The pirates of the Hundred Beasts Pirates looked at all this in a stunned manner, a chill surged into their hearts, and their hearts were shocked to the extreme.

Compared with the annihilated naval fleet, Kaido's Beast Pirates are almost unscathed. The Beast Pirates that were also very close are almost impossible to survive, but before the terrifying waves approached. , was dispersed by the invisible tyrant's territory, without a trace of damage.


The earth shook, Kaido's huge body fell from the sky, and slammed heavily on the re-condensed ice surface. The body like a demon stood here, and behind him were the lonely red Ryder, Mai 4.1 Zelen and others.

"Master Kaido!!"

Seeing Kaido, Zero and other women were delighted, and rushed to Kaido's side, and the women standing on the King's Landing also had joy on their faces.


After nodding at them, Kaido looked into the distance and said with some playfulness.

"Do you like this gift? Steel bone empty!!"

As soon as the voice fell, a terrifying aura erupted from a distance, and figures rushed forward in the atmosphere. Before anyone arrived, the roar with monstrous anger had already come.


Not long after, a full ten figures gathered and stood not far in front of Kaido. It was Gang Gu Kong and the others, as well as Crazy Bones who escaped successfully but with serious injuries! .

Chapter [-]: Tear the general, the domineering Kaido (fourth more)


Roaring, Gang Gukong's eyes were filled with murderous aura, and the anger in his heart almost roared out. Twenty warships, tens of thousands of navies, and a dozen lieutenant generals were all destroyed. This can almost be regarded as the power of most of the navy headquarters.

It was all destroyed like this. It can be expected that even if Kaido is suppressed, the navy will not be able to suppress the sea for a long time in the future.

"Steel Bone Kong, long time no see!"

Just when Gang Gukong was extremely furious, a calm voice came out, which made Gang Gukong startled, and looked over in a bit of astonishment, and his color turned pale in an instant.

"Lonely Red Ryder!!!"

The pupils shrank heavily, and Gang Gukong said in awe, as the old opponent of Red Earl, how could Gang Gukong not know him, even if Ryder has recovered his youth.

"It sure is him!"

Everyone changed color, especially Garp looked at Ryder solemnly, and said with a sigh, it was Garp who took down the exhausted Ryder and sent it to the advancing city, naturally he knew Ryder.

"King of Vicious Expedition, Katarina, Barrel Bacchus, Shiliu of Rain, Magellan, you attacked the advance city!!!"

Looking at the familiar pirates or subordinates behind Kaido, Gang Gu Kong gritted his teeth, and then thought of the city that had fallen from the sky before, which instantly reminded him of the advancing city.

"I didn't expect that, Magellan, you betrayed the Navy Headquarters and the World Government!"

Staring at Magellan coldly, Steel Skeleton said coldly.

"I just surrender to the stronger!"

In this regard, Magellan just replied indifferently.

"Okay, stronger? Since you betrayed the World Government, then I don't need to keep you!"

Laughing with anger, Steel Bone said coldly, his strong steel-like muscles tightened, and a powerful aura emanated.

"Solve us? It seems that your strength has not increased much, but your mouth is much more powerful!"

Holding the red umbrella, Ryder narrowed his eyes and said sternly, Ryder's hatred for the navy is not low, after all, he has been in prison for more than ten years, especially because he was exhausted and was captured by Garp, Rather than being defeated in an upright manner, Ryder was even more annoyed.

"Then I'll let Ryder see how many layers of strength you have left!"

Cyborg Kong said coldly, with no fear in his expression. Even though Ryder had defeated him, it was already ten years ago. After being locked up for so long, Cyborg Kong did not believe that Ryder was still at his peak.

What's more, even in the peak period, they gathered a full ten monster-level powerhouses. Even if Kaido has the help of Lonely Red and others, Gang Gu Kong has great confidence to suppress Kaido.

"Then you go..."

Before Ryder's words were finished, a roar came from a distance.


In the distance, a worrisome figure came walking into the atmosphere, with messy hair draped over his shoulders, a tall figure more than 3 meters tall, and an extremely beautiful face. It was Vice Admiral Taotu.

"Peach Flame Slash!"

Suddenly, he pulled out his long sword, and the dark flames filled the air, slashing towards Kaido in an instant.

"don't want!!"

The steel bone sky changed color, and the whole person rushed out, wanting to rescue Taotu. Although Taotu's strength is not weak, he was all before the examination in the lieutenant general, but compared with Kaido, it is still too far behind. Probably will be shot to death.


The crisp symphony came out, causing Taotu's eyes to widen in surprise, and looking at Kaido, who had hit him in the front, but was unscathed, his heart was terrified, and his overflowing anger instantly poured down like cold water. Like, calmed down immediately, and suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

"Peach Rabbit? You're good!"

With a tyrannical smile, Kaido lifted it up and grabbed the whole person in his hand. With a slight force, Taotu groaned in pain in an instant, and was gripped by that terrifying force with great pain.

"let go!!"

With a loud shout, Steel Skeleton Kong appeared on Kaido's head in an instant, and his terrifying fist slammed down.

"Steel Fist Extreme Murder!!"

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