Fallen! !

This scene made people who saw this scene through the video phone bug (the money is good) couldn't believe it and shocked to the extreme.

"Dong dong..."

Stepping heavily on the ice, Kaido's tyrannical eyes spread to the entire sea through the video phone bug. The terrifying and ferocious aura made countless pirates tremble and fear.

"I know you're watching, Pirates of the New World!"

The tyrannical eyes flashed coldly, Kaido's incomparably domineering way, with the terrifying oppression and murderous aura brought by beheading five top-level monsters.

"Fear, fear, and wait for my arrival!"

"The new world only needs a supreme emperor!"

"That's me - Kaido!!!"

The terrifying voice spread through the entire sea through the video phone bug, causing countless people to get goosebumps, with a strong sense of fear, especially those big pirates in the new world, all of them were restless, and their hearts were trembling to the extreme. . .

Chapter [-]: Go to Mary Joa (Third)


On the square of a certain island in the Great Waterway, a man wearing a cyan cloak and a red tattoo on his face looked at the image on the curtain and roared with grief and anger, and a faint cyan dragon shadow appeared all over his body.

"Kaido!! I must kill you!!!"

The terrifying overlord color swept out with his roar, and all the residents who were also watching the battle in the square instantly fainted.

Monkey D. Drago.

East China Sea, Windmill Village.


A little boy who was only three years old was crying sadly, looking at the image on the curtain, crying, even if he was young, he obviously already understood all this.

"Luffy, stop crying!"

The beautiful girl Makino protected Luffy who was crying and comforted him softly.

"Mr. Karp doesn't want you to be too sad!"

Said, the beautiful face is also full of sadness. Garp has a very high prestige in this small village, and it is also because of Garp's blessing that the small windmill village can be free from the war of pirates. For Garp, they are also extremely respected.


The cigarette at the corner of his mouth fell to the ground, and the bandit Kali Dadan was shocked and full of disbelief.

Red Earth Continent, Holy Land Mary Joa.

"Bang bang bang!!"

The exquisite and luxurious utensils were smashed frantically, and the Five Old Stars roared furiously, looking at the images from the image phone bug, and their hearts were furious to the extreme.

"Five general-level powerhouses! Among them are Zero and the others, so they died!!"

"Kaido! Damn you!!!"

"Damn it, damn it!!"

The Five Old Stars roared furiously, and was no longer calm as usual. This time the World Government lost too much.

The tens of thousands of navy and a dozen elite lieutenant generals alone have emptied most of the naval headquarters' combat power, plus the fall of two admirals and marshals, enough to make the prestige of the navy fall to the bottom, and the loss is huge. , is simply incalculable.

In particular, the loss of the death of the two army generals and "Zero" was even more unbearable for the world government. You must know that the generals are not Chinese cabbage, and there are only so few in the entire world government. , if one died, there would be one less, and now three have fallen all at once. If you add the steel bones to them, it will be a full six general-level powerhouses.

It has completely hollowed out nearly half of the highest combat power of the World Government. How can such losses not make the Five Old Stars angry!

In particular, seeing Kaido's terrifying combat power made them terrified to the extreme. He defeated the entire nine monster-level alliances. Is there anyone in this world who can stop him?Can Mary Joa really keep them safe?

Thinking of this, Wu Laoxing felt a chill in his heart and was terrified.

"No, we can't sit still!"

"Yes, the only ones who can block Kaido now are those adults!"

The bearded Wu Lao Xing and the sword-wielding Wu Lao Xing said in fear, and their tone was full of fear and jealousy of Kaido.

"What?! Ask them out?"

Hearing this, the bald-headed five old star shook his right hand slightly, and said in horror, his voice trembled slightly, and he was extremely awe-inspiring to those adults.

"Yes, they must be invited out, otherwise the world government will not be able to stop that monster Kaido!"

The long-bearded five old stars said in a deep voice, talking about those adults, even with their identities and positions, they were a little trembling and fearful.

The long-bearded Five Old Stars refer to the adults who naturally pushed them to the position of Five Old Stars with one hand, controlling the entire world behind the scenes. The biggest reliance of the Tianlong people is also one of the strongest cards of the world government.

"No need, we've already come out!"

The indifferent voice came out, causing Wu Laoxing to shake, and his face changed greatly.

"grown ups!!!"


"Steel empty is dead, so is Garp!!"

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