That is the strongest monster that can defeat the naval headquarters, and even the world government is helpless. How can the mere fishman island dare to reject Kaido?Not to mention a few mermaids, even if Kaido wants the entire Dragon Palace Kingdom to surrender, Neptune is not unacceptable.

Neptune knew very well that although Kaido didn't appear to be domineering, once Kaido really wanted something, Fishman Island couldn't resist at all, otherwise it would definitely bring destruction.

"Oh, really?"

Kaido looked at Nepton playfully, and said in a playful tone.

"At that time, the king should not refuse!"

The deep meaning in the tone made Nipton tremble in his heart, and he felt a little uneasy, but he didn't say anything. Instead, he enthusiastically welcomed Kaido and the others into the Dragon Palace Kingdom. .

Chapter [-] I want a white star (third more)

Dragon Palace Kingdom.

Kaido did not reject Neptune's warm invitation. After all, Kaido's purpose was originally to come for Shiro. Although he also had the idea of ​​receiving a few beautiful mermaids, Shiro, one of the ancient weapons, Neptune Po Saidon is Kaido's main goal.

Although the current Bai Xing has just been born and is only over a year old, this is in line with Kaido's wishes. After all, only by training from childhood to adulthood can Bai Xing serve him wholeheartedly~.

In the luxurious palace, Kaido and his group were scattered around the tables full of exquisite desserts.

I have to say that the dim sum of Fishman Island is really delicious. It is no wonder that BIG-MOM in the original book is so obsessed with it that he even forces Fishman Island to pay a lot of snacks every month.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the blessing of Whitebeard on Fishman Island, it would have been forced by BIG-MOM long ago.

"Is this the palace of the Dragon Palace Kingdom? It's really beautiful!"

At the dining table, Robin glanced at the palace with some cleverness and weirdness. It was completely different from the scenery of the land palace with the sea style, which made Robin extremely surprised.

"Hmph, be so-so!"

He picked up a snack gracefully, and Hancock bit it in small bites. Hearing Robin's exclamation, Hancock snorted and didn't care.

That delicate and perfect face, inadvertently exuding charm, makes the three Shark brothers and many guards who are always watching Hancock infatuated, almost completely indulging in Hancock's beauty, that is, talking to Kaido Nepton, who is still in the middle, occasionally turned his gaze to Hancock, his eyes full of amazement.

If Hancock uses Sweet Fruits now, they can be petrified directly in an instant.

"Hmph, disgusting look!"

With a cold snort of disdain, Hancock said with some disgust. Those undisguised words made the men present come back to their senses, and they turned their eyes a little embarrassedly.

For Hancock, who was once kidnapped and almost sold as a slave, although he didn't hate all men as crazy as in the original book, he also looked down on all men except Kaido. If Kaido and others were still guests here, Hancock had already petrified them all.

"Lord Kaido, how long do you plan to stay in Fishman Island? The Dragon Palace Kingdom will send someone to settle the Lord!"

"If Lord Kaido looks at those mermaids, I, the Dragon Palace Kingdom, can also serve them with both hands!"

When the banquet was drawing to a close, Neptune asked with a big laugh. He didn't believe Kaido's visit to Fishman Island was just for fun.

Of course, Neptune wouldn't be stupid enough to ask directly. No matter what purpose Kaido has, it's not something he should manage as a king, and it's not something he can manage. Saying it directly will only annoy Kaido. Not worth the loss.

"Yes, if Lord Kaida really likes mermaids, Yiji also has some mermaid maids. You can give a few to Lord Kaida. I just hope Lord Kaida can treat them well!"

On the side, Princess Otohime, who toasted Kaido with Nepton, raised her glass and said with a smile.

Although he is committed to coexisting peacefully with human beings and trying to reach an agreement with the world government to relocate Fishman Island to the land to live in peace with human beings, Otohime does not like Kaido and others who are completely opposed to the world government, and has repeatedly killed the highest navy A mighty pirate.

But knowing that Kaido's strength is beyond the fish-man island's resistance, Princess Otohi didn't say anything stupid, and even said something that could give Kaido the mermaid maid.

"I really have a purpose in coming to Fishman Island!" Putting down the wine glass in his hand, Kaido's face was calm and he didn't beat around the bush.

Kaido is always a person who hates trouble, even if Nepton doesn't speak, Kaido will speak directly after the banquet.

"Oh, I don't know what happened to Lord Kaido? If there is any help from the Dragon Palace Kingdom, please feel free to speak."

Putting down the wine glass, Nepton said solemnly, even Shaoxing, Otoji and others also put down the wine glass and looked at Kaido with a solemn expression.

If he can really help Kaido, Nepton doesn't mind using all the power of the Dragon Palace Kingdom. After all, Kaido is the strongest monster in the world. If he can have a good relationship with Kaido, or even get the blessing of Kaido, The Fishman Island is no longer afraid of the threat of slave hunters.

Whether it is the pirates passing by, or the slave hunters who are eyeing the murlocs and mermaids, they will not dare to have the slightest idea of ​​​​doing the murlocs. This is Kaido's deterrent power, the world's strongest monster.

The name alone is enough to deter countless pirates and bless one party's forces.

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"Oh! Then I'm welcome!"

Under the serious expressions of Neptune and the others, Kaido raised a smile and said softly,

"I don't remember that you still have a daughter? It seems to be called Bai Xing!"

Kaido didn't say it directly, but instead asked about Bai Xing, which immediately made Nepton a little suspicious, especially Nepton, who had a faint cold sweat on his forehead, and said bitingly.

"Yes, I do have a daughter who is over one year old, but she is too young to let her come out to see Lord Kaida. Please forgive me here."

Neptune didn't hide Kaido's thoughts. He wasn't that stupid. After all, he had a young daughter. It can be said that everyone knows about it. Almost every fishman in the whole fishman island knows it and cannot hide it at all.


"Well, over a year old! Then I want her!"

Kaido said lightly, but his tone was not easy to question, and the atmosphere immediately froze. Nepton and others changed their faces, and the wine glass in their hands fell directly to the ground.

"Clap, clap..."

With the sound of the wine glass shattering, Nepton's face was extremely ugly, suppressing the anger in his heart, and said to Kaido.

"Lord Kaido, the little girl is just over a year old. If Lord Kaida really likes mermaids, the mermaid in my Dragon Palace Kingdom and even the fish-man island can be taken by Lord Kaida. I just hope Lord Kaida will let the little girl go, she It's too small!"

The voice said with a pleading voice, even Otoji and others looked at Kaido nervously. As early as when he saw the woman beside Kaido, Nipton had already understood Kaido's romantic nature, but he didn't expect the other party to be like this. Hungry and thirsty, even those over a year old are not spared! !

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