Looking at Gang Gukong and the others, Kaido said indifferently, then stretched out his hands, his ten fingers seemed to be clasped in the atmosphere, and he tore them heavily.

"Scar of the Sky Splitting!!"

The sky suddenly darkened, as if the cloth was torn apart. In the horrified eyes of Gang Gukong and the others, ten huge "scars" spread all over the air, like the scars of the sky, and then slammed down heavily.

"Hey! What is this!!"

His pupils contracted violently, his heart trembled, Gang Gukong couldn't help but said in awe.

"Stop, or we will all die!!"

"Zero" roared angrily, and the huge body was covered with a crimson halo, which then turned into a beam of light that penetrated the sky.

"Wrath of the Titans!!"

"Big Buddha Shock Wave Triple!!"

Roaring, the golden light of the Warring States period was extremely bright, and a shock wave that was far superior to the previous one was blasted out.

"Big fire!"

"Frozen Time Capsule!"

"Iron Fist Meteor Cracking!"

"Black Wrist Overweight Smashing Fist!"

"Steel Fist Boom!!"

Sakaski, Kuzan, Cyborg Kong, Zefa, and Karp all shot with all their might, without daring to hold back, they lifted up and blasted out their strongest moves.


Before the crack of the sky fell, ten huge traces suddenly cracked on the ground, spanning thousands of meters, and the horror was extreme.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Finally, when the crack of the sky collided with everyone's tricks, the extremely terrifying explosion sounded, and it broke out with a bang. Tens of thousands of meters of ice were trembling and collapsing.


The sky roared, as if it was unable to withstand this force, and it directly cracked several terrifying ravines, as if torn apart, full of shock.

"Gollum!! The sky is cracked!!"

"It's like being torn apart, this is too exaggerated!"

"This is simply the power of a god!"

Everyone looked at the cracked sky, couldn't help swallowing, and said in awe, as if a cold air rushed into their hearts, which was extremely shocking, especially those ordinary pirates, whose feet were trembling, almost to the point of trembling. Kneeling on the ground.

"Boom 3.0 Boom!!"

The terrifying shaking continued, and the crack of the sky ripped apart everyone's moves.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The sky collapsed, the tens of thousands of meters of ice crumbled crazily, and ten large cracks spread all over the ice surface, like scars, which were extremely terrifying.

After a long time, when everything subsided, the almost collapsed ice surface appeared. At the same time, Gang Gukong and others also appeared together, but compared to the previous ones, they are now extremely embarrassed, with scars all over their bodies. There was a huge scar in front of them, running across the whole body, almost tearing them apart, and blood kept flowing out.


At this moment, the violent screams made Gang Gukong and others startled, and they looked over in horror, and their eyes instantly turned red.

"Warring States!!!".

Chapter [-]: The Nirvana of the Buddha, the Fall of the Warring States Period (the first)

On the cracked ice, Kaido's demon-like body stood there, and his sturdy right hand, like a magic spear that penetrates everything, directly penetrated the heart of the golden Buddha. This scene was shocking.

The so-called evil cannot overcome the righteous, and the so-called justice must prevail, was completely broken at this moment.

As if the devil in hell killed the Buddha sitting high in the Nine Heavens and pulled him into hell, the golden Buddha's face was full of pain, despair, unwillingness and determination!

"Warring States!!!"

Eyes reddened, Garp and Cyborg Kong roared, their voices full of disbelief.

"do not come!!"

The blood kept flowing out, the golden Buddha palm tightly grabbed Kaido, and the Warring States roared.


The voice was full of determination, making Gang Gukong and others furious to the extreme, especially Garp, who was even more furious. He and Sengoku were close friends, but they joined the army at one time and fought together for decades. Now How can I hold back when I see my friend coming in front of me.

"What a joke!!"

Garp roared, his body rushed out, and his fists slammed towards Kaido like a crazy 11 mad dog.

"Bang bang bang..."

The fist that was enough to easily shatter the mountain fell on Kaido crazily, making a violent muffled sound, but Kaido couldn't even shake it.

"Don't waste your energy on Garp, you are not his opponent!"

With a sigh, Sengoku was holding Kaido tightly, almost desperately, and the terrifying power that erupted made Kaido a little surprised.

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