You must know that the first half of the great waterway is completely different from the new world. Compared with the new world, which is difficult for the navy to enter, the great waterway is completely dominated by the navy. The various points of the establishment of the great waterway by each naval branch, and even the judicial system of the three major institutions of the world government Island and Advance City.

It can be said that as long as there are any clues, the navy can get the news, and it will not be the same as in the new world, which is completely smeared.

Being able to gather the troops of dozens of pirate ships quietly under such circumstances, you can see Kaido's terrifyingness.

"Fortunately, these fleets are just pirates of the great waterway, and they are not too difficult to deal with!"

The New World and the Great Waterway are two completely different places. The Great Waterway is even called a paradise by the pirates of the New World, a "paradise" for pirates. The gap between the two can be imagined.

"However, if you want to deal with that guy, you must immediately hold a meeting and agree on a plan!"

Immediately, Steel Skeleton made quick calls one by one, notified the lieutenant generals of the naval meeting, and called them back to the naval headquarters.

Three days later, one after another huge warships docked at the port of the Navy Headquarters. One after another, the powerful men wearing the cloaks of justice and the fierce and terrifying momentum stepped off the ship. They were all famous lieutenant generals of the Headquarters. One is an absolute powerhouse who came out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses.

"God, that's Lieutenant General Black Bone, isn't he suppressing pirates in the New World? Why did he suddenly come back!"

"That's Lieutenant General Sakaski!!!"

"And Lieutenant General Polsalino!!"

"There's even Lieutenant General Peach Rabbit!!"

"What's the matter, how come so many lieutenant generals are called back all of a sudden!"

The sailors in the port of the headquarters, looking at the lieutenant generals who came down from the large warship, took a deep breath and said in awe, their hearts felt cool.

0 ask for flowers 0  

You must know that each of these lieutenant generals is a strong, powerful lieutenant general, especially Sakaski and Polusalino. After five years of growth, their strength has improved by leaps and bounds. It can be said that it has steadily stepped into the "monster" level, even if it is not comparable to them fifteen years later, but it is also a general level, and it will not be worse than Zefa.

As soon as they stepped off the warship, the lieutenant generals did not stop for a while, but walked quickly towards the building of the naval meeting. At this time, the lieutenant general, except that the distance was too far away, or there was a major event that could not escape, the other lieutenant generals They have all returned to the naval headquarters, adding up to a dozen figures.

If you count the few killed by Kaido, and the lieutenant generals who were guarded in various places and did not have time to return, there are more than thirty lieutenant generals in total, and you can imagine the background of the Navy headquarters.


"Ta Tata..."

When the group of lieutenant generals walked quickly to the conference room, there were already several figures sitting on the wide ceremony table.

They are: Admiral Gang Kong Kong, Admiral Buddha of the Warring States Period, Admiral Iron Fist Karp, Admiral "Black Wrist" Zefa, Vice Admiral Admiral Crane, who also serves as the general staff officer, all of them are not the highest combat power of the headquarters, It is the top chief of staff. This lineup made the coming lieutenant generals look straight and bowed.

"I've seen Marshal Kong!"

"I have seen General Sengoku, General Zefa, General Garp!"

"I have seen Staff Officer Crane!"

One after another voice resounded throughout the conference room, making Gang Gukong and the others nodded and let them sit down.

"Everyone, I'm calling everyone here to discuss how to fight against the terrifyingly powerful Hundred Beast Pirates!"

After everyone sat down, Gang Gu Kong said with a serious face and a dull and majestic tone.

"Hundred Beasts Kaido, you all know this person too!"

Hearing the words of Kong Gukong, all the lieutenant generals became serious one after another. As lieutenant generals of the navy, they naturally knew Kaido's horror. Although they had never really fought against him, they could defeat the top lieutenant generals such as Sakaski. The siege, the strong crushing of the "Black Wrist" Zefa, and even from the joint efforts of the three strongest navy warriors, Cyborg Kong, Sengoku, and Garp, calmly retreated without even taking a single bit of damage, and you can see the terror of the opponent. .

