"Lord Kaido, please, please don't do this!"

Princess Otohime, who was at the table next to her, hurriedly stood up, knelt down quickly, and begged Kaido.

"That's nearly [-] lives, please show mercy!"

"Mother mother!!"

The faces of the three Shark Stars changed greatly, and they glared at Kaido, almost rushing up to fight Kaido.


The terrifying murderous aura came suddenly, and there were more than [-] terrifying murderous auras that enveloped the entire hall, making Shark Star, Nepton and the others pale, and involuntarily looked over, it was zero, sister, Earl Red and others. .

"I advise you to think about it seriously, Lord Kaido's proposal!"

He ate the delicious snacks in his mouth, and without raising his head, he said lightly, as if he didn't care about them at all, but only the top powerhouses like Red Earl and Jack can feel the momentum that zero exudes. of terror.

That is a power that even the Red Earl must treat with dignity!

Even the kind-hearted women like Olvia and Robin couldn't bear it, but they knew that they couldn't change Kaido's mind, and they didn't plan to ask for mercy.

What's more, it is about ancient weapons. Even if 920 trusts Kaido very much, but they know Kaido's ambition, they know that if there is the help of ancient weapons, it will be of great help in ruling the world.

"What do you think? Neptune!"

He drank the wine from the wine glass, Kaido looked at Neptune playfully.

"Do you think I'm joking?"

Neptune's face was extremely pale, and his tall and strong body was shaking. He didn't dare to bet on whether Kaido would destroy Fishman Island.

However, just handing over his daughter to someone else, Neptune couldn't do the same.


Gritting his teeth, Nepton's expression was extremely painful, and some did not know how to choose.

Kaido doesn't care about this, he is waiting for Nepton's choice. If Nepton really rejects him, Kaido will really destroy the fish-man island and destroy all the fish-men on the island.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, this is a complete loss of humanity, but so what?

For a title, Kaido can destroy the fortress with tens of thousands of soldiers and horses without blinking an eye. Now, for a mermaid, what does it mean to destroy the fishman island?

From the beginning, Kaido had no idea of ​​being the protagonist of justice.

He was born evil, from beginning to end, there is no way to change, everything he does is according to his own heart!

ps: The five shifts are over, and the daily shift is [-] words (proud).

Chapter [-]: Compromised Nepton, Pack and Take the Mermaid (First)

"His Majesty!!"

At this moment, an awe-inspiring voice came, and then two figures walked straight in, shocking the dignified atmosphere of the hall and immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Jinpei? Charlie? What are you doing here!"

Seeing the person coming, King Neptune frowned and said with some displeasure.

Although Neptune is usually very easy-going, it does not mean that very equal people can break into the hall at will, especially when Kaido and others are present.

"Your Majesty, please forgive me!"

Jinbei looked at Princess Otoji who was kneeling on the ground and begging Kaido in shock. He was extremely frightened, but he didn't dare to attack, just because when he first came in, there were dozens of terrifying auras that locked onto him. If he did anything, he would probably be torn to shreds. Therefore, Jinbei gritted his teeth, ignored Princess Otohime, and asked Nipton to apologize.

"But it is the safety of Guan Yuren Island, so I have to offend Your Majesty!"

The tall body knelt down on one knee, and Jinbei said respectfully.

"Safety? What danger is there on Fishman Island?"

Nipton glanced at Kaido subconsciously, and asked helplessly, he had already vaguely guessed what Jinpei meant, and his heart trembled.

"Your Majesty Neptune, please agree to Lord Kaido's request, otherwise..."

Before Jinpei could speak, Charlie hurriedly stepped forward and said to Neptune in a panic.

"Otherwise, Fishman Island will perish!"

As soon as Xia Li's words fell, Nepton and the others turned pale, especially Princess Eji, who was shaky and almost fainted.

They naturally knew Xia Li's ability to predict, it was as high as [-]%, and she had never made a mistake, and they had no doubts about what Xia Li said.

Now that Charlie said so, Neptune completely understood that once he rejected Kaido, I am afraid that Fishman Island would immediately usher in a disaster.

"Master Kaido!"

Gritting his teeth tightly, his powerful big hands gripped the table tightly, Neptune's body was tense, and after a long time, he relaxed, let out a deep breath, and said decadently.

"I promised you, I will give you the white star~々!"

As soon as the words fell, Princess Yiji screamed and fainted, making Nepton and the others' faces change.

"Eiji, what's wrong with you!!"

"Mother, what's wrong with you? Wake up!!"

Shaoxing and the others shouted anxiously, and hurriedly stepped forward to check the condition of Princess Otoji.

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