"Maybe things aren't so serious!"

On the side, Ben Beckman, who has been smoking a cigarette and staring at the battlefield, said lightly, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

"Hey, isn't it, Beckman, do you really have a way?!"

The body leaned directly over, Shanks put his arms around Beckman's shoulders, and asked in surprise.

"Well, it can't be said to be a solution. After all, it's not necessarily whether it will work!"

Lighting the cigarette, Beckman narrowed his eyes and said lightly.

"Kaido is very powerful, no, it is very terrifying, so terrifying that even the navy is no match for it."

"However, in contrast, his power is very weak. There may be a fleet of tens of thousands of people, but compared to the huge new world, it is still too few!"

"And if Kaido wants to invade the whole new world, he undoubtedly needs a huge force, and a huge force is not so easy to create. It takes time to accumulate."

"What's more, the World Government will not sit by and watch Kaido's rise, and will definitely attack Kaido in all aspects to prevent Kaido from unifying the new world."

"Maybe Kaido himself is so terrifying that even the World Government may not be able to do anything about him, but his subordinates are not that strong. Once they are scattered all over the New World, it will definitely be unbearable for the World Government to hunt!"

Chapter [-] United against Kaido? (Second more)

"In order to prevent his subordinates from being besieged and killed, it is impossible for Kaido to expand his forces crazily as soon as he arrives in the new world, trying to rule the entire new world!"

"What's more, if Kaido rules out the other big pirates and rules the new world, then what he will face is the world government that has ruled the entire world for more than [-] years!"

After smoking a cigarette, Beckman said calmly.

"Therefore, as long as Kaido is not an idiot, he will definitely not frantically exclude other big pirates and directly rule the new world in a short period of time!"

"I see!"

Shanks' eyes lit up, patted Beckman on the shoulder, and laughed~ said.

"As expected of Beckman, he can think of this, so - are we all right?"

Beckman reluctantly looked at his unassuming captain, and spoke out a blow.

"It's still far from safe, and it doesn't rule out the possibility of the other party doing this. What's more, the other party may kill chickens to warn the monkeys, and maybe pick out a few big pirates to stand up."

Smoking a cigarette, Beckman looked at the battlefield that was still fighting and said solemnly.

"To be able to negotiate with Kaido, we need to unite!"


Red-haired Shanks and the rest of the crew looked over with curiosity.

"Yes, together with the big pirates such as Whitebeard and BIG-MOM, they formed an alliance and fought against Kaido at the same time!"

"Only by forming an alliance will Kaido be afraid, and if we all take a step back and give up part of the new world, coupled with the threat of the world government, we may be able to make Kaido step back. ."

"Will they agree? Not to mention the white beard, that woman in BIG-MOM is not easy to get along with!"

Laki Lu took a bite of the chicken leg and asked curiously, they had united with the BIG-MOM pirates, and naturally knew how stingy that woman was, and it was not an easy thing to want to unite with.

"They will agree. Although Whitebeard is arrogant and arrogant, he is very concerned about his son. Therefore, for his son, Whitebeard will definitely agree to unite!"

"As for BIG-MOM, she may be even more afraid of Kaido than we are!"

Beckman sneered and said that with his knowledge of BIG-MOM, it is impossible to refuse, or even to agree to the union.

I have to say that Ben Beckman deserves to be the person with the highest IQ in the One Piece world. He directly guessed Kaido's current weakness, and immediately thought of a corresponding solution.

Yes, Kaido is so powerful that even the world government is helpless, and Kaido's top-level combat power is enough to match the entire Whitebeard regiment, which is also extremely terrifying.

But even so, it depends on who you are comparing with. Compared with the world government that rules the world, it is still much weaker. This is not the strength of the top combat power, but the gap between the power and the background.

After more than [-] years of development, the power of the World Government has already spread all over the world, and its prestige among the people is extremely huge, but what about the Whitebeards?Although he is a big pirate and the king of the sea, he is only a thief in the end. In the eyes of the people, he is a heinous criminal. It is not easy to gain the approval of the people.

It is conceivable that if Kaido directly rules the new world, then the consequences will be a comprehensive blow from the world government, with the entire world as the backing, even if there is no way to take Kaido, you can completely take Kaido's subordinates to attack, unless Kaido has always kept his minions by his side, otherwise this situation cannot be avoided.

In order to avoid this situation, Kaido can only leave the big pirates like Whitebeard to distract the attention of the World Government, so as to develop power secretly. This is also the confidence of Beckman to unite with Whitebeard to negotiate with Kaido.

Pirate groups such as Whitebeard, Red Hair, and BIG-MOM cannot compete with Kaido, but in the same way, Kaido cannot compete with the World Government, so they can only become one of the hegemons and compete with the World Government at the same time.

Of course, no matter how smart Beckman was, he never thought that Kaido had a system that could forcibly enslave those who were defeated by Kaido. Once the big pirates of the new world were gathered, it was when Kaido came to the new world.


"You mean union?"

Sitting cross-legged on the throne, BIG-MOM opened his eyes wide, looked at Katakuri suspiciously, and asked inexplicably.

"Yes, Mom, although Kaido is very powerful, his power is still very weak, and there are also many powerful pirates in the new world. They definitely don't want to have an invincible king on their heads to rule them."

0 Seeking flowers

"As long as we join forces with Whitebeard and other pirates, even if we can't compete with Kaido, we can make them feel jealous, and the world government can't just sit back and watch Kaido's family dominate!"

Although Katakuri did not directly guess everything like Beckman did, he could guess it roughly, so he suggested BIG-MOM to join other pirate groups.

"Will they agree?"

BIG-MOM asked with some heartbeat. Although she was extremely unwilling, she also knew that this was the best way at the moment.

"Yes, they also don't want to be destroyed. After all, whether Kaido wants to rule the new world or go to Rafdru Island, he will find them!"


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