"how is this possible?!"

"How could someone live so long?!"

With a strong sense of incomprehension, Zero and the others said in horror.

"Twenty kings! The first twenty who created the world government!"

Looking at them with some playful eyes, Kaido said lightly.

"I, Tiansheng 11!"

"I, Saint Hiergalos!"

"I, Saint Hollos!"

"I, Saint Vidis!"

"I, Saint Roswal!"

The five middle-aged people revealed their identities one by one. Whenever one of them said his name, the terrifying overlord swept out and collided with Kaido's coercion. The coercion of the people has already turned into substance, colliding with each other, like two opposing forces, fighting against each other, a terrifying dark red suddenly appeared, intertwined in the air, shining, with a frightening momentum.


The dense lightning intertwined wildly, the vast square gradually cracked, and the terrifying coercion swept across the entire Mary Joa, instantly stunned almost everyone, even the top five stars such as Horton and 2b. The general and the quasi-general were both dizzy and dizzy by the terrifying pressure.


The sky became gloomy in an instant, the rolling dark clouds were densely covered, and from time to time there were blazing lightning flashes, and there was a rumbling sound. What was even more shocking was that the sky seemed to be unable to withstand the coercive collision, as if it was split open. , split into two halves, so shocking.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Kaido frowned, and the terrifying coercion instantly soared, directly overpowering Tiansheng and the others. The terrifying coercion directly shook their faces flushed red, stepped back several steps, and stepped on the floor. Several deep pits.


"The lord was forced to retreat?"

"The five adults were all repelled together, the other party is really so strong!!"

The five old stars stared at Roswaal Saint and the others in a stunned manner. They were shocked to the extreme. Several adults who were invincible in their impressions were actually forced to retreat!

"Let me try your strengths!"

Speaking softly, Kaido suddenly smashed the floor with his right foot, and his body surpassed the speed of sound in an instant. His body that was more than [-] meters long was like a terrifying supersonic fighter, with terrifying power, and suddenly came to several people. In front of him, a violent gust of wind that surpassed the speed of sound smashed the surrounding bottom, and even some dragons and navy were blown away.


The air vibrated, and the terrifying fist slammed into the frontmost Heavenly Sage in less than a tenth of a second. The terrifying power was enough to make the four emperors change their color.


The pupils shrunk tightly, Tian Sheng's face was horrified, a chill rushed into his heart, and he raised his right hand and blasted it out.

"Double Fruit Double Strength!"

With a low growl, compared with the huge fists, the extremely slender fists collided, and a terrifying air wave swept out.

"Bang bang bang..."

His face was extremely red, and Tian Sheng was blasted back out, his footsteps smashed the floor frantically, shaking the ground out of the cracks.

"Tear Claw!!"

The complexion of Saint Roswaal changed, and when he reached out, he turned into a terrifying claws, and grabbed Kaido with one claws.


"Smashing Fist!!"


The four terrifying attacks did not hold back at all, and slammed directly on Kaido's huge body. The terrifying concussion sounded violently, and the air waves swept out, breaking into pieces of the ground.


With a cold snort, Kaido's body did not shake in the slightest, his fists waved and collided with them directly.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

A terrifying collision, an explosion without warning, tore the ground, and a shocking collision broke out. Several figures were violently banging against each other, shaking the square, and even affecting the entire Mary Joa.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The ground shook, the terrifying sound of collision continued to sound, the ground was smashed, the violent hurricane even tore apart large buildings, and the earth-shattering roar resounded through the red soil continent.

"grown ups!!!"

The five old stars changed color, and a few people stepped back in an instant, leaving the battlefield far away. Although they were strong, they were far from enough compared to this level of battle. Even if they reluctantly participated, they were shot to death. .


Zero's eyes were very solemn, and he stared at the few people who collided with Kaido, observing their strength. After all, he is an old monster who has lived for more than 757 years. Even if it is impossible to reach Kaido's level, it has surpassed four Emperor level, each one is much stronger than the current zero by [-].

"Is this the reliance of the Tianlong people to sit firmly on the high throne?"

Zero pondered, the appearance of the five kings who had lived for more than [-] years, although it was extremely shocking to Zero, but it was reasonable, if not for them, why would the Tianlong people always be so high?Why do you keep making a fool of yourself?

Just because they are descendants of the founders of the world government?Even if it is really the descendant of the founder, after the five old stars who have passed through unknown generations, if they did not rely on it, they would have been pulled down from the altar.

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