Gang Gukong muttered to himself, and then a calm voice came, which made everyone's complexion change, and they couldn't help but raise their heads, and then their complexions changed greatly, and they became extremely pale.


A foul language was uttered directly, Gang Gukong and the others were cold, and their bodies instantly turned into afterimages, flickering frantically, and fled into the distance.

It was with Sakaski and the others who ended the battle under the notice of Kaido and fled the battlefield frantically. Only the mad bone that completely transformed into a giant bear was a little unclear, so he raised his head a little stunned, and then he was brave. All torn!


At an altitude of [-] meters, a castle with a height of hundreds of meters exceeded ten times the speed of sound, rubbing against the atmosphere, burning violently, and blasting towards the navy with amazing momentum. .

Chapter [-]: The terrifying natural disaster, the destroyed fleet (third more)


The huge castle rubbed the atmosphere, roared and slammed down. Before it really fell, the terrifying pressure directly shattered the ice surface of thousands of meters, and the ice surface that was tens of meters thick directly shattered, and large swaths of sea water were like waves. The madness surged, and the huge warships collapsed under the terrifying pressure.


"What exactly is this!!"

"I don't want to die!"

With the collapse of the warship, tens of thousands of navy officers on the warship, including a large number of generals and officers, could not even escape under the terrifying pressure. The abyss, unable to move at all.

"Which bastard threw this down!!"

Crazy bone roared, his body shrank rapidly, and he fled wildly into the distance. No matter how proud he was, he didn't think he could stop "Four One Zero" from a castle that fell at such a terrifying speed.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

When the castle really fell, an extremely terrifying explosion sounded, the real sky collapsed, a huge mushroom cloud burst out, and a huge wave of air swept out. Twenty huge steel battleships could not hold up for a second, and were directly torn into pieces. Fragments, countless soldiers couldn't even scream, and they were smashed in an instant, even the dozen or so lieutenant generals. In this terrifying collision, only one or two escaped, and the others were terrified. Shock shreds.


It is a hundred thousand meters wide. The continent of ice that was frozen by the cooperation of Zero and Kuzan collapsed into pieces. Under this terrifying collision, he couldn't even hold on for a while, and was blasted by a giant tens of thousands of meters. The crater, thousands of meters of annular waves roared out, and even the sun was blocked.

"Bang bang bang..."

The terrifying shaking shook the entire sea. It was visible to the naked eye. The sea area of ​​tens of millions of meters was trembling, and the waves were surging wildly, forming monstrous waves hundreds of meters high, like the end of the world. Generally, the surrounding islands are directly submerged.

Ahhh! ! ! "

"My God, the earthquake!!"

"The tsunami is coming!!"

On the Chambord Archipelago, the shock wave visible to the naked eye swept across, tearing the port into pieces directly. The Chambord Archipelago, which was the closest, was the most affected. The whole island was trembling wildly, and thick cracks spread wildly. Countless buildings collapsed and collapsed, and a tsunami of thousands of meters hit.


Countless people screamed and looked at the huge waves that had formed thousands of meters and hit the Chambord Islands. They were extremely frightened and ran around. The square with tens of thousands of people suddenly became a mess, and countless people stepped on it. , wanting to escape.

"It's too exaggerated!"

With his eyes wide open, an old man sitting on a certain tree was shocked to see the thousands of meters of waves that hit him, as well as the air waves and vibrations of this day, and he was shocked.

This kind of power is far less than the shaking fruit!

"Damn it, the Chambord Archipelago can't be saved in this way!"

The old man frowned tightly and looked at the monstrous waves dignifiedly. Although he was the right arm of Gol D. Roger and was called "Pluto", he was just a human being, not a real man at all. The god of , is not a person with frozen fruit ability similar to Kuzan. In the face of such a natural disaster-like tsunami, he can only protect himself.

In fact, the reason why the original navy dared to go to war with Whitebeard was also because of the existence of Aokiji, otherwise there would be no need to fight at all. As long as Whitebeard caused a tsunami in the distance, it would be enough to sink the entire naval headquarters!

"Ice Age!!!"

A cold shout sounded, and I don't know when Kuzan had come to the edge of the Chambord Islands, his hands were open, and the terrifying cold air swept out in an instant, directly freezing the whistling, and spreading wildly out. , which instantly freezes tens of thousands of meters of land.

"Huh? It's that kid Kuzan, I didn't expect to be so strong!"

Eyes with glasses narrowed, Rayleigh sighed and said, as the deputy captain of One Piece, Rayleigh naturally saw Kuzan who came to chase Roger with Garp many times. Although he never really fought, he was powerful. Frozen fruit is still fresh in Rayleigh's memory.


However, before Rayleigh could finish his sigh, the dense cracks spread wildly, covering the entire ice surface in the blink of an eye, and then shattered directly in the shocked eyes of Kuzan and Rayleigh.

"Boom boom boom..."

With piles of ice cubes, the waves are overwhelming, and in the face of such natural disasters, even the frozen fruits are a little pale. . .

"Absolutely Freeze!"

The cold voice came, and an icy cold that far exceeded Kuzan spread out in an instant, freezing the area of ​​tens of thousands of meters again, forming dozens of ice waves that were thousands of meters high, which looked extremely spectacular.

"Ice Age!!"

The terrifying freezing air swept out again, deepening the freezing of the frozen sea and preventing it from being shattered.


The terrifying vibration continued, even if the low end of the tens of thousands of meters in the center was frozen, but in the sea area of ​​tens of millions of meters outside, the monstrous waves were rolling, and the waves covered the sky, shocking. Incomparably, it was not until a long time later that everything calmed down.

"Gulu, what a natural disaster this is!"


"Who threw that castle down just now?"

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