Speaking, Ryder's face became serious, and the terrifying overlord's expression shook out. Although he did not think that he would be defeated in ten seconds, or even that he would be defeated, Ryder still responded with the greatest strength and shot with all his strength.


The terrifying overlord color slammed, collided with Kaido's unconscious coercion, and instantly aroused the dark red lightning in the sky, intertwined in madness, such as thunder explosions, the terrifying deterrent force swept out, let the surrounding The pirates onlookers were a little dizzy, and the two girls, Domino and Sati, if they were not blessed by Kaido, I am afraid they would have been stunned already.


Dark red lightning is intertwined in a frenzy, the whole sky seems to be doomsday, and dark clouds are rolling in, covering the sky.

"Bat Shock!"

Squinting his eyes, Ryder shot in an instant, the red umbrella burst out in an instant, and the flaming slash turned into a huge scarlet bat, which burst into Kaido frantically, and at the same time the whole person disappeared in an instant, I want to attack Kaido.


However, before Ryder disappeared for a long time, a big hand came out of the sky, and Ryder, who wanted to kill Kaido, slapped him flying.


The terrifying force struck, causing Ryder to just make a shocked sound, and then the whole person flew out at a terrifying speed, blasting through a large swath of trees and smashing up the dust.


The incomparably huge body directly surpassed several times the speed of sound, setting off a terrifying hurricane, directly smashing a large area of ​​the ground, raising the wind and sand in the sky, and accompanied by a shocking vibration, Kaido's body appeared directly in front of Ryder, and his big hand slammed down.


The terrifying vibration sounded again, the earth trembled, cracks cracked one after another, and densely came out like spider webs, tearing apart the earth.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

When everything stopped, the terrifying sonic boom sounded, and only three seconds had passed after ten seconds.

Lonely Red Ryder, defeated in three seconds.

"how is this possible?!!"

"That is a lonely red, a legend that can stand side by side with Whitebeard!!"

"It's terrible, does this kind of monster really exist?"

The stunned mouths of the barrels of Bucks and the others were filled with disbelief.

Although they knew that Kaido was very terrifying, Ryder was equally terrifying. Compared with Kaido, who was still unclear, Ryder's name made them clearer. That was a terrifying existence that could stand side by side with Whitebeard.

However, it was such a powerful existence that Kaido was defeated in three seconds, which really subverted their three views.

"How, Ryder!"

Withdrawing his fist, Kaido looked down at Ryder lying on the ground indifferently. His fist did not hit Ryder directly, but slammed aside.

After all, it is to take the other party as a subordinate, and there is no need to be seriously injured. Even if Kaido has a system, he is not afraid of Ryder being seriously injured.

"...I lost, you are really a monster among monsters, no, you can't describe it as a monster!"

Looking at Kaido, Ryder's face was extremely complicated, and the whole person seemed to be ten years older, and sighed.

Being crushed and defeated so easily by Kaido really hit the arrogant Ryder hard!

"I am willing to admit defeat, I will be your subordinate from now on!"

Standing up from the broken ground, Ryder knelt down on one knee and declared to Kaido.

"The lonely Red Ryder, I would like to serve Kaido as the master and never betray!"

His voice is solemn and powerful. Although he is extremely arrogant and disdain to walk with others, let alone be a subordinate to others, Ryder also keeps his promise. Since he loses the bet, with Ryder's arrogance, it is impossible to go back on it. .

"Very good, from now on (or Zhao) you will be the first team captain of the thirteenth division under your command!"

Said with satisfaction, Kaido is still very happy about Ryder's surrender. After all, Ryder is also one of the few that Kaido values. Being able to subdue him still makes Kaido quite happy. Much satisfied.

Not to mention the pirates and Magellan who were subdued, but the harvest of Momo's fruit ability was enough to make Kaido excited, not to mention Ryder's surrender, which suddenly increased Kaido's power.

"Except for the World Government, the Navy Headquarters, in terms of top-level combat power, is not much stronger than my Pirates!"

Kaido said with satisfaction, then looked into the distance, and said to Ryder and the others.

"It's time to go!"


ps: This chapter only has more than 1800 words, it is really sleepy, and the eyes are so uncomfortable that I can't write it anymore, I have to go to bed. .

Chapter [-] The Three Disasters Against the Three Generals

ps: Today's [-]th watch, please subscribe!

I made a mistake with Bundy in the front. Now he should be frozen and suspended in a state of suspended animation, not directly in the infinite hell. Here you can treat it as a butterfly effect _(:з」∠)


The crazy vibration sounded, shaking the surrounding sea area, causing the entire advancing city to sway, and the dense darkness surged, covering the entire advancing city. Under the shocking eyes of Ryder and others, Kaido grabbed the advance with one hand. On the top of the city, Shengsheng pulled up the small half of the fortress.

Of course, even if it is only a small half, it is still hundreds of meters huge.

This is undoubtedly astonishing and terrifying. The [-]-meter-tall giant looks like a demon, holding half of the castle over a hundred meters with one hand. This shocking picture makes people unable to look away.

"It's so heavy!"

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