Grabbing the cake that was put aside, BIG-MOM threw it directly into his mouth and chewed it, then the deliciousness of the cake concealed his inner fear, as long as he thought that Kaido, the monster, was going to the new world, BIG- MOM was so terrified that he couldn't think of a way to counter it.

"Mom, things don't have to be this serious!"

At this moment, Katakuri's voice came, causing BIG-MOM to turn his head to look at him with a gloomy question.

"What way do you have, Katakuri!".

Chapter [-] Shocked everyone, Beckman's method (first)

A certain sea area in the New World, Mortland Island.

"Gulu, it's too exaggerated!!"

"Actually, it actually suppressed the steel bones and the others!!"

"Is this the strongest monster in the world?"

In a spacious open space on the island, the huge curtain was pulled up, accepting the influence from the Chambord Archipelago, the terrifying battle, and the monsters that fully suppressed the steel bone Kong and others, making the first time Marco and the others who saw Kaido were shocked to the extreme.

"Although I expected it, I didn't expect it to be far beyond my imagination!" Sitting cross-legged in the tall chair, Whitebeard narrowed his eyes and said with a sigh, his right hand holding the pheasant knife tightly, and the root The blue veins burst out, suppressing the inner vibration.

"Is it the strongest monster in the world? This is Fan Tao who is no longer a monster!"

Whitebeard sighed, Rao was shocked because of his experience.

"Dad, what to do now!!"

Grinning his teeth tightly, Marco's face was extremely ugly. Once Kaido set foot in the new world, the first to bear the brunt was Whitebeard, the invincible king of the new world. Marco knew very well that if Kaido wanted to become One Piece, he would bear the brunt of it. It is across Whitebeard, the mountain closest to Lovedrew Island.

Can Whitebeard be able to compete with Kaido?Although he is very reluctant to bear it, Marco knows that his 953 father is far from Kaido's opponent. Even if the man who is known as the strongest in the world faces that terrifying monster, he still has no chance of winning. For ordinary pirates , even for a pirate group such as BIG-MOM, Whitebeard is an insurmountable mountain that stands in the way of many pirates.

But to Kaido, the so-called mountains, the so-called strongest in the world, are nothing but hills that can be crossed easily.

"Marko, I am a white beard, no matter how powerful the enemy is, I will not be afraid!"

Picking up the wine jar on the side, Whitebeard took a gulp of wine, and the wine with a strong aroma was madly poured into his mouth by Whitebeard.


He threw away the empty wine jar, and the pheasant knife slammed heavily on the ground, making a muffled sound, and Whitebeard laughed out loud.

"Kala la la la! The big deal is a battle!"

"For pirates like me, dying in battle is the best ending!"

The laughter is extremely heroic. Even in the face of monsters like Kaido, Whitebeard is not afraid at all, even if the opponent's strength is far superior to himself. The moment he went out to sea, he was ready to die in battle.

What's more, Whitebeard's wish was never about Ralph Drew, never about One Piece, all he wanted was his family, and now, Whitebeard already has many sons, and it can be said that he really has a big family. There are no regrets for a lifetime.

"It's just that the only thing that worries me is you!"

He stopped laughing, and Whitebeard looked at Marco and the others in a complicated way. Whitebeard was never afraid of the so-called death. It would be better to say that he was already prepared to die in battle. What really made him worry about his sons was his sons. , and the only thing that made him restless.

"Dad, what are you talking about! We are your sons!"

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, Marco said with a choked expression.

"No matter what, we will be with you, no matter how terrifying the other party is, the Whitebeard Pirates will not be afraid at all!"

The voice was very firm, and Marko's face was full of determination. Foil Bista, Diamond Jozi and others stood there firmly without any wavering.

"Cola la la la!"

Without saying anything, Whitebeard just laughed wildly and spread far and wide, and the laughter was full of relief.


The New World, an island in the Rolt Sea.

A huge pirate ship is quietly docked at the port. In the open space of the island, the red-haired pirate group, which is famous in the new world, is sitting there with all its members, watching the battle from the waters of the Chambord Islands. .

"Gulu!! Boss, how do you fight this monster!"

The chicken leg that was always in his hand fell to the ground at some point, and Laki Lu stared at the battle on the curtain in a stunned manner, swallowing with some difficulty, and his tone was extremely horrified.

"Although the boss is also very powerful, he can't possibly be the opponent of that monster!"

With cold sweat on his forehead, Jesus cloth said with a little trembling, and his heart was extremely shocked.

"Oh, although I am confident, I have no way to deal with this kind of monster!"

Shaking the wine glass in his hand, the red-haired Shanks smiled bitterly, shook his head and said helplessly.

He is proud of himself, and he doesn't think he will be Kaido's opponent. Among the nine monsters besieging Kaido, picking out any one of them will give him a headache. Among them, the four of them, Cyborg Kong, Karp, Zero, and Sengoku, each None of them are weaker than him, or even stronger, but even this group of monsters joined forces, but they were also suppressed throughout the whole process. How would Shanks fight?take the head?

"Otherwise, how about we surrender!"

Drank all the drinks in one go, Shanks said jokingly.


"Boss idiot, although I know you can't keep up, but now is not the time for jokes!"

Laki Lu directly knocked Shanks and said dissatisfiedly.

"Ahahaha, but I can't help it, how do I fight this monster?"

Shanks spread his hands and said helplessly.

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