The proboscis swayed, directly smashing the ice, and a yellow force swept out from the nose, with the power to make everything desolate, causing Kuzan to change color, and his body suddenly retreated. .

Chapter [-]: The Shocked Steel Skeleton, the Pushing City Falling from the Sky (Second)

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A huge vibration sounded, the ground cracked wildly, and the huge mammoth rushed forward, but the speed of the huge elephant body was not slow at all.

"Frozen Time Capsule!!"

His face was a little gloomy, Kuzan opened his hands, and a terrifying white cold air spread out. In an instant, it turned into a white shock wave and slammed into the mammoth, freezing it directly, forming a huge ice block, and the terrifying cold air was distributed in ~ on.

"Crack clap..."

Before Kuzan could breathe a sigh of relief, the huge ice cube trembled wildly, and cracks continued to spread out.

"Hahaha, Kuzan, are you cooling me? It's not cold enough!"

Laughing loudly, Jack's tone was full of sarcasm, and the huge elephant body rolled over like a tank, cracking into pieces of ice.


Kuzan snorted coldly, his hands exuding cold air, and he went up to meet him. The lack of attack power is the biggest disadvantage of frozen fruit. Compared with magma and flash, which are extremely aggressive and fast, Kuzan's freezing is weaker. , Compared with the attack, the frozen fruit tends to be more auxiliary, so in the face of Jack's terrifying defense, the power of the frozen fruit cannot be fully displayed.


The terrifying collision erupted, the drought confronting the freezing, the difference in strength between the two was not big, plus the terrifying defense brought by the mammoth fruit, even against Shangkuzan, Jack did not lose the slightest. Unfortunately, every time the huge body vibrated, it shattered a large amount of ice, so that the ice surface could not be cracked, and it was unbearable.

"Bang bang bang..."

On the other side, the terrifying wolf howls resounded. Fan's body was covered in silver hair, completely transformed into a werewolf, and the speed was extremely astonishing. He was colliding with the already impatient army general Crazy Bone. One is the animal giant bear fruit, the other is speed, and the other is strength, and the collision between the two is equally fierce.


The werewolf roared, and the silver claws kept pulling out, tearing apart the atmosphere, forming sharp slashes, and the mad bones blasted away.


The gigantic bear man roared, raised his claws and slapped it continuously, directly smashing it into pieces, and then the huge body rolled over, the giant claws swept across, and the sharp energy made people change color.


Fan did not fight against it, but his body quickly turned into an afterimage and disappeared directly in place.

"Bang bang bang..."

The silver afterimage danced wildly, rapidly surrounding the mad bone, and the incomparably sharp claws caught the mad bone from time to time, making it impossible to guard against. Of course, the mad bone also showed its terrifying combat power as a general. He saw and heard, waving his giant claws, smashing the claws one by one, and occasionally attacking actively, almost injuring Fan.


The ice surface was shaking, and it kept cracking out. The terrifying cracks spread wildly. Several figures were fighting frantically, gradually expanding the battlefield.


"Is this the duel of the top powerhouses? Too strong!"

"It's unimaginable that they can actually compete with Sakaski and the others!"

"This is too exaggerated!"

In the new world, the great waterway, and the land of the four seas, countless people are watching this battle with expressions that cannot be concealed.

The people in the new world are okay. After all, there are a lot of strong people there. They are not shocked by the exaggerated performance between them. On the contrary, they are more surprised that they can compete with the generals and watch zero. The state is obviously easy to handle, and the terrifying strength makes them a little stunned.

As for the residents of the land of the four seas, it is even more exaggerated, especially the East China Sea. They have never seen such a terrifying battle, and they all opened their mouths and watched this scene in shock.

"how is this possible?!"

On the warship, Gang Gukong and the others had extremely solemn expressions, looking at the few people in the battlefield, their eyes flashed with shocking light, which was unbelievable.

"How can they be so powerful!!"

As early as when Kaido beheaded two lieutenant generals and defeated Polusalino in the Chambord Islands, Konggu ordered people to collect information on Kaido and others. Except for Kaido, Horton found nothing. , Zero, Jack, Fan and the others' information, Gang Gu Kong is clear, and naturally knows their specific strength.

Apart from Fan, Jack, the most powerful of the others, was only able to fight against the lieutenant general, and Zero was just an ordinary princess, which was simply not enough.

· Ask for flowers

However, after only a few years, these few people who were not in his eyes had grown to an astonishing level, even in a showdown with the Navy's highest combat power, they could not fall behind.

"Even how powerful the ice dragon fruit is, it's too exaggerated!"

His brows furrowed tightly, and Gang Gukong stared at Zero who was suppressing Sakaski with a dignified expression. His heart was shaking. With his eyesight, he could naturally see the strength of Zero, which was not much weaker than himself. To be above the generals.

This can't help but make Gang Gukong a little suspicious, you must know that even the ice dragon fruit will not increase people's strength so terrifyingly!

"Is it Kaido?"

In the eyes of Gang Gu Kong, only Kaido, a mysterious and terrifying monster, may have this ability, otherwise it is impossible to explain how everyone's strength has increased so terrifyingly.


"Just, where is the other party?"

Strong fear arose in his heart, Gang Gukong stared at the "King's Landing" with solemn eyes, and a huge amount of knowledge swept out, but he couldn't detect Kaido's breath at all, and couldn't help but be a little surprised, it was Karp, Zero and others. Also frowned.

Their biggest goal this time was to suppress Kaido, so they did not join the battle, but were on alert, ready to deal with Kaido who might suddenly attack.

After all, Kaido's physique is too exaggerated. Even if he collects many monsters, Gang Gu Kong is not fully sure to keep him, so he is so dignified.

"Where did Kaido go?"

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