"Director Magellan, we are still here!!"


The two Domino girls screamed in panic like cats with frizzy fur. They are not Kaido. Once they are contaminated with venom, they will definitely be in great pain. Even with the help of antidote afterwards, there will definitely be sequelae. .

"Poisonous fruit? What a tough ability!"

The horror of the superhuman type and the poisonous fruit endows the ability person with the ability of the natural type. Not only can the body be turned into terrifying venom, but it can also perform various highly poisonous attacks. In such a narrow place, the face To Magellan's venom is more difficult than facing the Four Emperors. A little carelessness is the end of a spike.

Take a look at the Blackbeard and his party in the original book. They were directly killed by Magellan in a single blow. If it wasn't for Shiliu the Rain's betrayal, it is estimated that the entire Blackbeard group would have played gg (Good Qiannuo).

"However, it's of no use to me!"

Jet-black gas, with an extremely deep darkness, kept coming out of Kaido's body, like a black hole, making people creepy.

The power of devouring, the ability to awaken after Kaido's bloodline is revived to [-]%, can devour everything except physical attacks, and can devour all kinds of forces or characteristics of creatures to strengthen oneself, with infinite evolution possibility.

ps: When I first set it up, I didn’t realize how powerful this ability is. Now I think about it, it’s really a bug. It can devour all power, and it also has the advantages of the opponent. If it devours all kinds of beasts, it will go to heaven in minutes. , especially the power of Momo Fruit, but it can increase his speed by [-] times!

Now Kaido's full speed is about three times the speed of sound. If it is increased by [-] times, it will be ninety times the speed of sound. If Kaido punches at ninety times the speed of sound. . .

emmmm, God! ! ! .

Chapter [-] Two palms beat Magellan (second more)

ps: I saw someone in the book review area saying that poisonous fruits cannot be elementalized. I'm not very clear about this. After all, I haven't watched the part of the promotion city for several years, so I'm not very clear. I made a typo earlier!

The third one is around 11:[-].

Darkness, extremely thick darkness, like one of the most terrifying phenomena in the universe, a black hole, with a sense of despairing depth, gushing out of Kaido's body like a tide and rushing around.

"What is this, ability?"

The pupils tightened, Magellan's expression was extremely solemn, his fists were clenched tightly, just looking at the darkness, Magellan had a sense of fear that once it was contaminated, it would be completely swallowed, which made Magellan extremely shocked, and his heart trembled. .

"However, my poisonous dragon will not lose!"

Magellan is very confident about his own venom. Although he is full of venom because of the poisonous fruit, he cannot be in normal contact with ordinary people, and he often suffers from diarrhea for a long time due to food poisoning, but it is undeniable that the poisonous fruit does indeed Terrifying.


The three poisonous dragons roared silently, roaring towards Kaido, colliding with the darkness gushing out like a tide.


There was no amazing collision. In the shocking eyes of Magellan and 370 Domino and others, the terrifying poisonous dragon seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss, unable to even struggle, and was directly engulfed by the terrifying darkness.

"how is this possible?!!"

Magellan's color suddenly changed, and he said in awe.

"Director Magellan's attack was swallowed?!"

"Too, too exaggerated, is Sadie's eyes dazzled?"

Standing in front of Kaido, the two women who were deliberately avoided by the darkness opened their mouths and watched this scene in shock.

"Is that all there is to it?"

The thick darkness is surging, wrapping around Kaido's body, setting it off like a demon of hell, making people suffocate.


Kaido said indifferently, looking at Magellan calmly, like looking down at a dying ant, obviously not as tall as Magellan, but far more imposing than Magellan.

"Only in this way?"

Gritting his teeth, the dark red venom infiltrated frantically, and soon covered Magellan's entire body. The dark red venom flowed to the ground, and in an instant, it corroded a large hole in the ground, and white smoke billowed out, making people a little terrified. .

"The Giant Soldier of Poison: The Judgment of Hell!!"

The billowing dark red (bbee) venom, with far more poison than before, was madly condensed, and in an instant, it formed a terrifying skeleton giant with a height of dozens of meters, just like an enlarged version of Magellan, The head has double horns, and the whole body is composed of dark red venom. Just touching the ceiling, it directly corrodes it, and a large area of ​​the ground is shaking and is about to collapse.

"My God, is this Director Magellan's trump card?"

"so horrible!"

Domino's two women said in shock, their hands and feet trembled slightly, even Sati, who had a trembling personality, was afraid of the huge giant soldier.

"Die!! Kaido!!"

Roaring, the poisonous giant stretched out his huge right hand, and the dark red venom flooded the entire aisle, rushing in like a tide, facing such pervasive terrorist attacks, in such a narrow range, even the four emperors must avoid it. its edge.

Because once infected with venom, it will be instantly killed.


Shaking his head, the incomparably thick darkness multiplied several times in an instant, madly flocking to the giant soldier of poison, the incomparably deep darkness with overwhelming power will engulf the giant soldier!


Roaring silently, the huge giant soldier was like falling into a bottomless swamp, struggling frantically, terrifying venom splashed out, and fell into the deep darkness, like sinking into the boundless sea, without even ripples appearing, will disappear.

Finally, in Magellan's desperate eyes, the giant soldier of poison was completely engulfed, unable to turn the slightest wave.

"how is this possible?!"

In Magellan's sluggish expression muttering to himself, the terrifying darkness quickly subsided, but it disappeared without a trace in an instant.

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