"Hey, not necessarily. Although Kaido was able to make the navy bow his head before, in the final analysis, it was because he was alone that he dared to threaten the navy. Now he has formed a pirate group. Once he meets the navy, I'm afraid he will be directly crushed!"

"Yes, after all the navy is still the strongest force in this sea, not to mention that the three lieutenant generals of nature have grown up, and any one has the strength to become a general, plus the current three generals and the steel-boned air marshal, I don't think so. I think only a small group of pirates formed in the great waterway can compete!"

Most people shook their heads and didn't think Kaido would fight at all. The reason why the navy could not help Kaido before was just because it was too difficult to find someone in the vast sea, and Kaido himself was extremely powerful. Terrifying, that's why the navy gave up reluctantly and bowed to Kaido.

But now it is different. The Chambord Archipelago is not far from the Marine Headquarters of the Navy. This distance is not a big deal for the top powerhouses. There is absolute confidence in suppressing Kaido, the "hundred ~" beast, and he is not afraid of Kaido's strength at all.

In this case, if Kaido still collided with one head, it would be a matter of being kicked by a donkey purely in the head, which is basically impossible.

"Hmph, Lord Kaido is the strongest monster in the world, how could he be afraid of the so-called navy!"

"Yes, I believe that Lord Kaido will never avoid fighting, and it is impossible to fear the navy!"

Saying these words is the pirates who madly worship Kaido. In their opinion, Kaido is invincible, and it is impossible to fear the small navy.

Just as the whole sea was full of discussions and debates, in the first half of the great channel, on the vast sea, a huge fleet was galloping fast on the sea, headed by a huge and shocking pirate ship.

The huge hull is [-] meters long. On the hull, there is an extremely thick mast, which is like a needle to stabilize the whole ship. The appearance, as if about to walk out of the painting, is full of shocking power.

And out of the bow is the head of a huge beast with two pairs of curved horns that are extremely sharp. In the mouth of the beast is a fort that is several meters thick, and the huge black muzzle flashes. The cold light makes people shudder.

On the boat, there are two floors of specially-designed rooms, which Kaido built for himself and his women. Not only are there complete facilities, but there are also special activity rooms and training rooms; as for the deck on the deck It is a spacious lawn with a few fruit trees and a luxurious red carpet; on the bow of the boat, there is a black goshawk in the shape of flying high, which is the mount raised by Kaido. ; And on the rear deck, there are various recreational facilities such as swimming pools.

It is the "King's Landing" that Kaido designed for himself, but it doesn't look like a pirate ship at all, but more like a luxury cruise ship. Of course, this is also built by Kaido for his own enjoyment. Naturally, it is not for fighting, so Not too many combat facilities were created.

"Is this provoking me with news? A decisive battle?"

At this time, on the deck at the rear, Kaido was lying lazily on the sun lounger, holding a piece of news in his hand, 2b lying like a kitten in his arms, and kneeling and wearing a dress under him, The more and more charming (meow) beautiful Lu Jiu is serving Kaido.

"Totally stupid!"

With a sneer, Kaido directly threw the news in his hand and ignored it, but closed his eyes and enjoyed Lu Jiu's service to the fullest.

"If they knew about the strength of Lord Kaido, they would be extremely desperate!"

Lying in Kaido's arms like a kitten, 2b raised his head to look at Kaido, and said with a chuckle, with an expression of indescribable contempt.

"Well, soon they will regret their decision!"

Kaido opened his eyes, said indifferently, and looked at the swimming pool not far away, where Hancock, Robin, and Zero and other Kaido's women were all playing around, wearing sex (meow). ) sense of clothes, the beautiful spring (meow) light is revealed along with their playfulness, making Kaido a feast for the eyes.

Of course, apart from Kaido, there is no other male on this ship. All of them are carefully selected by Kaido from the pirates under his command. The female pirates who fill the second team are not considered in terms of appearance. Absolutely beautiful, but each one has a face on the horizon, otherwise it wouldn't have been picked by Kaido.

After all, this ship was built by Kaido to be enjoyed by his own women. Naturally, it is impossible for other men to come up. If other people come up, Kaido doesn't mind shooting it to death.

