ps: Although it was past 11:[-], I still got the third shift out. I told my family that if I still work overtime tomorrow, I will not do it and just quit my job. If I don’t need to work overtime, then I'll hold out until spring.

As for tomorrow's update, the first update is in the morning, and the remaining two are updated at night. If I work overtime at night, I will update it twice, and then resign and code at home.

That's it, by the way, please subscribe, because I code so late, subscribe.

Go back one hour in time, advance the city!

The weather was extremely gloomy, the sky was covered with dark clouds, layer upon layer, and the edge could not be seen at a glance, giving people a feeling of extreme depression, as if the storm was about to come.


The gust of wind raged, setting off large waves, but it was unable to shake the behemoth in front of him. This was an incomparably huge building surrounded by two huge city walls, towering into the clouds. Large warships with more magic orders.

This is the advancing city of the three major institutions of the World Government, which are side by side with the Navy Headquarters and the Judicial Island.

In fact, it is difficult to break through the advance city, even if a four emperor-level pirate group attacks with all their strength, it will only end in destruction.

Not only because of the fact that there is Magellan, the most powerful "poison man" in the prison, but also because in such a narrow place as the prison, Magellan's deterrent power is more terrifying than that of the Four Emperors, and his strength is not worse than that of Magellan. How many Shiliu of the Rain, and because of these two trump cards, coupled with the troops that surpassed the slaughtering orders, the advancing city has the name of "Bronze Wall and Iron Wall."

What's more, the naval headquarters, the advancing city and the Judicial Island are in the shape of a triangle, and the distance between them is not particularly far away. Even if an enemy whose strength far exceeds the advancing city comes to attack, with the strength of the general, it is completely possible to be defeated in the advancing city. When attacked, come to support.

Therefore, the advance city has never been breached. Of course, the previous legend that it is absolutely impossible to escape from prison has been broken by the Golden Lion, and the legend that it is absolutely impossible to break through will be broken today.

"This is the advance city!"

Stepping on the void, Kaido stood hundreds of meters high in the air, looking at the advancing city in front of him, and said plainly, there was a raging wind all over his body, but he couldn't shake his body at all.

"From today, the advance city will cease to exist!"

Raising a sneer, Kaido looked at the advancing city indifferently, and a terrifying coercion to the extreme swept out in an instant, covering the area of ​​thousands of meters.


As the sky collapsed, the terrifying coercion fell and swept across all areas of the advancing city. If the strength was not at the level of a lieutenant general, their eyes turned white, and they fainted to the ground. They were directly stunned by the terrifying coercion. .

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The first to bear the brunt was the warships that surrounded the advancing city. Almost all the soldiers were stunned, including all the phone bugs that communicated with the Navy headquarters. Only a few lieutenant-level powerhouses looked at their mighty strength, and they were alive and well. He resisted, but the cold sweat on his forehead continued, and his expression was extremely horrified.

"Bang bang bang..."

Not only the warships, but the Red Lotus Hell, the Demon Hell, the Hunger Hell, the Scorching Hell, and the Frigid Hell. Almost all the prisoners in the five hells, including the jailers, were directly stunned by the terrifying pressure, including the sixth floor. Infinite Hell also has many prisoners who were stunned.

After all, although the sixth floor detainees are all repeat offenders, not all of them are strong. Among them, there are also pirates who committed massacres and towns, so not all of them are strong.

"What's the matter?! Is this coercion a tyrannical look?"

He was squatting on the toilet, with double horns on his head, his whole body was extremely ferocious, and the man who looked like Satan changed his color in shock.

"Here, someone attacked the advance city!"

Said anxiously, Magellan pulled up his trousers and hurriedly ran upstairs. In his sense of sight, an extremely terrifying aura approached from the top of the advancing city step by step, and it seemed that its purpose was the first Six levels of infinite hell.


In the dark room, Shiliu of the Rain, who was wearing a military uniform and cap, was wiping his beloved knife in his hand, his expression suddenly changed, and he directly inserted the knife in his hand back, a little horrified.

"What kind of terrifying overlord color is this, which monster attacked the advance city, is it Whitebeard? Or the legendary Kaido?"

Saying that, Shiliu of the Rain was trembling all over. This was not fear, but shaking with excitement. Staying in such a ghost place with prisoners all day long, there was nothing to do, let Shiliu of the Rain be this long ago. The bloodthirsty man was very uncomfortable. If he hadn't been worried about Magellan, Shiliu of the Rain would have started killing in prison long ago.

Therefore, in the face of the sudden powerhouse, Shiliu of the Rain was not only not afraid at all, but extremely excited.


The dazzling knife light flashed, and the iron gate was torn apart in an instant. With a bloodthirsty smile on his face, Shiliu of the Rain rushed out of the room and ran upstairs.

"Hey, hey, just kidding, what a terrifying overlord!!"

"It's too exaggerated, but I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat, and I almost fainted."

"Who is attacking Advance City? Whitebeard?"

In the infinite hell at this time, in the extremely dark prison, a large number of prisoners swept away the dejected breath from before, all of them were shouting, their bodies were shaking slightly, their voices were shocked, and they were obviously shocked by this coercion. arrive.

They used to be a big pirate, and they used to be proud of the roar. Even the white beards dared to despise them. However, in front of this coercion, all of them were frightened and shivered like mice.

820 "Oh, oh, I don't know which monster is attacking the advance city, it would be great if they could let us out!"

I don't know who mentioned it. In an instant, the entire infinite hell was like a dynamite that was ignited, and it became a sensation in an instant.

"If someone can let me out, I would like to serve him as the Lord!!"

"Yes, who will let us out, I am willing to be his subordinate!"

"Come and let us out!!"

One after another, the great pirates were shouting loudly, with a strong desire on their faces. The arrogance of the past has long been wiped out by the horror of the infinite hell. Now if someone is willing to rescue them, even if they let them learn to bark, they will all be To be willing, it can be said to have completely abandoned the arrogance of being a strong man.

"Hmph, a bunch of spineless stupid guys!"

An indifferent hum sounded from the deepest prison, and the sarcastic words made the rioting pirates stiff, but they didn't dare to say anything. Instead, they looked at the prison cell in awe.

With him, just because the other party is a legend, he is tied with the three legendary pirates alone, known as the four legends.

He was the man who single-handedly defeated Admiral Cyborg Sora.

It is the absolutely lonely Red Earl, the lonely red - Ryder!


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