The doubts in Kaido's heart were finally solved, why did the twenty kings survive?In Kaido's view, it is estimated that he has used the ultimate ability of the legendary surgical fruit, the so-called longevity operation, to become an immortal existence.

The owner of the surgical fruit will die immediately after the longevity operation. Therefore, if the twenty kings want to continue the longevity operation, they can only search for the fruit of the operation from all over the world, and once again cultivate a person capable of longevity. capable of surgery.

This is why, after more than [-] years, only six of the twenty kings have immortality, while the others are all old.

After all, finding the fruit of surgery is not so easy, and even if it is found, it takes a lot of time to cultivate. It is impossible to perform longevity surgery multiple times in a short period of time.

"Kaido, you are so brave, you dare to make a fuss about Mary Joa!"

The middle-aged man at the head looked at Tian Sheng and the others who had been severely injured, his face was extremely gloomy, and he questioned Kaido.

Originally they were hidden under the Red Earth Continent, and they had been watching the battle between Kaido and Tiansheng and others. They thought that no matter how strong Kaido was, it was absolutely impossible to resist the alliance of several kings, but unexpectedly they beat a few people. They retreated steadily, almost killing them.

Therefore, as a last resort, the middle-aged talents who have been maintaining the cessation of the enchantment went out in person, brought in two other old kings, and even let the only two remaining kings control the "King of Heaven", which is the national treasure of the Tianlong people. Kaido intimidates.

"What if it's a riot? Can you stop me with just a few rubbish of you?"

"Or by virtue of the Heavenly King under the Red Earth Continent?"

Kaido's huge body looked down at several people condescendingly, and said contemptuously, his tone didn't care about them at all.

"What's more, the King of Heaven may not be able to use it casually, right? Otherwise, it is impossible for you to talk to me at all, but activate the King of Heaven as soon as possible to suppress me!"

To put it lightly, the faces of several people changed greatly, and their faces became gloomy. Even Tian Sheng and others who had retreated to the middle-aged man also had ugly faces.

Yes, the Heavenly King has already been damaged. After more than [-] years of battle, the Heavenly King has already been seriously damaged, and the inside of his body has been equipped with a self-destruction device by the royal family of the huge kingdom, which cannot be easily used. According to their guess, If the Heavenly King is activated twice, it will completely collapse and go to self-destruction. Therefore, it is impossible for several kings to activate unless they have to. Otherwise, they will lose their greatest reliance on suppressing the world.

0 ask for flowers 0  

In fact, they have not appeared in the past [-] years. Instead, they have cultivated the Five Old Stars behind the scenes as chess pieces to control the world. Of course, they have avoided death. In addition to trying to achieve longevity through the fruit of surgery, they are hindering the king's self-control. Destroyed, and even attempted to repair the damage of the king.

More than [-] years ago, they were the twenty strongest generals in the huge kingdom, and they were also the most trusted subordinates of the huge kingdom. The world government, but it was at that time that the "King of Heaven" was set up by the king with a self-destruction device, which caused the "King of Heaven" to self-destruct all the time, and the twenty kings spent a huge price to slowly stop the "King of Heaven". "The self-destruction, and for [-] years, it has been repairing the "King of Heaven" all the time, trying to restore it to its peak.

In addition, they will not walk out of Mary Joa easily. You must know that they spent a huge price in order to live long, collected countless devil fruits in an attempt to live forever, and finally let them find it. Among them is The longevity surgery of the fruit of surgery.

0 ......................

Of course, only one person can perform the longevity surgery, what about the others?So one of the twenty kings, the middle-aged man in front of him, ate the superhuman-type stop fruit, and was able to emit a light beam that stopped time. The person or object hit by the beam would completely stop time and be slaughtered by others. , of course, the duration is also very short, only a few seconds.

Therefore, after spending a lot of time, middle-aged people develop the fruit of cessation to the level of awakening, and can open the cessation barrier with a length of tens of meters. The time of all creatures in the barrier is stopped. In order to survive, middle-aged people carry out After the longevity surgery, he launched a few chess pieces to control the world government.

The other kings ate other fruits, fell asleep in the stop barrier opened by the middle-aged man, and always observed everything around them through the power of the devil fruit.

Of course, this is the case. In the more than [-] years that the world government has ruled the sea, there have been violent turmoil several times, and ten of the twenty kings have died in battle, and even the "King of Heaven" has been activated once.

Therefore, if it is not necessary, the king headed by the middle-aged will not leave Mary Joa at all. After all, there will always be a few monsters jumping out of the boundless sea. Like other kings.

After all, the older you live, the more afraid of death!

ps: About the settings of the twenty kings, I made up all of them, and there are bugs in them. .

Chapter [-] I want half of the world (third more)

"What if you can't use it easily? What if you have some scruples? Once the King of Heaven is activated, it will be a terrifying weapon that can destroy the world!"

"Even you will be crushed to death in an instant!"

The middle-aged man had a gloomy face, and said in a cold tone, his eyes flashing with murderous intent.

"Oh? It's really interesting!"

The rolling power of devouring began to pour out, and Kaido looked down at them and said tyrannically.

"You can try it! Activate the King!!"

The billowing power of devouring turned into a giant palm and blasted directly at several people. The terrifying power made people pale.

"Damn! Stop the rays!!"

The ten fingers spread out, and the red beam burst out, slamming on the giant palm, trying to stop its time, but what makes people change color is that the red beam is like falling "Six Three Three" into the abyss. Directly swallow clean.


The middle-aged man changed color in shock, took a step in an instant, and punched the giant palm with a punch, and several people next to him also shot at the same time and joined forces to resist the swallowing palm.


The sky collapsed, the terrifying power shattered a large area of ​​the ground, and the powerful aftermath shook the entire Mary Joa.

"Bang bang bang..."

The terrifying power came, which shook several people back a few steps, and their faces were extremely red.

"It seems that you are not as powerful as you say!"

The billowing black air kept pouring out, Kaido looked down at them, said indifferently, but did not pursue them further, after all, there were still two kings that did not appear, and it was very likely that they were controlling the "King of Heaven", trying to give him a fatal blow. hit.

Only the "King of Heaven" who made him feel threatened can make Kaido pay attention, and the rest are trash that can be swept away.


The middle-aged man suffocated, and was extremely angry in his heart. He wanted to attack, but he also had a strong fear and did not dare to go all out.

Kaido's strength is too terrifying, surpassing all the powerhouses he has encountered. If they really fight recklessly, they will not be Kaido's opponents. Even if the "King of Heaven" is activated and the power of the King of Heaven is forcibly used, Kaido will be defeated. Kill them, but they may also be pulled away, which is not what they want to see.

The older they are, the more they are afraid of death, which is most vividly reflected in them.

"Kaido, let's make a deal!"

At this moment, Tian Sheng stood up and looked at Kaido and said in a deep voice.

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