"Just three hours ago, the navy's surveillance ship had already monitored the other party's traces. There is no accident. With their speed, they will be there soon."

Squinting his eyes slightly, Gang Gu Kong was not angry, and explained in a calm tone.

"Hmph, that's the best!"

Seeing Gang Gukong's explanation, the army general Kuang Gu didn't say anything, just snorted coldly, and stood there quietly, waiting for Kaido and the others.


The Chambord Archipelago, on the spacious square, was already crowded with people at this time. A large number of residents, pirates, nobles, and reporters holding cameras, waiting for the big news, were all focused on the huge curtain at this time, with expressions on their faces. Shocked to the extreme, sweat dripped down his forehead.

"Gulu, too, too exaggerated!!!"

"Marshal, three generals, Sakaski and others, what a terrifying lineup!"

"The two standing with Cyborg Kong and the others are the army generals and cp0. Oh my god, even the army and c(bade)p0 are dispatched!"

Everyone was shocked by this terrifying lineup. The navy lineup alone was terrifying enough. In addition, the two army generals and one unknown, but they were able to stand together with the steel bones, and they did not fall at all. Wind's cp0.

There are ten monster-level powerhouses, plus twenty large warships carrying tens of thousands of elites and dozens of lieutenant generals, this huge force is enough to destroy all forces except the world government, even if The so-called Whitebeards, the so-called BIG-MOM pirates, and the so-called red-haired pirates are far from being able to resist this terrifying force, even a little bit.

Unless all the big pirates in the new world join forces, they will only be crushed to death in the face of this force.

The East China Sea, the West China Sea, the South China Sea, the North China Sea, the Great Waterway, the New World, countless islands and kingdoms in the entire sea, all the islands with cities and people have erected a huge curtain, linking the image phone bugs of the Chambord Archipelago.

"Is this the power of the navy?"

Looking at the power displayed by the navy, a pirate whispered, his face was shocked to the extreme, his hands were shaking, unbelievable, and his heart was in awe.

"This is the real navy headquarters, and this is the world government that has ruled the sea for more than [-] years. Once they get serious, the so-called legendary pirates are also wiped out!"

A large number of residents cheered. As the civilians at the lowest level, they naturally hoped that the navy would be stronger. Now that the navy displayed such terrifying power, they all cheered.

"Kaido is finished!"

New World, Totland Sea, Cake Island, sitting cross-legged on the throne of the square, looking at the huge curtain, there are many times the usual number of people, the ugly-looking BIG-MOM said with a sneer, but his face was full of fear , Obviously the strength displayed by the navy, even she was shocked.

"The strength of the navy is even more terrifying!"

Below the throne are the children and ministers of BIG-MOM. Among them, Katakuri looked at the scene from the huge curtain and muttered to himself in shock.

A certain sea area in the New World, the Moby Dick.

"Gollum, Daddy, that Kaido is finished!"

"Phoenix" Marco swallowed with some difficulty, a few drops of cold sweat ooze out of his forehead, and his face was shocked.

"not necessarily!!"

Sitting cross-legged on the seat, Whitebeard's incomparably tall body was collapsing tightly at this time, his eyes stared at the curtain, and when he heard Marco's words, Whitebeard shook his head and said.

"Hey, could it be that Kaido is so terrifying that he can fight against so many monsters at the same time?"

Marco said something inconceivable, and the captains next to him couldn't believe it. Although he absolutely trusted his father, facing so many monsters, no matter how he looked at it, he had no chance of winning!

"No matter how powerful he is, he can't fight against so many people at the same time, but I have a hunch that the Navy may suffer heavy losses this time!"

Holding the Naginata in his hand tightly, Whitebeard said solemnly.


Chapter [-] Meteor Volcano vs Ice Spear (Second)

ps: The third update is around 10 pm, I'm really sorry _(:з"∠)_, I will try to adjust it back.

According to the latest news, I may not have a holiday until New Year's Eve, the author of the hard work _(:з"∠)_


The waves rolled on the sea surface, the wind was howling, and waves of waves were set off. Perhaps because of the weather, the whole sea was no longer sunny as before, but was dark and dark, giving people a feeling of suffocation.


When an hour passed again, a huge fleet finally showed its outline in the distance. The pirate ship at the head was even more huge. The large ship of more than [-] meters was like a monster sailing on the sea, with terrifying power, thick and sturdy. On the mast of the horn, a pirate flag in the shape of a horn and a skull squeaked, showing its identity.

"Everyone is ready!"

With a stern voice, Gang Gukong's whole body tensed up, looking at the approaching fleet with a very serious expression.

Although he is confident that he can suppress Kaido, in the vast sea, if the opponent wants to escape, with that monster-like physique, they may not be able to stop him.

"finally come!!"

Sengoku, Garp, and the others all looked extremely wary. Those who had played against Kaido naturally knew how terrifying that monster-like physique was. Coupled with the power that was enough to make the generals despair, they didn't dare to underestimate it at all. .

Even Zero narrowed his eyes slightly and his expression became more cautious. Only the two army generals didn't care. If they didn't really communicate with Kaido, they naturally couldn't be afraid, not to mention that they themselves possessed monster-level monsters. Fighting power, he is not afraid of Kaido, who is feared by Steel Skeleton Kong and the others.

"Let's get off the horse first!"

At this moment, Sakaski, who had been silent all the time, stepped forward and said in a deep voice, which immediately attracted the surprised eyes of the people around him.


Thick black smoke filled the air, and Sakaski's whole body was constantly bursting with magma. The extremely hot high temperature caused the temperature in the atmosphere to rise rapidly, making it unbearable for ordinary people.Of course, all that can stand here are monsters. Although the temperature makes them frown, it has no effect.

"Meteor Volcano!!"

The lava boiled to the extreme, and then each with a scorching hot, terrifying magma fist, madly rushed out of Sakaski's body and slammed into the sky. The dense magma fists made people's scalp numb.

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