Speaking softly, Kaido set foot on the advancing city, which is known as an impregnable wall!

"Don't let me down!!".

Chapter [-] "Poison Man" Magellan, the terrifying power of devouring

"Da da da……"

The sound of the orderly footsteps was echoing, Kaido walked step by step towards the infinite hell, and his expression did not mean to be anxious, let alone Zero and the others have not met the Navy, even if they did meet, with them. Even if they really can't resist the siege of the navy, they can summon Kaido at any time, and they don't need to worry at all.

Moreover, the reason why Kaido did not rush directly into the infinite hell is because in his perception, two powerful auras are rapidly approaching, the stronger one is about to approach, and the slightly weaker one needs a little more. time!

"Poison Magellan?!"

Thinking inwardly, walking on the spacious aisle, Kaido casually watched around, surrounded by empty cells, the cells were gloomy and dark, although not messy, but the gloomy and depressing breath was enough. Ordinary people collapsed, and a large number of pirates in prison uniforms collapsed to the ground. Around the aisle, there were also many prison guards who fainted, apparently fainted by Kaido's coercion.

Of course, Kaido didn't care about these people, and he wouldn't deliberately take their lives. After all, it's just a group of ants, and it's not worthy of Kaido's attention.


At this moment, Kaido looked at the two beauties lying on the ground in surprise, one of them was a blond woman in military uniform, and the other was a wavy-haired woman in red tights and double horns.

"Domino, Sadie!!"

Looking at the two lying on the ground, Kaido said in surprise, apparently not expecting to see them here.

Although Kaido's sense of sight can peep everything, but now Kaido has not shown it, the closeness of Magellan and Shiliu of the Rain is also because of the innately terrifying perception, so he did not perceive the identity of the two.

"It seems that at this time they should not have become deputy guards and wardens!"

Thinking in his heart, Kaido flicked his fingers, and two invisible deadly energy hit their heads, but they didn't hurt them. Instead, they let them moan and slowly wake up.

"Well, how could I faint!!"

"It's weird that Sati suddenly fainted 〃々."

Some wobbly woke up, Domino and Sati muttered to themselves in amazement, and then saw Kaido standing in front of them, suddenly shocked:

"Who are you?!!"

"Sati hasn't seen you, are you an intruder?!"

When they saw the tall Kaido, the two instantly became vigilant, especially Sati also held the whip.

"Beast Kaido, from today onwards, you are my slave girls!"

Looking at the two women who were extremely vigilant, Kaido said flatly.

Kaido doesn't have much possessiveness towards Domino and the others, and his attractiveness to Kaido is much worse than that of other female emperors such as Hancock.

If it hadn't happened to see them, Kaido wouldn't care at all, and it is very likely that Kaido would be crushed to death by Kaido in the subsequent destruction.

Of course, if he sees them now, Kaido doesn't mind taking them and using them as maids. After all, they are two beautiful beauties. Pity!

After all, Kaido didn't have the idea of ​​killing his sister and preaching.

"One hundred, one hundred, one hundred beasts???"

"Beast Kaido?!!"

The two exclaimed, and the cold hairs were about to explode, a chill surged into their hearts, and they looked at Kaido in horror.

"I have no intention of talking nonsense with you. From now on, you are my people!"

Looking at the panicked two women, Kaido looked indifferent, then looked behind the two women, and said lightly.

"Am I right? Magellan!!"

A tall figure has come not far behind Domino and the others, wearing clothes similar to a black suit, with curved horns on his head, and a pair of wings behind him, which looks like Satan in hell.

"Sure enough, it's you, Beast Kaido!"

Magellan said solemnly, with unprecedented vigilance towards Kaido, a monster who can escape from the steel frame with the three of them together.

"Director Magellan!!"

"Director, Sati is so scared~"

Seeing Magellan, the two women said in surprise that the originally restless and fearful hearts gradually settled down. In their hearts, Magellan was the strongest.

"I didn't expect that you came to advance the city when you were at war with the headquarters. Those subordinates were abandoned by you?!"

Ignoring the two subordinates, Magellan looked alert, and his body began to gradually seep out a thick venom. Once the lavender venom was infected, there were only a handful of ways to save him, except for the special antidote. Can only wait to die.

"It's none of your business, Magellan!"

"Give you two choices, surrender or die!!"

Without a direct answer, Kaido looked at Magellan casually and said lightly.

"Are you kidding? Beasts!!"

The boiling venom kept pouring out, and in an instant, several poisonous dragons were formed with their teeth and claws. A little bit of venom was sprayed around, and the surrounding potholes were dissolved in an instant, and the smoke was bubbling, making people shudder.

"This is the advance city!!"

"...Poison Dragon!!"

The three poisonous dragons roaring in the air, biting towards Kaido in an instant, did not mean to avoid the two Domino girls at all. The dragons kept dripping with venom, corroding the ground into pits.

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