After all, any person in power definitely does not want to have a group of uncles on their heads, especially those in power of the world government such as the Five Old Stars.

However, what makes zero even more puzzled is why they can live so long?For more than [-] years, it is enough for a person to die of old age seven or eight times, and if the five kings can survive, will the other dozen people survive?

When he thinks of the twenty powerhouses that surpass the four emperors, Zero's scalp tingles, especially since the twenty kings can survive, will all the powerhouses that appeared in the world government be able to survive?

Thinking about it, zero shuddered, if this is the case, then the world government is too scary.

ps: I was tearing with someone just now, and I was tearing up for more than half an hour, and it almost didn't make me mad.

The fourth update is a bit late. In other words, if you don't want to see the benefits, then I won't write it. How about changing to plus more? .

Chapter [-]: The fierce collision with the five kings (fourth update completed, please subscribe)

"Boom boom boom!!"

The terrifying vibration resounded through the red earth continent, and cracks spread wildly. Several figures frantically fought against a huge figure. The collision of the overlord color caused the sky and the earth to change color, tearing the entire sky to pieces, and the howling wind Blows away a lot of buildings.


The terrifying roar shook the sky, and Roswaal had already turned into a terrifying giant beast. The claws swept across the room, shaking the endless sky, and the terrifying force tore the earth, and collided with Kaido, the giant claws covered with scales. , even with Kaido, he was not injured, and the horror was extreme.

"Clang, Clang, Clang..."

The collision of gold and iron collided with fierce sparks, and the terrifying sound was deafening, making people tremble. With Tiansheng and Roswaal as the main two, plus the assistance of the other three, the five top powerhouses teamed up with Kaido. You can't fall behind if you touch it. You must know that the nine top powerhouses have joined forces, and they have all been killed by Kaido. Five people joining forces are not weaker than nine people, and even surpass them.

It makes people sigh that he is indeed one of the twenty kings who created the world government, the man who can overthrow the once prosperous ancient kingdom and establish the world government.

You must know that in that era, the ancient kingdom ruled the whole world, and it had more power than the world government today. Coupled with the terrifying power brought by the moon people, the existence of the sea king Poseidon, Under the rule of the ancient kingdom, the three races of murlocs, moon people, and humans coexist peacefully. The three ancient weapons all exist, which can be said to be extremely terrifying.

The three ancient weapons - Hades, Sea Kings, and Heavenly Kings.

Any one of them has the power to destroy the world, and manpower alone cannot compete.

However, in that era, twenty Wang Shengsheng overthrew the ancient kingdom and established a world government. No matter what means they used, it can be said to be extremely terrifying.

Therefore, any one of the twenty kings is an extremely powerful powerhouse. Even if it is impossible for each of them to be at the level of Whitebeard, they are all top-level powerhouses comparable to the four emperors, especially these five Monsters that have lived for more than [-] years, still have a long lifespan, and their vitality is exaggerated to the extreme, each of which is a terrifying monster that surpasses Whitebeard.


The big hand slapped out and slapped the giant beast heavily, making a violent clashing sound, and the terrifying shock resounded through the sky, making the scalp numb.


The giant beast let out a pained sound, even with the terrifying physique of Beamon, the phantom beast he awakened, was still photographed with pain.

"Multiplier Fruit, Triple Power, Triple Speed!!"

Tiansheng roared, his fist lit up with a white halo, and he bombarded wildly, hitting Kaido's body, causing Kaido's body to shake.

"Cut everything!!"

Saint Sylros roared, his ten fingers spread out, like turning into sharp knives, he drew ten terrifying slashes, cut through the atmosphere, and slammed heavily on Kaido, making a violent roar, but he couldn't let Kai do it. Many of the bodies were slightly injured, leaving only a few insignificant white marks.


Sylros is discolored, you must know that his superhuman type, cutting fruit, but he has the terrifying ability to cut everything, even if it is a very hard material like diamond, he can cut it too easily, but he can't cut Kaido at all. Physically, it shocked him.

"Bang, bang, bang!!"

The rich and domineering armed color poured out wildly, and instantly condensed several dark palms, slammed at several people, collided with them with terrifying power, and the terrifying power made people change color.

"Gravity Field!!"

The big hand slapped the giant beast away, Kaido drank it coldly, and the next moment, invisible gravity suddenly descended.


The atmosphere was suddenly twisted, and the terrifying gravity covered the audience, the atmosphere was twisted, and the originally collapsed earth was instantly crushed to the ground, and a large number of gravels were smashed.


"Is this gravity? Could it be the fruit of gravity?"

"damn it!!"

Tian Sheng and others were discolored by it, especially Rosval Saint, who was transformed into a Behemoth beast.


The giant fist slammed down directly, and the terrifying power slammed the giant beast into a roar.


But for a moment, Tiansheng and the others immediately adapted to the gravity field. After all, they are extremely strong, even if it is a terrifying gravity field, it is impossible to abolish them, otherwise they will be too useless.

And the Gravity Fruit is estimated to be invincible.


"Momo · Ten times the speed!!"

A pair of big hands slapped frantically, the speed was extremely fast, surpassed ten times the strength, and slapped frantically, directly causing everyone to vomit blood, and the terrifying power made them unbearable.

"..grown ups!!"

In the distance, the five old stars who were watching were discolored. You must know that the five kings are their reliance and one of the strongest cards of the world government. If even they are killed, I am afraid that the world government will really perish.

"Sir, they are in danger!"

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