However, Nepton didn't dare to attack. After all, Kaido's strength was enough to destroy Fishman Island more than ten times. Nepton didn't dare to joke about the survival of Fishman Island.

"Sweep brush brush!!"

Immediately, all eyes on the scene were focused on Kaido, especially the eyes of the girls were full of contempt, even Jack and the others had strange eyes.


Kaido was speechless, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. To be honest, Kaido really wanted to slap Neptune to death. He was like the kind of person who was so thirsty that he wouldn't let go even if he was over a year old? .

Chapter [-]: Sea King Poseidon, the panicked Charlie (fourth more)

"It only appears once every few hundred years. The mermaid princess who has the ability to communicate with the sea king, and the sea king Poseidon, known as one of the three ancient weapons, has the power to destroy the world!" Kaido was not angry, but faintly 's opening explained.

"If I guessed correctly, this year's Poseidon is your daughter, Bai Xing!"

Saying that, Kaido looked at Neptune with a playful look, causing his face to change drastically.


Neptune, Yiji, Shaoxing, and the others were already extremely pale, and they swallowed nervously, and they broke out in cold sweat.

Neptune, in particular, looked at Kaido in horror. He didn't know why he knew about this. You must know that it was only three months before he confirmed that Bai Xing was Neptune Poseidon, and Kaido was. How did you know?

"Sea King Poseidon!!!"

"Nine Five Zero" Olvia, who was sitting on the table not far away, changed her face greatly, she almost threw the food in her hand and flew out. She knew very well how terrifying ancient weapons were.

Of the three ancient weapons, any one has the power to destroy the world. Although there are exaggerated elements, each of them is a weapon that is extremely terrifying, and it is definitely not a human power to contend with.

Especially in this world where more than [-]% of the area is sea water, the power of the sea king Poseidon's command is so terrifying that it can easily destroy the island. You must know that in the deepest part of the sea, it has a volume More than several thousand meters, even tens of thousands of meters of super-giant sea kings.

This level of sea kings can easily overturn an island when they come out. Just by swimming, they can set off a super tsunami that exceeds hundreds of meters. It is a terrorist force that cannot be countered by human power and is enough to threaten the rule of the world government. .

Just like the original O'Hara, the reason why it was destroyed was not only because it touched the bottom line of the world government, but also because of ancient weapons.

Therefore, when she heard that this mermaid princess was the sea king, Olvia was so shocked, even other people such as Jack, also widened their eyes and were extremely shocked.Although they don't know how terrifying ancient weapons are, just knowing that they can destroy the world is an exaggeration.

"Master Kaido, you are joking, how could Shirahoshi be Aquaman! Your information must be wrong!"

Nepton was sweating coldly on his forehead, and his heart was extremely flustered, but he pretended to be calm and said, as early as when the white star was born, when many large sea kings were attracted, Nepton was already suspicious, and then waited until the white star gradually grew. When she was big, and when she attracted the sea kings many times, Nepton already knew the identity of his daughter.

It is the legendary Sea King Poseidon who can destroy the world!

Of course, although he knew that his daughter was the legendary sea king, Neptune did not have the idea of ​​​​training her into a top powerhouse. Instead, in order not to let his daughter bear such a cruel fate, he locked her in the depths of the palace. inside the hard shells to prevent their identity from being discovered.

In this regard, Kaido said hehe, if there is no power in his hands that is enough to shock everything, how can the murlocs live in peace with humans?With love?

Only real power, a power that is enough to shock everything, can achieve peaceful coexistence, and Neptune's stupid approach, in Kaido's view, is extremely stupid.

"You don't have to deny it. The reason why I say this is that I have absolute certainty!"

"How, I want to take Shiro Xing, do you agree?"

After speaking, Kaido calmly looked at the panicked Neptune, waiting for his decision.

"I didn't expect that Lord Kaido was so well-informed that he actually knew Bai Xing's identity..." Nipton's face was a little stiff, but he didn't know what to say.

reject?As the king of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, Neptune ruled the entire Fishman Island, and he didn't dare to take the lives of tens of thousands of fishmen on the Fishman Island to bet on Kaido's decision.

As for promises?Bai Xing is his daughter, a daughter who has only been born for more than a year. If he is taken away by Kaido like this and cultivated into a weapon of destruction by Kaido, how can he bear it.

Neptune doesn't believe that Kaido took Shirahoshi, just because she is a mermaid princess, definitely because of her identity as an ancient weapon.

"Master Kaido, Bai Xing is still young, just over a year old, please let her go, sir?"

Princess Yiji's face was pale, and she said in a panic.

"Have you decided? Neptune!"

Ignoring Otohime, Kaido stared straight at Neptune with an indifferent expression.

"Master Kaido, even if I lose the entire Dragon Palace Kingdom, I, Neptune, will never give my daughter to you!"

Taking a deep breath, Nepton looked directly at Kaido and said word by word, his face extremely firm...

"Oh, really?"

Kaido looked at Nepton playfully and said jokingly. "If you add the whole fishman island, what about the lives of tens of thousands of fishmen?"


Nipton and the others' faces changed greatly, and they lost their voices.


Fishman Street, a certain room.


The door was suddenly knocked open, and a mermaid girl with short black hair, cool blue eyes, extremely pale skin and a shark tail swam out in a hurry, holding a strange crystal ball in her hand, looking extremely anxious.

"No, no, Fishman Island is in danger!"

The girl's face was extremely pale. Her name was Xia Li. She had the ability to predict the future with [-]% accuracy. When she was four years old, she had predicted the arrival of the era of the great pirates.

Therefore, it is respected by many residents of Fishman Island.

She quickly swam through the streets, and Xia Li hurried towards the palace, panicking and fearful in her heart.

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