"Hu, hu, hu..."

The magma fist slammed down at an extreme speed, like a meteor shower, which was extremely shocking.

"It's Sakaski's attack!"

At this time, on the deck of the battleship "King's Landing", zero, 2b, Jack, Fan and others were all standing there. Everyone exuded an extremely fierce aura, staring coldly at the giant magma fist like a meteor shower.

"God, what a terrifying attack!!"

"It was Lieutenant General Sakaski's attack! We will die!"

"What about the three calamities adults, why don't you take action!"

Following the pirate ship behind the "King's Landing", a group of pirates shouted in fear with cold sweat on their foreheads.

"Brush! Pfft!!"

The sharp long knife drew a trajectory and directly killed a pirate who shouted the loudest. The head rolled out in an instant, and blood spurted and scattered all over the deck.

"Be quiet for me, whoever dares to yell again, I will kill him!"

The pirate captain roared loudly, looked coldly at the panicked pirates, and instantly calmed them down. Although they were still a little flustered, they barely kept their composure.

"At this level of attack, the three disasters and the adults can be easily solved. You only need to prepare to fight with the navy, understand!!"


Although he was extremely fearful, the prestige that the pirate captain usually accumulated made the pirates shout in unison and clenched their weapons.

"Only Master Zero or Horton can resist such a large-scale attack!"

Jack narrowed his eyes and said solemnly, it wasn't that he and Fan couldn't fight, it was just that Meteor Volcano's attack range was a bit large, and they could only block part of it with their shots, not as efficient as the natural fruit.


Expressionless, zero stomped his right foot on the deck, his body suddenly rushed into the sky, his white skirt rattled, and the terrifying cold air continued to emanate, freezing the atmosphere.


A pair of icy dragon wings suddenly opened, and the crimson eyes turned into icy dragon pupils, staring coldly at the fist that was about to fall, a long silver hair fluttering, like a fairy in the world, amazing.

"Ice Spear!!"

The terrifying and extreme cold air continued to emit, and thousands of sharp ice spears suddenly condensed in the atmosphere. Each spear exuded extreme cold air. If it was projected, it was enough to kill the major general with one blow. Freeze a small warship.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

With a wave of the slender jade hand, the spear burst out like a meteor shower, piercing the atmosphere and making a sharp air-breaking sound.

· · Flowers · ·

"Bang bang bang..."

A terrifying collision erupted in the air, and countless giant magma fists were pierced by ice spears, turning into countless magma bombs that shot out, madly falling to the sea, evaporating the sea water, and raising a large tract of water vapor.

"Who is that woman who blocked Sakaski's Meteor Volcano!"

Karp frowned, looked at the extremely beautiful woman in the air with some doubts, and asked doubtfully.

"It's the princess of the Oxi Kingdom that once perished in the South China Sea, Zero!"

Sengoku said in a deep voice, looking at the air to block Sakaski's attack with a wave of his hand, and said with some fear.

"That fruit should be the legendary Ice Dragon Fruit, which was obtained by Kaido at the Chambord Archipelago auction, but I didn't expect such a powerful devil fruit to be eaten by a woman!"

"Ice Dragon Fruit!!"


Everyone present was a terrifying monster-level powerhouse. Naturally, they were well-informed and knew the origin and power of the ice dragon fruit. All of them showed envious and jealous eyes.

"The ceremony is late!!"

There was a stern smile on the corner of his mouth, zero waved his right hand, and an unprecedented terrifying cold air radiated out, and a super huge ice sphere burning with ice flames suddenly appeared.

"Ice Meteorite!!"


The volume alone is hundreds of meters, comparable to a terrifying ice hockey puck on a mountain. It smashed through the layers of the atmosphere and fell heavily. The terrifying volume of wind caused twenty warships to sway, and the sea water swayed. Crazy surging, the sea with magnificent waves, and even a concave pothole sank, shocking people to the extreme.

"how is this possible!!!"

"It's too exaggerated!!"

Even Gang Gukong and the others turned pale in shock, looking at the terrifying ice hockey with a very solemn expression.

"Oh, if this one can't be blocked, the navy will be wiped out!"

The tone was still cynical, but Polsalino's face became solemn. The ice hockey in front of them was no threat to them. Although the size was huge and the destructive power was amazing, with their speed, they could completely calm down when the ice hockey fell. Dodge, but other navies can't do it. Once the ice hockey falls, the [-] warships present and the tens of thousands of elite navies will all be wiped out.

"Go ahead!"

"Meteor Volcano!!"

"Eight-foot Qionggouyu!!"

The cold voice sounded, ice, lava, laser, three completely different forces blasted out instantly, and met the ice ball that fell from the sky. .

Chapter [-] Invasion of the Advance City (the third update, please subscribe)

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