They are the mermaids such as Isili, Merlo, Sheila Mela, Sera, and the powerful and glamorous Charlie standing aside, it can be said that the mermaid cafe in the original book was packaged together by Kaido. It was taken.

"Be quiet!"

Xia Li clapped her hands and said with some dignity, and suddenly stopped a group of chattering mermaids and looked at Xia Li in awe.

In Fishman Island, especially the common people, Charlie's prestige is still very high, at least it can deter some little girls.

"From now on, you are the servants of Lord Kaido. You will leave Fishman Island with me and go to the new world!"

Staring at them with blue eyes, Charlie whispered, raised her hand and lit her pipe, the faint smell of tobacco permeated.

"Hey! Become Lord Kaido's maid?"

"Really? Ordinary mermaids like us are really qualified to serve Lord Kaido?"

"It's amazing, I thought I'd never be able to touch Lord Kaido for the rest of my life!"

Several beautiful mermaids were not surprised but cheered, and they cheered one after another, and their beautiful faces were full of joyful blushes.

The strong are always welcome, especially the beautiful mermaid who is inherently insecure and always worried about her own safety.

To be able to follow Kaido, a monster among monsters that can't even do anything to the world government, is the honor of their group of ordinary mermaids, not to mention that they can go to the land they yearn for by following Kaido.

As for safety?They don't think following Kaido's side will put them in danger, as for Kaido himself?If he really wanted to take action against them, they wouldn't be able to resist at all, so how could they be safe?

Besides, even the famous Miss Charlie has become (bcbe) Kaido's maid, so they have nothing to worry about.

"Okay, what's your name!"

Walking forward, Kaido looked at a few beautiful mermaids, and said with a light smile, without the slightest ferocity, he seemed very approachable.

This is also one of Kaido's advantages. For cute and beautiful girls, he will be gentle and not too rude. Of course, sometimes it is necessary to be tough.

"Wow, Lord Kaido is so gentle!"

"That is, the newspapers published by the Navy are completely nonsense. How could Lord Kaido be so gentle, how could he do such a thing."

"It's a complete slander!"

Seeing Kaido approaching, I was still a little nervous, for fear of angering Kaido, who was rumored to be extremely ferocious and kills without blinking an eye, but he didn't expect Kaido to be so approachable and not cruel at all, and they all said in surprise.

The words that were so brilliant that day made the corners of Xia Li's mouth twitch, and she couldn't help but want to complain.

Gentle and kind?Can this describe Kaido?Do you know that Fishman Island is about to be destroyed by this gentle and kind guy in front of you!

It's you, who has also been grassed into r (flying) b (road) q!How gentle is this ghost guy!

Charlie, who was madly complaining in her heart, still kept a smiling smile on her face, looking at Isili and the others calmly, until Kaido glanced at her inadvertently, and that meaningful look made her subconsciously tremble, her face a little uncomfortable. nature.

"My name is Isili, please give more advice from Lord Kaido!"

With double ponytails and three spots on each side of her face, but it did not detract from her beauty in the slightest, the extremely hot mermaid was the first to introduce.

A warm smile on her beautiful face, coupled with that hot body, is really pleasing to the eye.

"Issily? Nice name!"

With a chuckle, Kaido said softly, with a smile that was as refreshing as a spring breeze, and almost made the eyes of Xia Li, who had been observing here, fall out. It's hard to imagine that the cruel and domineering guy is also gentle. one side.

"My name is Melo!"

With the beginning of Isili, a gentle and pleasant mermaid with light blue long hair said, with a soft and moving tone.

"My name is Sheila Mela!"

"My name is Sierra!"

With straight bangs, long pink wavy hair and yellow fishtail, the beautiful and beautiful Sheila Mela, as well as the young and beautiful Sera, who is tied with a brown ponytail and wears conch earphones, is full of wild beauty, also said coquettishly. .

Four beautiful mermaids with different looks, hot bodies and exotic flavors gave Kaido a new feeling.

"Very good, just obey Charlie's orders and serve me!"

With a gentle smile, Kaido said.

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"


The beautiful time always passed quickly. After spending a few days with zero, 2b, Hancock and other women and a few mermaid maids in the fishman island, after thoroughly enjoying the prosperity of the fishman island, Kaido finally decided to left.

After all, it has been almost a month since the battle in the waters of the Chambord Islands. In order not to make the pirates of the new world wait too long, Kaido decided to go to the new world.

At the harbor of Fishman Island, dozens of pirate ships are going out from afar. The "Jing's Landing" headed by them is like a king, quietly displayed at the front, overlooking everything in the world.

At this time, Kaido and his party were standing on the "King's Landing", while Zero was holding a sleeping giant baby that was over one meter tall. She had pink hair and a tail, although she was only one year old. There are many, but she already looks quite cute. It is Nepton's daughter, this time's Neptune Poseidon - White Star.

"Also please Lord Kaido, please treat the little girl kindly!"

Nepton stood aside, looking at Shi Xing with some sadness, and said to Kaido, as for Otsuki, in order not to make her sad, Nepton did not let her come over.

"You don't need to say this, and I won't treat her badly!"

Looking at Neptune, Kaido said calmly.

"Then, I'll leave it to you, Lord Kaido!"

Gritting his teeth, Nepton didn't hesitate and turned to leave.

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