world is because the red hair had run into the "black wrist" Zefa who led the warship to sweep the pirates a few months ago, and had a fierce battle with it. The battle, which lasted for three days and three nights, attracted the attention of all the pirates in the New World. In the end, when an island was destroyed, the two sides ended with Zefa losing and fleeing.

This battle completely shocked the whole world, and "red-haired" Shanks also became the top pirate second only to Whitebeard, tied with the BIG-MOM pirates.

At the same time, there is also a swordsman named "Eagle Eye" who rises up, holding the black sword "Ye" with 12 super-fast swords. He challenges many powerful swordsmen and defeats them one after another. The prosperity is not much worse than the "red-haired" Shanks, and there is a faint hint of the world's greatest swordsman who is called the future.

In the front and back sections of the great waterway, there are supernova pirates and powerful sea pirates on the rise, and the era that Gol D. Roger was looking forward to is gradually approaching.

ps: In other words, it should not be too much to upgrade from the veteran lieutenant level to defeating the general in five years. After all, Luffy can soar to the level of fighting with Katakuri within two years, and the red hair will not be much worse. Go!

Let’s talk about the character and actions of the protagonist again. I’m completely following the actions of an ordinary person who obtained power. Don’t talk too far. If you are replaced by you, if you get extremely powerful power and travel to your favorite world, don’t you? Will you try your best to accept the heroine you like?

The only difference is the way of doing things, but I have to admit that the human heart is dark and ugly, and suddenly gets huge power. I think very few people will act like anime, asking for nothing and protecting the world, at least I think I can not do it.

By the way, let's celebrate the book reaching 100 chapters, although only the title reaches 100_(:з"∠)_.

Chapter [-] Amazing transformation, powerful people (third more)

"Boom, boom, boom..." "Ouch!!!"

The desolate elephant chirping is sounding, as if returning to the ancient flood and desolate era, a terrifying and vast giant elephant strode forward, its sturdy elephant legs stepped on the ground, and a desolate force spread out, the whole green land, with The speed visible to the naked eye is drying rapidly, the flowers and trees are all withered in an instant, and the ground is drying and cracking rapidly.

In a short while, the earth with a radius of hundreds of meters seemed to have encountered a century of drought, completely cracked and desolate, truly showing the power of "drought"!


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