However, before the fist could fall, a big hand fanned from the side, and directly slapped the whole body out of Gang Gukong.


The body flew upside down heavily, blasting the ice surface in the distance into a pothole, and suddenly a few people changed color. It was the first time they saw Kaido make a move. The bones fly away.

"Zero, help me look after her!!"

With a grip of his right hand, the terrifying power directly suffocated Taotu and fainted, Kaido threw it to Zero casually, and said casually.

"Yes, Lord Kaido!!"

Reaching out his hand to catch Taotu's extremely tall body, Zero said respectfully.

"It's you next!"

The incomparably huge body looked down at Garp and the others, Kaido opened his hands, a sense of terrifying oppression exuded, and he laughed violently.

"Come on, let's try and see if it makes me happy!"

That domineering, full of blatant contempt, made Garp and others instantly furious, especially the most arrogant Kuanggu, who laughed in anger!

"who do you think You Are!!"

The body swelled wildly, and the mad bone instantly turned into a shocking giant bear, roaring wildly.


The giant bear roared and slammed into Kaido outrageously. The huge body that was no smaller than Kaido shook the ice surface. A huge bear paw slapped directly at it. Come.


The terrifying giant claw was directly grasped by a big hand, and the power that swept in didn't even make it tremble, it seemed so understated.

"how is this possible!!"

The mad bones changed color in shock.

"Save the mad bone, that guy has become stronger than five years ago!"

030 In the distance, Gang Gu Kong, who had already stood up, looked at Mad Gu, who was caught by Kaido, his face changed greatly, and he couldn't help roaring loudly.


"Stop me!!"

Warring States and Garp changed color in an instant, the golden light of Warring States skyrocketed and turned directly into a golden Buddha, Garp even rushed out of the whole person, and the iron fist blasted directly, it was Zero and another army general, and Zefa The others also shot, trying to stop Kaido.


However, no matter how fast they were, they couldn't be as fast as Kaido. Kaido grabbed the huge body of Crazy Bone with his hands, and then violently tore it in half.


The screams sounded frantically, but it ended before it lasted for a while. The blood poured down like a spring, and the huge bear body was directly torn in half. This scene is extremely terrifying. General!

An army general was torn by hand. This scene made everyone's scalp go numb.


Roaring, Garp slammed a punch, and behind him, six or seven figures exuding a terrifying momentum slammed and killed.

"Hahaha, I hope you can join forces to make me happier, Karp!"

Laughing loudly, Kaido punched him.

ps: The fifth update is to wait for the evening update. I have been coding for a morning, and I am almost sleepy. I dozed off while coding. I couldn’t hold it anymore, so I went to sleep in the afternoon. .

Chapter [-] The terrifying Kaido suppresses everyone

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The terrifying battle broke out directly. On the re-frozen ice surface, a full ten figures were fighting fiercely. Every punch and palm had the power of the sky to collapse, the hot magma, the dazzling laser, the terrifying cold air, and the white shock wave. , from the attack of a general-level powerhouse, unscrupulously destroying the battlefield, tearing the ice surface into terrifying cracks.


Like the sky falling apart, the frantic energy swept across and shattered large pieces of ice. With the expansion of several people's battles, it gradually spread to thousands of meters, which was exaggerated to the extreme.

Admiral Cyborg Kong, Admiral Iron Fist Karp, Admiral "Black Wrist" Zefa, Admiral Buddha Sengoku, Army Admiral Agni, Vice Admiral Polsalino, Vice Admiral Sakaski, Vice Admiral Combining Kuzan and CP0's top officer "Zero", a team of nine monsters, this lineup is terrifying to the extreme.

Except for the weaker army general Agni, the others are all top-level monsters without exception. Among them, Gang Kong, "Zero", and Garp are all terrifying powerhouses that are comparable to the four emperors, or even stronger. , However, even with such a terrifying lineup, it still could not suppress the huge monster on the battlefield, and even fell into a weak position.


A terrifying force struck, directly shaking the Buddha backwards, a right hand full of golden light was trembling wildly, and blood kept flowing out.

"Give me death, Steel Fist Meteor Kill!"

"Tekken · Extreme Collapse!"

Two terrifying fists smashed from the side, tearing the atmosphere with terrifying power.

"Bang, bang!!"

Two big hands were in the air, and they grabbed their fists. The terrifying power was useless and was easily grabbed. Then Kaido used both hands to directly pull the two of them to the side.

"Bang, bang..."

Zefa and "Zero", who were raiding, were directly knocked into the air, and the terrifying power made several people groan, and blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

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