"The next thing is to send out the news, and then the preparations begin in the Shambord Islands!"


"Bang, bang, bang..."

The exquisite vases were smashed directly, pieces of exquisite and luxurious antiques were directly smashed, and the fragments were scattered all over the place. The originally luxurious and noble room was now piled up with various fragments, and it looked extremely messy!


"Damn Kaido, you finally appeared!"

Another gorgeous antique was smashed, and there was a dark footprint on his face. An extremely ugly man roared, it was the Heavenly Dragon who was stunned by Kaido's foot in the Chambord Archipelago. .

"I want you to die this time!"

"I've already sent Zero out, this time I must smash you into tens of thousands of pieces!!"

Roaring, Roel Rose Saint once again smashed a treasure. Since he was stunned by Kaido in the Chambord Islands and left indelible footprints on his face, his "deeds" are According to the legend of the Holy Land Mary Joa, after many dragon people met Rolle Ross, they would laugh at him, saying that the descendants of his dignified "creator" would be knocked out by vile criminals and left footprints.

This undoubtedly greatly stimulated Saint Roel Rose, causing his temper to be more than ten times worse than before, often killing slaves at every turn, and smashing a large number of items, especially after learning that Kaido had defeated the general, and even in With the joint efforts of the three of Gang Gukong, they all retreated, and they were so angry that they smashed the entire palace and lost billions of Baileys.

"Roll Ross!!"

The cold and stern shout came, which calmed down the furious Roller Rose. He turned his head to look, and saw a middle-aged man in a space suit and a transparent helmet walking in.

"Father, why are you here!"

St. Rollos stopped, and asked the middle-aged man, St. Rollos was still a little in awe of his father.

"If I don't come again, won't you smash another palace!"

The middle-aged man shouted sharply, which made Roller Rose a little dissatisfied, but he didn't dare to say anything. After all, the Roller Rose family still had the final say in his father.

"Did that Kaido appear again!"

Looking at his son, the middle-aged man asked, how could he not know what happened to St. Rolle Rose as the father of St. Rolle Rose.

Therefore, the middle-aged man is very clear about Kaido's matter, and naturally knows why Rolle Rose is so angry.

"Yes father, that guy has appeared!"

Grinning his teeth, Saint Rollos' face was extremely ferocious.

"I've asked Zero to take a shot to kill that guy completely!"

The words of St. Rollos directly changed the face of the middle-aged man, and said something ugly,

"Are you crazy? That guy Zero was cultivated by the Tiansheng family and is their spokesperson. Even if I want to invite the other party, I have to pay a huge price!"

Zero is the highest officer of cp0 and the captain in command of the entire cp0. He has a level of combat power comparable to that of Garp, and is also the strongest family among the Tianlong people - Tiansheng, who was trained by them. A spokesperson, even a Tianlong person, could not order him.

"I'm not crazy, as long as I can kill that guy, it's worth the price!"

Rollos roared frantically, his face a little crazy.

"You! Stupid!!"

The middle-aged man's beard was raised, his fingers trembling and he pointed at Rolls Ross, but in the end he didn't say anything, but said with a sigh.

"Forget it, since you're going your own way, I'm not going to stop you!"

"The majesty of the Tianlong people is not allowed to be violated. Since that Kaido dares to offend the Tianlong people, then kill him!"

"It just so happens that this time the Navy Headquarters and the World Government will make a big move on that Kaido, let Zero go with him!"

The middle-aged man looked at St. Rollos and said in an unquestionable tone.

"As for you, after getting rid of that guy, you'd better give me some peace of mind and stop making trouble!"

"Yes, my father!"

Rolle Rose responded excitedly, and the ugly face with footprints became more and more ugly.

"Kaido, this time you are dead!".

Chapter [-] The sea shakes, Kaido's goal (third more)

The sun is rising, and the warm sun is falling.


The breeze was gentle, blowing ripples, the waves surging, setting off waves.

"Quack, quack, quack..."

In the air, occasionally some sporadic seagulls flew by, passing a shadow on the sea.

When the news released by the Navy was carried around the world by newsbirds, the sea boiled.

"Hundred Beasts Kaido has formed a Hundred Beast Pirates group with tens of thousands of people, going to the new world?"

"My God, the navy is going to declare war on Kaido in the Chambord archipelago in a month?!!"

"This is simply super big news!!"

Countless shocks, whether it is "Hundred Beasts" Kaido's establishment of a pirate group, or the navy's declaration of war on Kaido, is enough to shock the sea, especially the navy is still setting up the battlefield in the Chambord Islands, waiting for Kaido to come, and will It is undoubtedly shocking to broadcast the specific situation of that war to the whole world by live broadcast all over the world.

"Tsk tsk, the Navy has made a big deal this time! I don't know if that Kaido dares to fight!"

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