At this time, several men in military uniforms and white suits appeared beside Wu Laoxing, looking at the battlefield with solemn expressions.

"Yan Huo, Teng Snake, you are here!"

Seeing a few people, there was a hint of joy on the faces of the five old stars. They are the top five top powerhouses in CP0, and each of them has a powerful combat power comparable to the three disasters, especially the second ranked Yan Yan. Fire is second only to "Zero", and has a combat power comparable to that of a general.

Among them, the man in military uniform is the field marshal, Teng Snake, who possesses a magical beast species, the Teng Snake Fruit, whose strength is comparable to that of the top powerhouses in the Warring States Period of Buddha.

Their appearance made the Five Old Stars overjoyed, and the Bearded Five Old Stars immediately ordered.

"You guys, go to support the adults immediately!"

The tone (Zhao's Zhao) said with an order, even if the Five Old Stars are only the puppets of the five kings, their pawns, but their rights are beyond doubt, even the field marshals cannot disobey their orders.


Yanhuo frowned, a little displeased. He was the No. 0 figure of cp[-]. Together with "Zero", he was the spokesperson of the Tianlong family. His status was even equal to that of the Tianlong people. The Five Old Stars were not qualified to order them.

Of course, now is an extraordinary period. Several kings are at a disadvantage. He didn't have time to worry about this with Wu Laoxing. A king to counter Kaido.

"Huh? A group of ants dare to interfere with Lord Kaido!"

Looking at a few people, Zero frowned and said coldly, but his body didn't move. They didn't think that these people could threaten Kaido, and Kaido didn't need her help. .

Chapter [-] The shocked Kaido, the deterrence of the king? (first update)

"Sir, I'm waiting to come and help!!"


Yan Huo and Teng Snake rushed towards Kaido at the same time, wanting to help the five kings.

"The pearl of rice grains also shines?"

The tyrannical eyes looked indifferently, Kaido said coldly, and then the earth surged wildly, rolling and compressing like sea water, and then turned into a towering white palm, and the flawless white palm was extremely exquisite. The lines between the palms of the fingers are clearly visible, like a real cactus.

"Momo Thirty Times!!"

With the power of Momo's fruit, the jade hand skyrocketed wildly, and in the blink of an eye, it expanded more than thirty times, covering a hundred meters, covering the sky and covering the sun and covering the sky. Snake and others took pictures.

"Not good!! The giant palm of flame!!"

Yanhuo's face was horrified, and he couldn't help roaring, and a fiery flame erupted all over his body. It was his superhuman type, Yanyan Fruit, which could control the flame like a natural type, but it couldn't be elementalized.

The blazing flame turned into a huge flame palm of ten meters, and slapped it towards the towering hand.

"Eternal Night Frost!!"

Teng Snake roared, and his body instantly turned into a vast snake. When he opened his mouth, he spewed out, and a terrifying cold current was spewed out. Block the giant palm.


The terrifying collision broke out suddenly, and the terrifying air wave swept out. Fan 967 shattered into pieces of the earth, and the strong vibration even attracted the attention of several kings.


Accompanied by the blazing light, in the horrified eyes of Yan Huo and the others, the big hand ruthlessly smashed their attacks, ruthlessly crushed them with astonishing strength and speed, and slapped them heavily.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The earth cracked, and the red earth continent that had stood in the world for an unknown number of years trembled wildly, and thick cracks spread wildly. Everyone was smashed to death, and even the Tianlong people were smashed to death.


The shrill screams sounded, and in the billowing smoke, the vast snake that Teng Snake transformed into was already covered in blood, and the scaly snake body burst into many wounds. Although it looked extremely miserable, it was hardened by the power of the phantom beast. He survived, and Yan Huo on the other side also survived with his monster-like physique, but he was already severely injured and unable to fight again.

As for the others?He was shot dead when the giant palm fell.

For today's Kaido, the powerhouses with the strength of the quasi-generals are all things that can be shot to death easily, even if it is a real general, if it is really serious, it can be shot to death with one palm. (bbeg)

Therefore, a mere few rubbish who are as strong as a quasi-general also want to participate in his battle?Don't you think it's too long to live?


Tiansheng roared, his eyes were extremely red, his fists had a white halo, and he joined hands with Rosval Saint and Crazy Kaido to regret, his whole body was already covered with blood, and wounds kept appearing.


The behemoth of Beamon roared, the terrifying roar shook the sky, and together with Tiansheng and other kings, they collided with Kaido, and the terrifying force ripped apart the earth. , has long been smashed by the terrifying collision.

In fact, if a few people collide on an ordinary island, even a large island such as the Chambord Archipelago, it will definitely not be able to support it for too long. It only takes half an hour, and the aftermath can shatter an island. After all, the strength of a few people is too much. Terrifying, standing at the top of the world, if it weren't for the appearance of Kaido, they would be the strongest kings, which can be called earth-shattering.

"Bang Bang Bang!!!"

With the passage of time, several people began to fall into the disadvantage, even if they were strong, but they encountered unreasonable monsters such as Kaido. Rao is that they will also begin to show signs of decadence, and they will face Kaido head-on. In the meantime, the wounds kept appearing, and it was already a little difficult to support.

"Bang!! Bang!!"

Kaido punched out, and the terrifying power shook the Behemoth back crazily, his whole body trembling, Kaido then bullied him, ignoring the attacks of several other people, and his fist fell again, knocking him to the ground. on the ground.


The giant beast slammed on the ground, and the terrifying force cracked his scales, blood poured out frantically as if he didn't want money, and he couldn't help but let out a shrill cry.


Tiansheng was extremely furious, roaring, his fists burst into blazing light.

"Multiplier Fruit·Maximum Amplification·Booming Skyquake!!"

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