What's more, Kaido also consumed a lot of extraordinary points and blessed the ship with various conceptual abilities, one of which was specially aimed at men.

It would be very tragic if a man rashly boarded the ship (Zhao Ma Zhao) without Kaido's consent.

Of course, if Kaido's consent is obtained, he will naturally not be attacked and rejected.

".'What is Lord Kaido going to do?"

2b twisted his body and asked softly.

"If this year's navy's highest combat power and marshal are killed, of course, there needs to be enough generals and lieutenants to replace them!"

With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido said meaningfully.

"What's more, my target is not only the navy, but the advancing city is also within my hunting range!"

Advance City is one of the three major institutions under the World Government. It is known as a copper wall and an impregnable wall. In the bottommost layer, famous great pirates of various eras are imprisoned, and even the Golden Lion has been imprisoned in it.

Among them, in the sixth layer of infinite hell, there is a person Kaido wants to subdue. If he can subdue him, the captain of the first team will be there. .

Chapter [-] Monsters gather, terrifying lineup (first)

ps: I worked overtime yesterday and didn’t go home until after 10 o’clock. I only completed one chapter of the two chapters I booked, plus one chapter I got up in the morning, so there were only two changes this morning. The third chapter was scheduled to be released at noon. I'm so sorry I can wait until I get home in the evening to code it _(:з"∠)_.

Time has passed quietly for a month. The seemingly calm sea has long been undercurrents. Countless pirates, kingdoms, commoners, nobles, etc., are either nervous, expecting, or gloating. Silently waiting for the start of the war.


The waves rolled, the wind was raging, and the surging waves were set off. On the sea only a hundred meters away from the Chambord Islands, there were twenty large warships displayed on the sea, lined up far away, completely blocking the entire entrance. To enter the Chambord Islands, you must enter from here, and even if you land from other places, this distance is enough for the shells to sink the opponent's pirate ship.

The huge warships are huge, and the terrifying warships are like steel monsters. They are quietly displayed there, and the rows of pitch-black muzzles flicker with cold light, making people feel a little scalp numb.

Each warship is equipped with a video phone bug, which broadcasts all the scenes in front of it to all parts of the world. On the deck, there are a large number of fully-armed sailors and more than 290 generals and school-level officers, each of whom On average, two warships are guarded by a lieutenant general of the headquarters, which is extremely strict.

On a huge warship at the very front, Admiral Cyborg Kong, Admiral Iron Fist Karp, Admiral "Black Wrist" Zefa, Admiral Buddha Sengoku, Admirals Sakaski, Po Rusalino, Kuzan and other top powerhouses are all standing on the deck, staring at the sea in the distance. Everyone exudes a fierce momentum, and the gathering is enough to make the lieutenant general tremble, and there is no one around. The navy dared to stand there and kept away from the place.

However, what is surprising is that there are several people standing beside this group of monster-level powerhouses, and they are not at a disadvantage in the face of the momentum of Gang Gukong and others.

One of them was a middle-aged man in a white suit with an ordinary appearance and an indifferent expression, while the other two were men in military uniforms and capes with an extremely dignified expression.

It is impressively the highest commander of cp0-Zero, Army General-Crazy Bones, Army General-Agni, the three monster-level powerhouses sent by the World Government, two of which are Army Generals, although they are not powerful enough. It may be at the level of the three major generals, but it will not be weaker than that of Fan who can enter the monster level.

"I didn't expect you to come here in person this time, Master Zero!"

Looking at Zero, who had no expression on his face, Gang Gukong said with a somewhat respectful tone. Although in terms of strength alone, Gang Gukong is not weaker than Zero, but the other party is the highest officer of CP0, representing the privilege of Tianlong people. Even the Admiral Gang Kong Kong needs to be respectful to the other party.

"Well, this time it's because of the order of Lord Roelros!"

Zero said indifferently, his tone did not fluctuate at all.

"Why haven't we seen Kaido's shadow? Could it be that the other party is timid?"

Frowning, the mad bone tone from the army general said impatiently, if it wasn't for the five old stars who ordered them to come, and the scruples of the naval marshal Gang Gukong, he would have left him long ago.

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