However, it is a pity that the nine people joined forces, and they were completely suppressed by Kaido, and even killed three people. Now that there are only six people left, they are even more at a disadvantage and are at risk.


Garp roared, his fists covered with terrifying domineering power, and slammed towards Kaido frantically.


The big hand slapped out, directly slapped Garp out, blood spurted out, and the injury on the body continued to deepen.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

The gigantic giant titan roared furiously, and Kaido and madness regretted it. The violent vibration resounded through the world. However, it is a pity that even joining forces with the Warring States period is far from Kaido's opponent. In the round, Kaido tore off his right hand, and blood splashed out, staining the ice surface red.


"Zero" screamed, his body kept retreating, red blood kept flowing out from the torn shoulders, the severe pain, even he couldn't bear it.

"Bang bang bang!!"

Stepping forward, Kaido's hands pierced through Zero's body, and in his desperate eyes, it was directly torn apart, and the blood instantly rolled down like a spring, pouring on Kaido's body like a demon, making it look like a fiend. Like a devil who came out of hell, his terrifying eyes flashed with tyrannical light, making people terrified to the extreme


His pupils contracted, and Gang Gukong said in awe, his expression was extremely anxious, and he had already completely fallen into the disadvantage.

Gang Gukong's face was extremely gloomy and ugly, and there was a hint of despair.


Roaring furiously, Garp had no scruples at all, and rushed towards Kaido with a desperate look!

"Mr. Karp!' 々!"

Kuzan was extremely anxious, his body turned into ice, and he rushed up quickly, wanting to help Kaido.

"Momo Thirty times faster!"

The terrifying power blesses Kaido, making it surpass thirty times the speed of sound in an instant, almost in a thousandth of a second, Kaido crosses a distance of ten meters, as if moving in an instant, and like a pause in time. , Kaido punched Garp who was still.


An unimaginable roar broke out, and the terrifying power spread wildly, and the tens of thousands of meters of ice collapsed directly, like the sky was overturned, the unprecedented vibration was shaking, and the terrifying hurricane shredded into pieces of ice. There was a deafening roar.

After just one second, the large ice surface was crumbling crazily, and the ice surface where Garp was before had already been shattered.

Admiral - Iron Fist Garp, fall!


Gang Gukong roared in disbelief. His voice was full of grief, anger, and despair. The death of two consecutive old subordinates that he valued very much completely drove the naval marshal Gang Gukong completely mad.

"Kaido! I want you to die!!"

The whole body suddenly turned red, braving thick white steam, the momentum of the steel bone sky increased wildly, and it reached a terrifying level in a short period of time.

"Sakaski, Kuzan, Zefa, run away, flee to Mary Joa, the navy's highest combat power can't all fall!"

Even when he was mad, Cyborg Kong still did not forget his identity, roaring like Zefa and the others.

"As a naval marshal, I ordered to flee immediately!!"

Roaring angrily, Gang Gukong strode away, each step shaking a large swath of ice, like a mad peerless killing god, blasting away at Kaido.

"Kaido! Even if I die, it won't make you feel better!!"

Cyborg Kong roared frantically, his fists smashed wildly, completely gave up his defense, and attacked frantically with the idea of ​​hitting Kaido hard.

"Hahaha, let me end everything for you, Cyborg Kong!!!"

Laughing loudly, Kaido's demon-like body did not show weakness at all, and collided directly with Steel Skeleton Kong, and a terrifying shock erupted.

"Marshal Kong!!"

Staring at the desperate steel bone Kong, Zefa gritted his teeth and roared.


After saying that, Zefa turned around and walked on the moon and fled into the distance. Sakaski and Kuzan hesitated a little, then turned and fled.


Cyborg Kong laughed gratified, the terrifying momentum continued to climb, Madness and Kaido fought, and the terrifying vibration resounded through the sky.

Relying on the terrifying taboo moves, Steel Skeleton Kong actually stalemate with Kaido for a short time. Even if Kaido deliberately released water and wanted to let Zefa and the others go, he had to marvel at the horror of Steel Skeleton Kong at this time. .

Abandoning everything, the power obtained by burning his own vitality like the Warring States period, made the power of the steel bone sky more than doubled in a short period of time.

Of course, this price is also extremely heavy. Just like the Warring States period, it is a taboo move that will kill you when you run out.

"... bang bang bang..."

The terrifying collision continued, and every collision resounded through the sky, like a thunderous explosion, and it was extremely terrifying.

However, such a terrifying battle did not last long. In less than half a minute, Kaido's right hand directly tore Cyborg Kong's arm, the big hand slapped and fell, and the incomparably terrifying force slapped the incomparably hard chest alive. Bian, blood spurted frantically, spilling on Kaido.


With a sound of vibration, Gang Gukong's tall body fell to the ground with a bang, representing the marshal of the highest occupation and highest combat power in the Navy.

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