The hand holding the red umbrella trembled slightly, and Ryder looked at Kaido with incomparable complexity. Both of his two enemies were killed by Kaido, which made him feel extremely complicated for a while.

"Hahaha, worthy of being the boss of Kaido, he killed the general of the navy with ease!"

"It's so strong!! (bacf)"

"Master Kaido is mighty!!"

Compared to Ryder's complexity, Jack and the others were extremely excited and roared happily.

You must know, whether it is the Warring States of Buddha, Iron Fist Karp, or Steel Bone Kong, each of them is a nightmare for pirates, possessing extremely terrifying strength, which has made countless pirates terrified, but now they are easily taken by their own bosses. Kill, how does this not get them excited.

Especially the criminals in the push city, most of them were defeated by the three people, and then sent to the push city. Seeing that the three people were killed by Kaido, they immediately cheered excitedly.

"Zero, 2b, Horton, the three of you come with me!"

Just as Jack and the others cheered, Kaido came over, his huge body like a demon terrified him.

"Where is Lord Kaido going?"

Zero asked curiously, with a hint of doubt on her cold and beautiful face.

"Fulfill your wishes and go to Mary Joa!"

A simple sentence immediately made them happy!

"Kaido, are you finally going to fight the Tianlong people?"

Zero asked excitedly, for the current Zero and 2b, apart from Kaido, they only have the obsession to kill the Tianlong people. If they can kill the Tianlong people, they can let go of their obsession. I put Kaido in my heart with all my heart.

"Yes, let a group of ants dance for so long, it should be pinched to death!"

Raising a tyrannical smile, Kaido looked at Marijoa and sneered.


"Zero is dead!!"

"It's hateful, the humble pirate dares to kill the spokesperson of the Tiansheng family, does he want to die?"

At this time, in the square of Mary Joa, a group of Tianlong people wearing transparent bubble helmets and space suits are sitting proudly on luxurious seats, watching the battle from the waters of the Chambord Islands, but now they are , has completely lost calm, with unparalleled anger.

One of the Tianlong people sitting in the front stood up and roared, his voice full of anger. He is the modern head of the Tiansheng family and has the highest power among the Tianlong people, and "Zero" is also their strongest. Wu Li, now actually dead at the hands of Kaido, suddenly made him furious to the extreme.

"Damn, this won't kill that vile pirate!"

Sitting in the middle-back position, Rolle Rose Saint squeezed his palm tightly, his sharp fingernails were about to dig into the flesh, and his face was extremely hideous.

As for his father, he was sitting on the side with a gloomy and ugly face. You must know that "Zero" was dispatched by them, and now he was killed. It is conceivable that they will definitely be punished by the Heavenly Holy Family.

"Oh, I'm curious how you're going to kill me!"

Just then, a playful voice sounded. .

Chapter [-]: The Frightened Dragon Man (First)

ps: I quit my job with my boss _(:з"∠)_, now I have time.

Therefore, today is guaranteed to be four shifts, and there is a great possibility of five shifts!

The sudden playful sound resounded throughout the square, causing all the Tianlong people to be stunned for a while, and some were not clear.


A lieutenant general who specially guarded the safety of the Tianlong people roared, and drew his long sword in an instant, with a very alert expression on his face.

"Clap clap clap..."

Following the action of the lieutenant general, the guarding navy held up the guns in their hands and pointed to the position where the voice came from. However, when they saw the owner of the voice, their whole bodies were shocked, and the guns they were holding He fell directly to the ground, and said in shock.

"Kay, Kaido!!!"

The sound of horror came out, and it was like a thousand layers of waves were suddenly stirred up. Countless people looked over in horror, and their expressions were extremely fearful.

"Kaido? You lowly pirate, how dare you kill Zero!"

The contemporary head of the Tiansheng Family, a middle-aged Tianlong man roared angrily, even in the face of the terrifying Kaido, he still had no fear at all, fully showing the arrogance of the Tianlong people.

"Is this the Tianlong people? Let me see your brains once again!"

The huge body like a demon stands on the top of the red soil continent, Kaido looked at the middle-aged man, and said a little speechlessly, although he knew the IQ of the Tianlong people, but when he saw that the head of the strongest family among the Tianlong people was also This stupid look makes Kaido wonder how they maintain their high privileges?

Could it be that just because of this brain-dead appearance, they obediently let the Five Old Stars protect them?

"Master Kaido, you misunderstood, it's not a matter of brains, it's that they have no brains at all!"

The slender and tall body stood against the wind, and Zero reached out and brushed his long silver hair, and said indifferently.

"How dare you, kill him for me!"

Pointing at Kaido with trembling fingers, the middle-aged man roared and ordered to the vice admiral.

"I am grass!!"

The lieutenant general cursed in his heart, wishing he could slap him to death, just because he was a little lieutenant general who dared to attack Kaido?

Didn't you see Gang Kukong and the nine of them were defeated together, they died and escaped?

I'm afraid I'll be slapped to death as soon as I go up.

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