The body froze slightly, and then directly slumped into Kaido's arms, zero whispered softly, unable to maintain that glamorous appearance, with a delicate and perfect face with a blush, staring at Kaido, letting the evil ( Hunk) evil big hands are wanton (eggs) abuse.


He kissed him domineeringly, and didn't let go until he almost suffocated Zero, Kaido asked softly, looking at Zero with some playfulness in his eyes, maybe it's been a few months without a good time, and Zero's reaction was a bit "intense", Kai Thinking jokingly.

"Well...Although Horton's strength has improved tremendously in the past three years, coupled with the ability of the natural gust fruit, it is even stronger than that of Polsalino!"

Some shy (heh) pondered for a while, zero said.

"However, compared to Horton, Fan's progress has been greater, and he has a strong strength in himself, coupled with the ability of the phantom beast species of the blue wolf fruit, and the five years of hard training, the current Fan, compared to that Zefa, It's just a little bit worse."

It was easy to tell the specific strengths of the two of them, and Kaido was slightly surprised by this vision, but the women around Kaido, such as Verna, Hancock, Olvia and others, all looked at him in surprise. Zero, with an expression of indescribable surprise.

"It seems that you gave me the biggest surprise!"

Putting down 2b, Kaido gently rubbed [heh] on Zero's delicate face, Kaido said in amazement.

".'As expected of my queen, my ice plague!"

As for the strength of everyone, Kaido saw it all at first glance. There is no doubt that Fan's strength is already at the level of "monster", maybe not as good as a veteran general like Zefa, but it is [-] times more powerful. After the year, the candidates for the generals "Tea Dolphin" and "Peach Rabbit" are not bad at all, and even stronger.

As for Jack and Horton, they have steadily stepped into the three-calamity level, while Jack is much stronger, not weaker than the Kaido who was not transformed five years ago.

The strength of 2b has also undergone earth-shaking changes. The strength has steadily reached the level of top lieutenant generals, and the realm of kendo has also reached the realm of swordsmen. The superposition of the two is stronger than the general top lieutenant generals.

Of course, the most terrifying improvement in strength is still zero, perhaps because the ice dragon fruit has a very high degree of fit with zero, or because zero himself is extremely talented. Of course, in Kaido's eyes, zero has both.

In just five years, zero's strength has improved (good Zhao) is extremely terrifying, and now it can be said to be no weaker than any general, plus the domineering overlord who awakened unexpectedly two years ago, plus the ice dragon fruit. The increase of , if it explodes with full force, even if it is against the four emperors, it will be no different, and the strength is definitely the first among Kaido's subordinates.

The title of the head of the three disasters is well-deserved.

"Bang bang bang..."

With the conversation of Kaido and others, the battle in the field is already coming to an end, and it has gradually been at a disadvantage. With the passage of time and the momentary negligence, Fan Yipao finally hit the body, and the whole person is in a state of embarrassment. It flew out and hit the ground heavily.


Standing up with difficulty, Horton's face was gloomy, his figure turned into a gust of wind, and he was about to continue rushing out.

"Enough! This battle is over!"

Squinting slightly, looking at Horton who still wanted to continue fighting, Kaido snorted coldly, and a terrifying pressure swept out. .

Chapter [-] The Huge Fleet (Second)

The terrifying coercion came down suddenly, as if it was real, with a might that was like the sky was sinking, almost making everyone present feel dizzy, even the quasi-general-level powerhouse like Jack. A feeling of almost suffocating, which shocked them.

In fact, if it wasn't for Kaido's mercy, and his strength was weaker than the lieutenant general, he would have been shocked to death by the terrifying coercion. Even a lieutenant general would be unable to bear the monstrous power and would be directly stunned. .

After the overlord color was integrated into Kaido's bloodline, its shock and deterrent power also increased by a level and became even more terrifying.

"Horton, haven't you recognized the situation?"

Looking down at Horton coldly, the terrifying coercion was directly concentrated on Horton, and the terrifying coercion pressed Horton to the ground, almost unable to lift his head.

"Answer me, Horton!"

If Horton is really the kind of idiot who can't even tell the situation, Kaido wouldn't mind pinching the opponent directly, even if the opponent is his three disasters or his strongest subordinates.

In fact, apart from Jack, the first subordinate to follow Kaido, Kaido valued it, other subordinates, even Fan who already had monster-level combat power, once made him unhappy, Kaido would not 733 mind slapped to death directly, there will be no so-called affection at all.

"Hold... I'm sorry, Kaido... Lord, yes... I was too impulsive..."

Being oppressed by the terrifying pressure was a little unbearable, Horton said with difficulty, because of the sudden increase in strength in his heart, his slightly swollen heart calmed down as if he had been splashed with cold water.


All the pirates looked at Kaido with some fear, and couldn't help shivering. They could see Horton's strength very clearly, and it was extremely terrifying. Just cutting out a wind blade seriously was enough to instantly kill [-]% of the people present. The above powerhouses, but such powerful powerhouses, were pressed by Kaido's coercion and unable to move, which shocked them and refreshed Kaido's strength again in their hearts.

"Hey, there won't be another time!"

With a cold snort, looking at the awe-inspiring crowd, Kaido said indifferently, his calm tone made everyone tremble.

"Mr. Xie Kaida!!"

Standing up with difficulty, Horton said quickly, with joy in his tone.

"Well, your next task is to assemble your fleet for me, and wait for me in the sea in front of the windless belt after three (bafc) days!"


Nodding, Kaido looked at the group of pirates and said solemnly.

"Yes, Lord Kaido!!"


Three days later, early morning!

The palace of Nine Snake Island.

Warm sunlight pours in through the windows, illuminating the entire nave.


Kaido opened his eyes, then pulled off the quilt, revealing his strong and perfect body, as well as a group of beautiful bodies lying on the bed, each with a satisfied smile on their rosy and beautiful faces, as if It was like having a good dream, with a faint smile.


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