A group of pirates looked at Kaido, who was hit, in amazement, a little inconceivable. Only Shiliu of Rain on the side was full of disdain.


When he saw with his own eyes that his strongest slash could not injure half of Kaido's cold hairs, Shiliu of the Rain completely understood what kind of monster Kaido was.

It was by no means the strongest monster that human beings could match, or in other words, the strongest creature in the world.

"Are you tickling me?"

Just when Bundy was about to laugh complacently, Kaido's flat voice came, which made him stunned for a moment, and raised his head in a stunned manner, followed by a burst of scalp tingling.

In his sight, Kaido's body swelled wildly, and in an instant it turned into a demonic posture of more than [-] meters. A pair of tyrannical eyes looked at him calmly, making him as if he was being stared at by a peerless beast. It made him tremble involuntarily.


Said indifferently, a big hand slapped down directly, with a terrifying momentum, slapped directly on the stunned Bundy, and instantly slapped him into the ground.


The terrifying vibration spread out, making the earth tremble wildly, a ring-shaped pothole appeared directly, and blood flowed out of Bundy frantically, dyeing the pothole red.

"Gulu, what devil fruit is this??"

"It's too scary!!"

With some difficulty swallowing, a group of pirates said in awe, Kaido's terrifying body naturally exuded a sense of terrifying oppression, which made them genuinely frightened.

"Although you are an idiot, your fruit is not bad!"

Looking at Bundy indifferently, Kaido said calmly, without the slightest fluctuation in his tone. In Kaido's view, Bundy was just a fool without self-awareness, and what Kaido valued was only his Devil Fruit.


The rich darkness poured out from Kaido's body, engulfing Bundy like a tide, but in the blink of an eye, in the horrified eyes of everyone, Bundy's tall body disappeared directly, as if swallowed by darkness.

It made them feel cold, and the awe and fear of Kaido deepened once again.

"It's the first time I've used it, it's a bit weird!"

With his eyes closed, Kaido could clearly feel that a mysterious power surged from the power of devouring and merged with his own blood. This power even slightly increased his power.

547 Of course, this power is not in Kaido's eyes, and what surprises Kaido is that he already possesses the ability of Momo Fruit.

"Momo Fruit · [-] times faster!"

He summoned a stone from the ground at random, and then was thrown out at the speed of sound by Kaido, and then was lifted a hundred times by Kaido!


Like a star falling, the terrifying stone directly reached a hundred times the speed of sound. Like a meteor, it blasted through the atmosphere, smashed large buildings, and smashed heavily into the tall Propulsion City.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

With the vibration of the sky and the earth cracking, a terrifying explosion swept out, a huge mushroom cloud rose, and hundreds of huge stones were thrown out by the terrifying impact, blasting out to the surroundings at a speed close to the speed of sound.

"Bang bang bang..."

The terrifying vibrations sounded one after another, shaking the entire advancing city. The forest, the earth, and the city walls were blasted out of huge potholes by stones, and the smoke and flames burned in the sky.

For a long time, when everything stopped, the originally tall and magnificent Propulsion City was now missing more than half, and there was a large area around it, as if it was hit by a meteorite rain, which made people terrified.

ps: By the way, isn't this fruit a bit against the sky _(:з"∠)_, if a [-]-meter-level stone is thrown at a speed of [-] times the speed of sound. . . .Nima, Whitebeard will be killed by one blow _(:з"∠)_.

Chapter [-] The battle that ends in three seconds, Ryder's surrender

ps: I just asked the big guys in the group, the volume of [-] meters plus a hundred times the speed of sound falling from the air, as long as it does not burn cleanly in the air, it is enough to destroy the whole world, causing a scene like the extinction of dinosaurs.

And if Kaido was at an altitude of [-] meters, he would throw a ten-meter stone at three times the speed of sound and use the Momo Fruit to raise it a hundred times. . . . .Dying! ! ! ! (ω)


"What kind of attack is this, it's just a stone!"

"It's too exaggerated!"

Looking at the terrifying scene around them like the sky and the earth torn apart, the barrels of Bucks and the others felt their scalps go numb, and they were horrified.

"The power is too exaggerated!"

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and Kaido said with some shock, knowing that the stone just now was just thrown by him. Throwing it down from the air, such power, I am afraid it will not destroy the world.

"Although I already knew about your monster, I didn't expect it to be so terrifying!"

Red Earl Ryder, who was familiar with his body, opened his closed eyes and looked at Kaido in a complicated way.

Although he was familiar with his own power before, it did not mean that he did not pay attention to the movements around him. Ryder was shocked by Kaido's terrifying power.

In his impression, the most terrifying destructive power is Whitebeard, the power that can subvert the sea, which is extremely shocking.

But if it is compared with Kaido's previous casual blow, it seems to be eclipsed. Although the power of Kaido's blow just now is not a shock fruit, Ryder is very clear that it can't be Kaido's true strength. , If you do it with all your strength, it is very likely that the sky will collapse.

"Alright, Ryder!"

Without answering, Kaido looked straight at Ryder and said indifferently.

"No problem, although I haven't fully adapted to it, it will not affect the display of combat power!"

Grabbing the red umbrella that once belonged to him, which he got from the Advance City, Ryder said in a condensed voice.

"let's start‖!"

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