Kaido showed a smile of satisfaction with 573.

"You work for me, and I will not live up to your expectations. When the world government is overthrown, you will be the high-level party who holds the power!"

Although Kaido does not know how to use such imperial means, it is still very simple to simply draw a big cake.

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"

Sure enough, everyone's emotions became more and more excited. Originally, they didn't go to sea for so-called dreams or freedom. They just wanted to plunder treasures, or they wanted to have superior power. Now Kaido gave them a promise, no doubt. Aroused ambition in their hearts.

"Master Kaido!"

At this moment, "Wind Disaster" Horton stood up and said respectfully like Kaido.

"What's the matter!"

Kaido said softly, and there was already speculation in his heart.

"I want to challenge the captain of the third division - Canglang Fan!"

Horton said word by word, his eyes very firm.

"Fan, how about you?"

Kaido turned to look at Fan and asked.


Fan nodded, his expression did not change at all.

"Okay, I agree with you to fight, but after this fight, the grievances between you will be completely settled, do you understand!"

Said, Kaido's eyes swept over them sharply, making them feel a chill in their hearts, and they all said.

"Yes, Lord Kaido!".

Chapter [-] The battle of two people, the strength of everyone (first more)

"Boom, boom, boom..." "Boom, boom, boom..."


In the vast land, two figures collided at an astonishing speed. The field around the figure moved rapidly, leaving behind afterimages. From time to time, they collided, setting off a large wave of air, cracking the earth, and raging winds, turning trees into pieces. To blow away.

"Wind kick!!"

Dodging a claw strike, Horton's eyes flashed coldly, and his body instantly turned into a cyan wind, rushing out at an astonishing speed, and in the blink of an eye appeared beside Fan, who was incarnated as a half werewolf, with an incomparably sharp attack. The kicks swept out, almost unbelievably, so many pirates watching the battle could not help but stand upright, and suddenly changed color, and only Jack and the others remained calm and calm.


Between the electric light and flint, a sharp silver wolf claw slammed upwards, directly blocking the kick, and the amazing air wave swept out with the collision, turning into a violent wind, blowing smoke and dust all over the sky, covering the sky and the sun.

"Thunder claws!"

The sharp wolf claws flashed with thunder, and the dazzling rays of light shone, and then madly grabbed out, dozens of times in an instant, people couldn't help but change their color.

"Hmph, Gale Slash!"

With a cold snort, Horton did not panic in the slightest, and the cyan wind swept around his body, turning into dozens or hundreds of sharp wind blades, each with a terrifying power that was enough to cut through the warship and kill the major general.

"Bang bang bang..."

The violent collision sounded non-stop, hundreds of air waves swept out, tearing apart a large area of ​​land, the wind raged wildly, and the hundreds of meters of land were densely cracked like a spider web.


Failing to hit, Fan arched his right foot slightly, and then his body rushed out like lightning and slammed into Horton.


The wind whistled, and Horton did not give in at all. The whistling wind directly turned into an afterimage and collided with Fan Kuai. They fought dozens of times every second. sigh.

"Lord Kaido, who do you think will win' 々?"

I haven't been close to Kaido for more than three months, so I abandoned the cold and glamorous appearance early, 2b has completely grown, and the extremely hot body is tightly pressed against Kaido, and asked in a tender voice, the voice is ambiguous and attractive, People can not help but sigh, what a fairy!

"What do you think?"

He raised 2b's petite body with his backhand, sat on his arm, and made its wonderful [swallow] part tightly against his own arm. Looking at the pretty face with the black blindfold, Kaido asked in a funny way.

Only in front of herself can 2b show an attractive appearance. If she is in front of ordinary people, she is the arrogant and glamorous captain of the second division.

"Well... can't guess!"

After pretending to ponder for a while, 2b shook his head and said, it's not that 2b can't see it, she can naturally see the strength of the two with her eyesight.

"How about you? Zero!"

Turning his head, Kaido looked at Zero, who was standing by the side, looking at the battlefield blankly, which shocked her and said softly.

"If it continues, within an hour, Horton will be defeated!"

The voice is extremely cold, coupled with that indifferent expression, like a goddess of icebergs, it is fascinating!


Asking softly, Kaido didn't show the slightest politeness.

"Master Kaido~"

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