The atmosphere shook, and the terrifying fist slammed directly at Kaido, and the mighty power was enough to kill the four emperor-level powerhouse with one blow.


The big hand reached out and directly took the terrorist attack that was enough to kill the four emperors, which was extremely shocking.


Tiansheng's face was horrified, and then he only felt a terrifying force coming, the whole person was directly overturned, and smashed heavily on the Behemoth beast.



The terrifying collision sounded, and the two screams also sounded, which made people feel chills.


"Death to me!!"

"damn it!"

The other three kings roared furiously, and slammed into it frantically. The fists were rolling, and the terrifying power made people's expressions change.


"Gravity Field!"

The atmosphere distorted in an instant, and the invisible and terrifying gravity covered the audience, instantly crushing several people to a stagger, and the terrifying attack stopped immediately.

"Bang bang bang..."

The big hand directly grabbed the Behemoth behemoth that Roswaal had transformed into, and swept across it directly. The terrifying force knocked them into blood, and their bodies flew out.

"Boom boom boom!!"

At this moment, Rosval Saint has completely turned into Kaido's weapon, waving it casually, with the terrible power of the sky and the earth, smashing several people to vomit blood.

"Not good! The adults are in danger!!"

Wu Laoxing's face was extremely pale, especially when he saw those cp0s being slapped to death with one palm, he was even more afraid. They were not much stronger than those cp0s.


Just when the kings were on the verge of being in danger, there were several old voices coming, with a powerful force that made Kaido not move at all, and Beamon waved his weapon, smashing the kings to the point of vomiting blood.

"Damn, stop the rays!!"

Several figures in the distance rushed forward on the moon, and the middle-aged man at the front roared angrily, spreading his fingers, and ten bursts of red light shot towards Kaido.


Kaido, who was attacking frantically, suddenly felt an untraceable danger. He frowned suddenly, turned around and threw the Behemoth away in the direction of several people. The terrifying power brought by the speed of sound exceeded the speed of sound. discoloration.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

However, a few bright red rays hit the giant beast, and a shocking thing happened. The giant beast, which was originally released at supersonic speed and enough to smash a lot of houses, actually stopped, and there was no movement in the whole body, even the facial features. A complete stop, like being suspended by time, is astounding!

"This is!!"

Suddenly, Kaido felt a chill, as if a terrifying existence was staring at him. With his extremely exaggerated body, he felt a biting chill, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

"The King?!"

"Or is it the national treasure of the Tianlong people?!".

Chapter [-] The scruples and fears of the twenty kings (second more)

"The King of Heaven? Or is it a national treasure? Or is the national treasure the King of Heaven?"

Kaido's brows furrowed tightly, and his eyes looked into the depths of the red earth continent. In Kaido's perception, what brought him a strong sense of threat was undoubtedly from below.

"Let me see what it is!"

Saying that, the horror of seeing and hearing began to gather in Kaido's eyes, but in an instant the eyes turned scarlet. At this moment, the whole world seemed to slow down dozens of times in front of Kaido, as if all secrets could not escape Kaido's. eyes.

Even if Kaido is willing, he can peep into the future within ten minutes, like the eyes of God, extremely powerful.

"this is?!"

Looking at the red soil continent, the rocks with a thickness of several hundred meters could not block Kaido's eyes at all, and he was passed through the hole in an instant, and then Kaido saw a terrifying existence more than a thousand meters, entrenched there, if A vague sense of threat came from it, making Kaido a little dignified!

"Biological? No, there is no biological breath. Is it a machine? A giant battleship? Or a _giant robot?"

Kaido pondered, even with Kaido's eyes, he couldn't peep the whole picture of the huge figure.

However, Kaido could still vaguely sense that there were two extremely old, rotten figures in the body of the behemoth, as if they were manipulating each other?

"It looks like it should be a machine!"

Kaido pondered, the trump card of the World Government undoubtedly surprised Kaido. First, the old monster who has lived for more than [-] years, and then the behemoth suspected to be the "King of Heaven" who can pose a strong threat to him today. All kinds of trump cards. It all shows how profound the foundation of the world government is.

What makes Kaido puzzled is that if the world government is so powerful, can the so-called One Piece really exist?Although I don't know how strong Roger is, but even if he is dead, he will be at the level of Whitebeard, or even worse, and these five immortals can pick out one of them, and they can rub Roger on the ground. How could the so-called so-called Legend has it that pirates exist!

Are there any restrictions?Only this explanation can make people convincing, otherwise the legend of how the pirates could exist has been swept away.

"Sure enough!"

When Kaido looked at the newly appeared three people, he instantly understood that compared to the first five kings, the newly appeared three people, except for the middle-aged man at the head, exuded a strong vitality, as if they were in their prime. In addition, the other two are old, and the whole body exudes a rotten breath.

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