Gently pulled Robin, who was hugging him tightly like an octopus, the beautiful and tender body was detached from Kaido, and the extremely swollen (egg) feeling disappeared, making Robin He snorted softly, but didn't wake up, obviously too tired.

Just three days ago, when he returned from Ruscaina Island, Kaido directly pulled all the women over, and came to Hundreds of barrels once, and fought fiercely for three days and two nights. If not for the use of the system to restore the women The physical strength, I'm afraid they can't hold the terrifying Kaido at all, so it is, and now he is exhausted and can only lie down on the bed to rest.

Among them, Robin, who was directly pulled over by Kaido, formed a wonderful rice bowl with Olivia, which made Kaido enjoy it beautifully, although it also included Verna and Hancock and their mother and daughter.

All in all, Kaido had a great time for the past three days, and he was swaying to the extreme.

"Time to wake up!"

Speaking softly, Kaido put on his clothes, went straight to bathe and wash, and ordered the palace guards to prepare meals.

Time passed quickly. After the girls woke up, took a bath and ate, at noon, Kaido and the others finally packed up their things, took the boat before Jack, went to the sea behind the windless belt, and waited with Jack. People meet.

"Lord Kaido, the fleet has converged!"

A pirate captain stood in front of Kaido and said respectfully, behind him, there were dozens of neatly arranged fleets, each huge ship carrying hundreds of people, and the ship was loaded with a large number of muzzles, Even if it is not comparable to a naval warship, it has terrifying power.

"Well, very good, it's time to go to the Seven Waters and retrieve my boat!"

Nodding with satisfaction, Kaido looked into the distance, his tall body with monstrous might, like a terrifying king, made the eyes of the girls present a little fascinated.

'That figure, like him, is far taller, more majestic, and more reliable than him! '

Behind the girls, there was a young child with pockmarks in his hands. He was wearing a dress, and there was no pockmark on his face. The whole person became more and more beautiful and charming. Looking at Kaido's tall back, he thought a little lost. , I was a little lost in my heart.

"Mom, Uncle Kaido is so majestic, so powerful!"

The pock-faced child took La Lujiu's hand, and said with exclamation in his voice, his face was full of envy and admiration, it was Lujiu's son, Portgas D. The captain of the second division of the Beard Pirates, Fire Fist Ace.

Of course, with Kaido's intervention in this life, Ace has no chance of joining the Whitebeard Pirates at all. After all, Ace's potential is still extremely powerful. As long as he is trained properly, he will at least be a general in the future, not even the Four Emperors. impossible.

Therefore, although he didn't want to see Ace in his heart, and he had no interest in being a father, although Kaido didn't pay attention to him, he also gave him the necessary care and enough training.

Therefore, in the eyes of today's young Ace, Kaido is an uncle who is very good to him and his mother! (funny)


Lu Jiu lightly brushed her long hair, a slight smile twitched at the corners of her mouth, and responded gently, after five years of love, coupled with Kaido's care from time to time, Lu Jiu had already completely accepted Kaido. He even fell in love with Kaido, the domineering man who took possession of himself.

Therefore, he did not refute Ace's words, but was extremely happy in his heart, as if he had eaten honey.

"Set off!!"

The thick and majestic voice spread far and wide. Under the voice of Kaido, a large sail was raised, and under the direction of the wind, the huge fleet sailed towards the capital of seven waters, like a huge long dragon, extremely spectacular. .

Chapter [-] Lieutenant Generals Gather, Headquarters Meeting (Part [-])

Naval Headquarters, Marin van Dou.

The Marshal's Office Building.

"Brush brush..."

Admiral, Steel Skeleton, is sitting at the desk at this time, holding a pen and signing documents quickly, with monster-like eyesight and speed, in just a few seconds, he can directly sign a document, Rao is so, there are still a lot of white documents piled up on the desk.

With the passage of time, the number of pirates has also surged wildly in the past few years. Almost every day, new pirates go out to sea, or a certain town is destroyed by pirates, thus gathering a large number of documents, making steel Gu Kong was a little overwhelmed and had a headache.

"Bolu Bolu..."

At this moment, the phone worm placed on the desk suddenly made a sound, which made Gang Gukong frown and gave him a headache, because every time the phone worm rang, something big happened, and every time it was extremely serious. The bad thing, let the steel-bones Kongdu cast a shadow on the tele-phone bug.

"Moses Moses, I'm Marshal Cyborg Kong!"

Picking up the phone bug, Cyborg said calmly.

"Marshal Kong, Kaido has appeared, and took their ships from the Seven Waters, and announced the establishment of the Beast Pirates, leading dozens of pirate ships to the Chambord Islands!"

There was a panicked voice from the phone bug, which was a spy sent by the Navy to lurk in the Seven Waters.


Gang Gukong's face suddenly became extremely serious, with deep fear, he murmured.

"Sure enough, I've become a pirate, now I'm in big trouble!!"

As early as after learning that Kaido was building a huge ship with a height of hundreds of meters in the capital of seven waters, Steel Skeleton Hollow had already made a guess, but he did not expect it to come true.

"Knowing that the ship was destroyed in the first place!"

Cyborg Kong said bitterly, of course, he was just talking about it, as early as a few years ago when he knew that Kaido was building ships in the Seven Waters, the Navy Headquarters and even the world government wanted to go to Escuba and the others. Put pressure on them to give up shipbuilding.

The result can be imagined, the Navy lost three branches that day, and all the tens of thousands of sailors and several lieutenant generals died, which immediately made the Navy feel extremely distressed and did not dare to interfere with the construction of ships.

"Master Marshal, what should we do next!"

The voice of the phone bug continued, and the tone couldn't hide the panic.

"You continue to monitor them, don't panic, and wait for my order at any time!"

Gang Gukong frowned and ordered.

"Yes, Master Marshal!!"

Although the navy spy was afraid of Kaido's power, but under the order of Cyborg Sora, he bravely responded.

"I didn't expect that the other party would quietly gather such a huge force under the eyes of the Navy!"

Gong Gukong's brows furrowed tightly, and he obviously did not expect Kaido to have dozens of pirate ships, which was far beyond Gongkong's expectations.

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