But no matter how angry he was, the lieutenant general still rushed forward. His family was in the hands of the Tianlong people, but he didn't dare to disobey the other party's orders. After all, facing Kaido, no matter what, he was only killed by a palm. , But if you disobey the orders of the Tianlong people, not only will he be better off dead, but his family will not be better off.

Then he was shot dead.

Of course, it wasn't Kaido who did it, but Zero, who was standing beside Kaido, slapped it directly, and the terrifying power of ice would freeze into an ice sculpture, and then be smashed by a palm.

The beautiful broken ice was scattered, and under the sunlight, it was so beautiful, but it made many navy and Tianlong people feel chills in their hearts.

"you you……"

With trembling fingers, he pointed at Kaido. The middle-aged Tianlongren was so terrified that he was speechless. It was only now that he understood that Kaido in front of him was not the slave he had been yelling at before, but was so terrified that he even became a slave. The "Zero" of the highest commander of cp0 is a monster that can be easily killed!

"Wasting time with you trash, it's really hard for me!"

Kaido shook his head and said with a sigh, and then an extremely terrifying coercion swept out, suppressing the entire square in an instant, pressing everyone deeply to the ground.

"Plop, plop..."

Accompanied by the sound of knelt down, all the people were suppressed by this terrifying coercion and could not lift their heads, including those high above Tianlong people.

"Damn it, bastard!!"

"You pariah, how dare I treat us like this!"

"Why can't you stand up!"

All the Tianlong people are screaming and roaring, when have they been so humiliated?Never, even the rulers of the world government have bowed their heads in the face of them.


Kaido scolded coldly, and the terrifying coercion surged again, crushing them to the point where the bones all over the body made a crisp sound.


With a helpless sigh, Kaido flicked his fingers, and the invisible energy burst out, directly smashing the head of the middle-aged Tianlongren, and the blood mixed with white slurry scattered all over the earth, and suddenly let all the people. Tianlong people suffocated, and suddenly did not dare to make a sound, his eyes were full of horror, fear and disbelief.

0 Ask for flowers

The Tianlong people are not idiots, or they are not all idiots, but their high status in the past made them habitually look down on anyone, including Kaido, who could easily kill them.

But after seeing Kaido kill the middle-aged Tianlong Ren without hesitation, they finally became afraid and finally realized that they were no longer a high-level Tianlong Ren, but an ant who could be crushed to death at any time. The Tianlong Ren just felt his mouth shut, his eyes revealing horror, even if his whole body was in severe pain from the coercion, he still did not dare to cry out, for fear of falling into the same fate as the middle-aged Tianlong Ren.

"Then it's time to meet our old friend below!"

Said playfully, Kaido made a move with his right hand, and the invisible gravitational force directly grabbed Roel Rose Saint, who was kneeling in the middle and had no sense of existence.


"Wow ah ah ah!!"

His body danced in the air, and when Rollo Rose fell to the ground and raised his head, he saw Kaido's playful gaze.

"Yo, long time no see!"

The fluttering greeting instantly made Rollos panic, and the memories of past humiliation flooded into his heart, making him furious to the extreme, but he didn't dare to attack, so he could only lie on the ground in fear, biting his mouth.

"zero, 2b, Holden, he's at your disposal!"

After just watching it for a while, Kaido lost interest and said impatiently.

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"

Tall and perfect trembling slightly [heh] shaking, zero's arrogant and glamorous face is red [heh], the whole person is extremely excited, even 2b and Horton are not much better, they have been waiting for this day for a long time .

"Remember me? Roll Ross!"

Attaching his right foot to a thick layer of ice, Zero kicked his transparent helmet, and then kicked his face. The terrifying cold air and powerful strength made Rolle Rose scream out.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time!"

"Roll Ross, you have to pay the price for what you do!"

His right foot was ravaged frantically, and his sharp high heels were twisted on the face of Saint Rollos, causing him to let out a mad and shrill scream, which made many Tianlong people shudder. .

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty-Second Lingchi Luoer Ross, the ancestor of the Tianlong people? (Second more)

ps: The plan can’t keep up with the changes. I slept until about 11 o’clock in the morning. I was still washing the floor just now. It was good until just now. I immediately took the time to code a chapter. I have something to do in the afternoon. I’m too busy. There are only four updates today. The next two are probably at night.

As compensation, it will be at least five watch tomorrow, and I will try my best to write a chapter of welfare during the period of New Year's Eve. You can choose the characters and talk about it in the book review area, and then I will post the skirt together after the code is finished. come out.


The shrill screams were echoing, like a dying beast.

"Hahaha!! This sound is really wonderful, make it louder!!"

The sharp high-heeled shoes ravaged frantically, and Zero laughed loudly, trampling the ugly face of Saint Rollos to blood and blood, and the ice he carried froze the wound again, so that it would not stop bleeding.

"Nine Zero Seven" "Crack..."

The slender jade hand began to attach to the ice, but after a while, an extremely sharp ice sword condensed out, Zero sadistically looked at Saint Rollos, and then the ice sword slashed past.


With the mournful cry, the filthy root with blood was flying up, and Saint Rollo Ross let out a mournful cry, covering his lower body with his hands.


Countless gasps of air-conditioning sounded, almost all men covered their lower bodies subconsciously, staring at Zero, who was extremely sadistic, in horror, unstoppable chills in their hearts, even Holden was also cold in his heart, some Glancing at zero in awe.

Only Kaido didn't take it seriously, instead he looked at Zero with interest, his eyes were full of amazing light. At this time, Zero was not as arrogant and glamorous as before, with a bloodthirsty madness, and his charm was less than before. Not bad at all.

"Hahaha, don't you want to make me a slave girl? Come on!"

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