The most powerful monster in the world! .

Chapter [-] Crane's proposal, the way to kill Kaido? (first update)

"Now that Kaido has formed a huge fleet of dozens of ships and tens of thousands of pirates, according to my speculation, it is very likely that he will go to the Chambord Islands to coat and then head to the new world!"

Wrapping his arms around him, Gang Gukong's eyes were extremely serious as he swept over the surrounding lieutenant generals and said solemnly.

"The other party doesn't have any intention to hide at all, it's just swaggering. If the other party is allowed to cross the Chambord Islands, I'm afraid the prestige of the navy will be hit unprecedentedly!!"

This is exactly what Gang Gukong is worried about. If Kaido is still like before, just driving a pirate ship with a hundred people, maybe Gang Gukong will be afraid of the strength of the other party, so he will open a pirate ship. Close one eye, let the other party cross the Chambord Islands, and fight with the big pirates like "Whitebeard" and "Redhead", so as to achieve the purpose of indirectly weakening the strength of the pirates.

"Seven Seven Zero" After all, these pirates went out to sea, without exception, for Gol D. Roger's great secret treasure, arrived at the legendary island, Ralph Drew Island, and became the new One Piece.

From the perspective of Gang Gukong, Kaido's purpose is nothing more than other pirates, pursuing the position of One Piece. Therefore, Gang Gukong has the idea of ​​letting Kaido go to the new world.

However, what Cyborg Kong did not expect was that Kaido was too unreasonable to infer. Not only did he quietly gather dozens of ships and tens of thousands of pirates in five years, forming a huge fleet, and The so-called "Hundred Beasts" pirate group drove uprightly towards the Chambord Islands without any intention of covering up.

If under such circumstances, the navy still does not move at all and allows Kaido's fleet to travel to the new world through Fishman Island, then the prestige that the navy has managed to restore will suffer a major blow, and the prestige of the people will also be affected. It will descend rapidly, and end up with a reputation for fearing pirates.

"Then let's go to war. Since the other party wants to go to the new world, then the Chambord Islands are the only route to go through. As long as the defense net is deployed there, the opponent can be wiped out!"

The dull voice broke the silence and gathered everyone's eyes. It was Sakaski, who had made great strides in strength in five years and had an outstanding record. He was one of the most popular next admirals.

No one was surprised by Sakaski's proposal. After all, Sakaski himself is a hawk and is usually extremely aggressive. In addition, he was crushed and defeated by Kaido five years ago. He resented Kaido in his heart and wanted to arrest him. It seems to them to be quite normal.

"I agree with Sakaski's proposal. This war will be avoided here. In order to ensure the prestige of the navy, Kaido must be suppressed before he becomes a climate."

Kuzan, who was on the side, also spoke, which attracted the surprised eyes of the lieutenant generals, even Gang Gukong and others. He didn't expect that even Kuzan, who was extremely lazy, would take the initiative to speak.

"Yes, I also agree with Lieutenant General Sakaski's proposal. The navy is the division of justice and the shield of the people. How can it succumb to pirates!!"

"I also agree that if you don't pay attention, the Navy will lose face!"

Before the generals such as Gang Gukong spoke up, the lieutenant generals such as Heigu and Taotu said, and they all agreed with the proposal to start a war.

"With Kaido's strength, it may be easy to suppress the opponent, but killing the opponent is not an easy task!"

Gang Gukong said with a headache, Kaido's strength is what he is afraid of, and the body that will not be injured is really too terrifying, even if all the fighting strength of the headquarters is gathered, Gang Gukong is not confident enough Can kill each other.

"It's not impossible!"

At this moment, Lieutenant General Crane, with his hands crossed and his chin supported, said, which immediately surprised everyone, but Gang Gu Kongdu hurriedly turned his head and asked.

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