"Justice will never bow to evil!!"

The Warring States roared, and the golden Buddha body began to bloom with a strong golden light, like another sun appearing between the heavens and the earth, so dazzling that some could not bear to open their eyes.

"Buddha's Nirvana!!!"

The golden flame began to burn. Under Kaido's surprised gaze, the golden flame enveloped Kaido's body. It was clearly burning, but there was not a trace of warm flame burning Kaido's body.

"this is!!"

Kaido's eyes finally showed a hint of shock, and a slight pain came, which made Kaido extremely surprised. Even the body of the four emperors could not shake a bit of pain, which made Kaido look at the burning flame with some surprise. Warring States, asked curiously.

"Is this your taboo move?"

Only in this way can I explain why the Warring States period has the power to shake his body, and only taboo moves have this qualification.

Taboo moves are only used when some top powerhouses are desperate. Once they are used, they have extremely terrifying power, and almost all of them can take away the life of a powerhouse at the same level. .

Of course, the price of each taboo move is extremely terrifying, and not every top powerhouse has taboo moves. At least now, Kaido has also met Zefa alone, and now Sengoku is added.

From Kaido's point of view, the forbidden move of the Warring States period can be said to be the most costly one. It completely burns everything and sacrifices all of his life, just to deliver a peak blow, and at this moment, the explosion erupted. The strength is enough to kill the enemy across the tier.

At the very least, in Kaido's view, if Whitebeard is stained with terrifying flames, he will only end up falling, and there will be no accident.

"Even if it costs my life, I will make you pay!"

Most of the body has completely turned into flames, and the Warring States said calmly, there is no fear of death at all, like a great Buddha who sees through everything in the world.


Looking indifferently at the Warring States that had completely turned into flames, Kaido raised his hand to tear it apart, and the flame that was enough to burn everything was directly torn to pieces.

"Warring States!!!"

Garp and Cyborg Kong roared with grief, even Zefa's eyes turned slightly red.

"Aren't you running away?"

The terrifying body stepped out, Kaido looked down at Gang Gukong and the others, and said indifferently, the terrifying oppression exuded, enough to make anyone shudder.

Buddha's Warring States, fall!

Of the nine top powerhouses, only six are left!

"Give me your life!!!"

Garp roared, his body rushed out, completely disregarding his injury, and wanted Kaido's life.

"Sinners should be killed!"

"Zero" said coldly, the huge body was like a tank, crushing out crazily, stepping on the ice surface, with terrifying power.

"Zero" as the top officer of CP0, the tasks and orders received must be absolutely executed, even if it is a mortal order, no exception.


The billowing magma boiled, and the hot magma caused the temperature of the atmosphere to rise rapidly. Sakaski didn't show any expression, and his body rushed out, even if he had become Kaido's subordinate, but in order not to make people suspect, Sakassi Ji and the others didn't have the slightest idea of ​​keeping their hands.

"Hahaha! If you want to die, you will be fulfilled!!"

Laughing loudly, Kaido greeted him, and the terrifying collision sounded again, shaking the world.


Naval Headquarters, Marin Vando.

"Warring States!!"

Staring at the Sengoku, which had been completely burned out, in the curtain, He Zhongjun held the cloak tightly with both hands, his eyes had begun to blur, and his voice was full of pain.

"how come!!!"

"The Warring States General was actually killed!!!"

"That's the general!!!"

At this time, countless navies in the square looked at the images coming from the curtain 393 in disbelief, and their voices were full of disbelief.

The naval admiral Buddha's Warring States, his prestige is undoubtedly extremely high, whether it is in the folk, pirates or the navy, his prestige is like thunder, and he is the only admiral of the navy in the past ten years, the Optimus Prime of the navy One, but just now, this Optimus Prime has collapsed, making it unacceptable for the navy.

"Warring States! Good luck all the way!!"

With a sigh, Whitebeard said in a desolate tone, the relationship between Buddha's Warring States and Whitebeard, just like Garp and Roger, are both enemies and friends, old rivals who have fought with each other dozens of times, see you now When his old rival fell, Rao Yi Baibeard's mood was a little sad.

"The Admiral is actually dead!!"

"How is it possible, who else can stop that monster?"

The ordinary residents of the East China Sea, the West China Sea, the South China Sea, the North China Sea, the Great Waterway and other places looked at the Warring States that had completely disappeared in disbelief, and said in a daze.

Different from Zefa, who has been out of office for more than ten years, the Warring States period alone held up the position of the three major generals, and has fought many big pirates in the new world, even including the three legendary pirates, and has a very high prestige among the people. In the eyes of many people, the general is an invincible myth.

However, it was such an invincible general who was killed by the pirates, which undoubtedly subverted the thoughts of many people. .

Chapter [-] The New World Only Needs One Emperor (Second)

"Boom boom boom!!!"

On the shattered ice surface, the terrifying battle continued. Six top powerhouses joined forces to fight against Kaido at the same time. The terrifying air waves swept out crazily, shaking the world.

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