"He, what can I do?"

Even Cyborg Kong couldn't keep calm. The shadow that Gein Kaido gave him was too great. No matter how much he attacked, he couldn't damage his body in the slightest, making Cyborg Kong terrified. Now he suddenly heard that he could kill the opponent. The method is undoubtedly to make Steel Skeleton Kong extremely excited.

"In this sea there is an iron rule that can never be broken!"

Supporting his chin, Lieutenant General He said in a flat tone without the slightest rush.

"That's the curse of the sea - the devil fruit!"

"Anyone can only eat one Devil Fruit in a lifetime. Once he eats two, his body will be directly burst with terrifying energy!"

"If you can suppress Kaido and let him eat two Devil Fruits, there is a high possibility that he will explode and die!"

"If you can't, you can also make the other party have a fatal weakness, that is Hailoushi. As long as Kaido becomes a capable person, as long as he is put on Hailoushi handcuffs, then he will have no resistance!"

After speaking, Lieutenant General He stopped, and the entire conference room was silent, shocked by He's remarks.


The sudden burst of laughter broke the calm, and Garp laughed, patted the crane's shoulder with a big hand, gave a thumbs up, and praised.

"As expected of Xiaohe! He came up with such a wonderful method at once!"

"As expected of the Chief of Staff!"

"You can come up with such a brilliant method all at once."

"As expected of Xiaohe!"

Others, such as "Black Bone", "Ghost Spider", "Peach Rabbit" and other lieutenant generals also praised them one after another.

"Very good, since that's the case, then go to war with Kaido directly. This time, you must completely take down the opponent and prevent him from having any possibility of escaping!"

Cyborg Kong smiled with satisfaction, and because of Kaido's fear, his heavy heart gradually relaxed.

"Bolu Bolu..."

At this moment, the phone bug placed on the conference table rang suddenly, causing Cyborg Kong to frown, stop talking, and pick up the phone bug.

"Moses Moses, I am Cyborg Kong!"

After picking up the phone, Gang Gukong said calmly.

 3.6 "Steel empty!"

The old voice came from the phone bug, which immediately made Gang Gukong straighten up and said solemnly.

"Your Excellency Five Old Stars!"

As soon as these words came out, all the lieutenants were shocked and became serious.

Wu Laoxing, the highest authority in the world government, even to a vice admiral like them, is a very mysterious person. He has never met or even had a conversation with him. Concentrate and listen intently.

"Well, um, um, I understand, Your Excellency Five Old Stars!"

The brows gradually stretched, and the steel frame nodded again and again, and a smile gradually appeared on his face, obviously in a good mood, which made other lieutenants, even Garp, Warring States, Zefa and other generals a little puzzled.

Is there any good news! .

Chapter [-] The plan of the five old stars, the dispatch of zero (second more)


When Cyborg Kong put down the phone bug in his hand, Garp, the quickest-tempered and most unscrupulous, asked directly.

"Marshal Kong, is there any good news?"

Although after becoming a general, Karp's style is not as excessive as before, but there is still no change in general. For example, now, he is clearly asking about the steel bone, but his fingers are unscrupulously inserted into his nose, picking and digging booger. , has no scruples about the Marshal of Steel Skeleton.

"The Five Old Stars have just received news, let us deploy the entire army to expand the encirclement network in the Chambord Islands, and be sure to destroy Kaido directly!"

Knowing Garp's temper, he directly ignored Garp's actions, and Cyborg Kong hugged his hands and said calmly.

"And in order to avoid the possibility of Kaido avoiding a fight, the Five Old Stars let us send out news and spread the news to all parts of the world!"

If the news is spread out, even if Kaido doesn't want to fight, he will have to fight. If Kaido avoids fighting at this juncture, then the reputation that Kaido built up more than 10 years ago will collapse directly.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Five Old Stars, once the news spreads, Kaido has to fight even if he doesn't want to fight.

"Furthermore, in order to ensure that Kaido will be absolutely suppressed, the Five Old Stars will send the top powerhouses of the World Government to come and help me!"

"This battle will be broadcast live all over the world, and we will fully support the Navy. The only thing the Five Old Stars ask for is to completely suppress Kaido!"

Steel Skeleton put his arms around his arms, his face was extremely serious, but he did not have much worry in his heart. In his opinion, even without the assistance of the World Government, with the strength of the Navy Headquarters alone, he would have absolute certainty to suppress Kaido.

Admiral Cyborg Kong, Admiral Iron Fist Karp, Admiral Buddha Warring States, Admiral "Black Wrist" Zefa, plus Sakaski and Polusa, who have grown up thoroughly and have the same combat power as Zefa Lino, Kuzan and other three lieutenant generals.

There are seven monster-level powerhouses. Among them, Garp and Cyborg Kong are peak powerhouses who are not much weaker than Whitebeard. With such a terrifying lineup, Cyborg Kong has absolute certainty to suppress any existence. Even Kaido is the strongest monster in the world.

Of course, if Gang Gu Kong knew that in the past five years, Kaido's strength has increased wildly again, he would not think so.

"Hmph, with the assistance of the World Government this time, no matter how strong that guy is, he will definitely not be able to compete!"

Sitting aside, Sengoku snorted coldly and said coldly, obviously having great hostility towards Kaido.

"If that's the case, let's end the meeting like this!"

With a wave of his hand, Gang Gu Kong continued.

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