Waving the ice sword, at an astonishing angle, the flesh and blood of St. Rollos was cut off piece by piece, blood splashed, and each piece of flesh was chosen to make St. Rollos feel the greatest pain, but to the greatest extent. The place to lower the injury.

Therefore, although Saint Rollo Ross was in great pain and tasted a thousand cuts, it was rare that he was not seriously injured.

"Why, it can't be done!"

Swinging his sword again, he cut off a piece of flesh and blood. Zero looked at Saint Rollo Ross, who had been slashed with most of the flesh and blood, and sighed in disappointment, leaving Horton on the side speechless.

"Sorry, sister, I didn't let you cut it a few times!"

Zero looked at St. Rollos who was like a dead dog in disgust, and stepped on his sharp high heels, almost flattening his head.

"However, this kind of rubbish is not worth your effort at all!"

Holding 2b's slender jade hand, Zero said with a sigh, his eyes were no longer as crazy as before, with tenderness and disappointment, and the obsession in his heart was gradually disappearing.

"It's okay sister, it doesn't matter who does it, as long as he can die!"

Shaking his head, 2b said softly.Compared to Zero, 2b didn't take Rollos too seriously. This doesn't mean that she doesn't have hatred in her heart, but it's just that the so-called hatred is far less important than Kaido.

"Well, then he'll leave it to you!"

A gentle response, Zero looked at Horton, and said in a cold voice, without the gentleness just now, with a bone-chilling indifference.

"Yes, Master Zero!"

Horton responded respectfully, even if they are one of the three disasters, their status is not worse than zero in theory, but zero is Kaido's woman, even if it is only the lowest-status Sati slave, Horton does not dare to neglect, let alone A woman such as zero whose strength and status are far superior to her.

"Roll Ross, you didn't think you would have today!"

Stepping forward, Horton looked at St. Rollos of Zero and others, who was dying, but still resentful in his eyes with complex eyes. His tone was full of resentment, pleasure, and killing intent.

"I've been waiting for this day for a long time. In order to gain the power to take revenge on you, I practice frantically almost every day. I was on the verge of death countless times and almost died!"

"It's time to pay the price, Rollos!"

Looking at the resentful Roller Ross, Horton said softly, with a wave of his right hand, the blue wind blade was drawn out directly, and the head of the Lord of Roller Ross was cut off. The blood spurted out instantly, dyeing the white square red. So dazzling.

"It's all over!"

With a sigh, Horton's eyes were extremely complicated, and his heart was full of disappointment. Apart from the joy at the beginning, he was now a little lost, which made him a little confused for a while.

"Roll Rose!!! My son!"

At this moment, an uncontrollable roar sounded, causing Horton to look over in surprise. It was a middle-aged Tianlong man who was struggling to climb over here, even if the terrifying coercion pressed him to move. No, but still struggled to climb over with great perseverance, leaving four eye-catching bloodstains on the white floor. . .

"Roll Ross!!"

I have to say that Kaido was a little surprised by the power that the middle-aged Tianlongren burst out at this moment. Although his coercion was not too terrifying, it was still enough to make the ordinary colonel unable to move, but this was just a The ordinary people of Tianlong, but with the great father's love, broke free from the coercion, even if they were in a state of embarrassment, they still moved Kaido.

"It's really impressive!"

He said with a sigh, under the astonished eyes of Zero and the others, he slapped the middle-aged Tianlong person into scum, and the blood splashed out and poured on the Tianlong person not far away, making them His body trembled, but he didn't dare to say anything.

"In order to fulfill your fatherly love, I have to send you to see your son!"

"I am so great!"

"Complete a touching father and son!"

In the corners of Holden and others' twitching mouths, Kaido sighed to himself.

"By the way, have you seen enough?"

At this moment, Kaido looked at a position behind the square and said indifferently, causing Horton and the others to change their expressions slightly. Obviously, they didn't even notice that someone was still watching, even if all their attention was on Luo Saint Erros is also enough to show how terrible it is. 5.9

"Can't you come out?"

Speaking indifferently, the vast square suddenly surged wildly, like sea water, surging, compressing, condensing, and then turning into a towering white hand, and patted it directly.


The big hand was crushed mercilessly, like the hand of God, smashing a large building. The hard walls were like tofu, and it was easily crushed. Then, in the billowing smoke, the big hand shattered and was smashed by a terrifying force.

"Since its establishment, Mary Joa has been invaded for the first time and killed the Tianlong people!"

"Remember that the last time to kill the Tianlong people was the arrogant person who owned the ice dragon fruit!"

A calm voice came, with a sense of terrifying oppression, which shocked all the Tianlong people and shouted in surprise.


Chapter [-] The old monster who has lived for more than [-] years (third more)

The five middle-aged men in luxurious clothes and ruddy complexions who walked in the front did not wear bubble helmets like other Tianlong people, but were like ordinary people, but their eyes were faintly flashing with amazing light, with a hint of light. The vicissitudes of life, behind them, are the five old stars who are as respectful as good babies.


Zero and the others looked at the few people walking by in amazement. Their faces were extremely surprised. Judging by their ages, they could not be regarded as old antiques in their [-]s or [-]s!

"Oh, should I really say that I am a Tianlong person? There are several old monsters hidden!"

After looking at them carefully, Kaido laughed, with a hint of playfulness, and said with a tone of amazement.

"And it's still a super old monster who has lived for more than [-] years!"

As soon as the words fell, zero and others were instantly shocked, and they looked at the middle-aged people in shock, their eyes full of shock.

"Eight or eight hundred years?"

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