Just now, she had foreseen two futures, one is a very terrifying future that will bring nightmares to the fish-man island, and the other is that the fish-man island, with the help of a huge mermaid princess, will live in peace with humans bright future.

Although Xia Li didn't know what was going on, Xia Li shuddered when she saw that the terrifying future gradually overwhelmed the bright future.

Charlie did not doubt the authenticity of the prediction, because her prediction was [-]% and never went wrong.

"Miss Charlie?"

"Why is she so flustered?!"

"Looking at her direction, it seems to be the Dragon Palace, what's the urgency?!"

Along the way, a group of murlocs looked curiously at the panicked Xia Li, and whispered in surprise that Xia Li was still very respected on Fish-Man Island because of foreknowledge, but she was still young compared to ten years later. She has not been called Mrs.

Therefore, many murlocs were extremely surprised that Xia Li, who had always been calm and calm, showed such a panicked appearance.


At this moment, a steady voice came. .

Chapter [-]: Neptune's choice, the terrible Kaido (fifth more)

"Charlie, what's wrong with you? You look flustered!"

As the voice sounded, a shark-shaped murloc came over with a group of strange-looking murloc guards.

"Boss Jinping!!"

Seeing the person coming, Xia Li's face was full of joy, she hurriedly greeted her, and said anxiously.

"Come on, take me to see King Neptune, I foretold the danger of extinction on Fishman Island!"

"Soon, Fishman Island will usher in an unprecedented crisis!"

Because of the extremely fast swimming, the face that looked even paler, with a strong panic, suddenly changed Jinping's face.

"What did you say? What's going on?"

At this time, he has not yet become Shichibukai, and he has not formed the Sun Pirates with the murloc hero, Fisher Tiger, who is still one of the palace guards.

"Hey, Miss Charlie, you're not joking!"

"That's right, why is there a crisis on Fishman Island for no reason!"

On the side, the murloc guards patrolling with Jinpei said in surprise, although they trusted Charlie's divination, the fact that there would be a huge crisis in Fishman Island 12 was still a little difficult for them to accept.

"It's too late to explain, I can only say that it is most likely the adult who came to Fishman Island this morning!"

Charlie panted, her eyes filled with fear and panic.

"I saw a monster ravaging the fish-man island, saw thousands of fish-men smashed by him, saw the beautiful fish-man island completely turned into purgatory on earth, and saw..."

Saying that, Xia Li seemed to be thinking of something, her pale face suddenly became flushed, her face was extremely shy for a while, some didn't know how to say it, and she couldn't say that she saw herself and many beautiful mermaids being taken by that adult. Destroy it!


"That lord!!!"

The hand holding the weapon trembled, almost throwing the weapon away, Jinping lost his voice in horror, not noticing Charlie's pause and shyness for a while.

"What kind of hatred does that adult have with me on Murloc Island, and you want to destroy Murloc Island?!!"

His tone was full of horror, but Jinping knew how terrifying that adult was. .

The earth-shattering battle even spread to the sea area below a kilometer, and even the city of Pushing, which first fell, was even affected by the underwater fish-man island, causing a slight shake.

You must know that it is a [-]-meter seabed, and it can penetrate the [-]-meter sea area and directly shake the fish-man island. The power can be imagined.

"It's the lord from the morning, he wants to destroy Fishman Island!!"

"how is this possible!!"

"Miss Charlie, can you see what's going on?"

The faces of the other murloc guards suddenly turned pale, and they asked a little overwhelmed, if it was really that adult, the murloc island would really be destroyed!

"It's not very clear here, it should be a dispute with King Neptune!"

Shaking her head, Xia Li said helplessly. After all, her predictions are not omnipotent. She can only see the results roughly.

"Boss Jinbei, the most important thing now is to find them and prevent further conflict!"

Charlie raised the crystal ball in her hand, and it could be seen that the transparent and bright crystal ball was gradually covered with blood, which seemed to herald the end of Fishman Island.

"Okay! I'll take you to see King Neptune and the others right now!"

Saying that, Jinbei hurriedly took Xia Li to the depths of the palace.


"Are you kidding me!"

Nipton was dripping with cold sweat, swallowed with difficulty, and said with dry lips.

"This is about the Dragon Palace Kingdom and you, and Fishman Island should not be involved!"

Although Kaido's madness and brutality were already known from Kaido's previous behavior, Nepton still underestimated Kaido's cold-blooded and ruthless, and he would destroy the entire murloc just because of his refusal. island.

Thinking of this, Nipton's originally firm heart was shaken instantly. Even if he loves his daughter again, he is also the king of Fishman Island, and he can't make up for the entire Fishman Island for his daughter.

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